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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Mobbsie, You are to late……... Andy and Jim. I hate to disappoint you but I hear of those things…. It's about Arthur Dent who's lying in the front of his house to avoid demolition. And a guy Ford lives on a planet that called Betelgues. Zaphod is the president of the Galaxy
  2. Popeye, Congrats on your promotion. Now you can have dinner with me at the Captain's table Augie, what is a wetdown party??????
  3. Thank you all guy's. Now Anja have to say SIR to me Jim, Please no worries. Just what i told Andy, when you crossed a line I let you know! About the pictures is a thing that I have started it. It's just like a boomerang…..it comes back But thanks anyway. I'll try to be myself and we are here under friends. I didn't know I had so many friends. So i say it again……..love you guy's! I can not say that to the girls otherwise I have a fight with all there hubbie's ( strange word ) Or shall I say it??????? no, I don't do that
  4. Popeye, Correct me if I'm wrong but you are finished with those 2 beauty's????? BTW love your whipers…..
  5. Augie, Speaks for your self……. Frank, don't listen to that man and send some pictures…….
  6. So Augie, You have enjoy the view of Captain the hole day? I'm finished with work and yesssss, I'm the weekend off duty So building time! I have to wait for 3 hole days for pictures????
  7. Good morning my friend! I hope you sleep well? I save for you my 1000 post Now I know for sure that you have to salute me again! Have a wonderful day and enjoy!
  8. Hi Sherry, Now I'm sitting here with a smile on my face
  9. Morning Robbyn, Thanks…..it make me feel good when I can put a smile on someones face This is the first time that I'am a daily routine……. Maybe that's why i always have fun on the bus. When the passenger is coming in with a long face, a little joke and his\her day is good and so do mine! But I have to say it………first I need a cup of coffee in the morning ,otherwise I'm not in a good mood!
  10. Happy Birthday Per, Have a great day and I hope to see you soon make some sawdust….
  11. Mobbsie, I'm glad that you listen to me But you have found the high gear! You want to finished her before Anja and myself are visiting you????
  12. Hi Adrieke, On monday I want to see pictures of the beginning of the Corch Fork…...
  13. No Andy, You haven't. For me it was also a joke….maybe a wrong one because I just came out of my bed when I'm writing that. When I read all of the stuff you have post on my I-Phone when I was at work last night, my passengers are looking strange at me, because I was laughing in myself. When you crossed a line, no worries, I tell you that!
  14. Then a little PS from me…... Because I have to work for a living and not have the free time as just some other builders here on the forum, my time is little to work on the Mirage. I also have a wife that needs attention ( now and then ) Then I also have to arrange things for a guy who named Mobbsie. And of course, I have to read and answer things on a forum that called MSW! When I'm doing this, I'm not at the shipyard. I wish you all a pleasant building time and let those pictures coming!
  15. Very nice Derek, I'm almost at that stage but I try to avoid it Not for long anymore I think. Maybe I'm starting this weekend with it
  16. Morning Gil, Can I borrow you ratlines? There are some people that want to see it finished at my Mirage. And they are looking great! Also the serie of pictures. I know for sure that I come to pick up some ideas when I'm on that stage….
  17. Good Morning, I'm just awake and all ready to the popcorn? I don't think so….. So Adrieke, just re-decorate your shipyard and start with laying the keel…...
  18. You are very helpful guy's……. Maybe I skip that part
  19. Hi Jim, It's difficult to see if a question is answered but yes/no . A few more things to do and then I go to the rigging….. Congrats with your permit. That is gonna take a while before you have that. Now you make some other sawdust. Good luck with it. And don't stay away to long from your shipyard.
  20. Hi Bill, I was following you on MSW1 and in the back ground I follow you again. When I see that dentist drill I almost got pain in my mouth Amazing job you are doing! I will follow you further in silence.
  21. Adrieke, Just give the TV a place where he deserve it…….the storage room... Make a few shelfs where you can put your vessels on and voila..space! Be a man and do it and start with the Gorch Fork!
  22. Hi Adrieke and Keith, @ Adrieke, I have still the San Ildefonso when I have enough of tying knots…... These are not the first ratlines that I make so I like it a little bit @ Keith, Thanks, I think you have to visit from time to time to see what's happened. I know for sure ( but I hope not) that is goes wrong once with the bowsprit. Even when the rigging is done it could happened. That's part of building. But I'll do my best to avoid that!
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