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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. I understand what you are saying Robbyn and there could be a problem after the ratlines have been completed. If the shrouds are not fixed and the ratlines are tied you could when tightening the shrouds pull the ratlines out of alignment, so instead of getting nice neat rows of ratlines they could look like a mountain range, all up and down. I think what Sailer1234567890 is saying is that if the ratlines are tied with the correct tension across the shroud ropes they should have a slight downward curve in them, so that they will not or at least should not pull the shrouds out of alignment. Ratlines when tied should not pull the masts out of alignment but incorrect tension on the shroud lines will, there lies another problem because I think that temperature and humidity also have an effect on the shrouds plus of course any stretch in the ropes used. Any stretch in the rope should be removed before tying the shrouds, this I think is where I went wrong, I got the tension wrong and did not remove the stretch on the portside, when I tied the starboard side I took the stretch out of the rope but failed to do the same on the portside and so at some stage the mast was pulled over to the starboard side and I hadn't noticed until much later. In brief, secure the shroud ropes before you do the ratlines. Hope that helps to answer your question and I apologize for the long winded explanation, if I have it wrong I'm sure somebody else can put me right. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Andy, I'll swap you truss's for ratlines mate. Your doing a superb job mate, keep it up. Be Good & Stay Warm mobbsie
  3. Hi Buddy, That looks really smart mate, the mast cleats are perfect as are the shroud cleats, I should imagine they were a bit of a pig to fit weren't they. All in all you have a great job of these little pesky bits, well done, be proud mate. Don't mention the cricket. Be Good & Stay Cool mobbsie
  4. Hi Grant, Would you mind sending him back over here mate, I'm in need of him. I hope he did his bit and took one oar at least, cant have him slacking. Just a quick verbal update, all the shrouds and deadeyes are now fixed, you could play a tune on the shrouds they are that tight and I've now started on the ratlines, 4 rows completed so far. I will post some pics very soon, I do have some in the bank at the moment, it will be a good test to see if I've done things right, with Lawrence and Marks help I should have deleted IE11 and blocked further Microsoft updates, here's hoping. :) Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Robbyn I like your thinking, I would love to meet that better modeller that's lurking within me somewhere, at the moment it's mission impossible. :D Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Eamonn Thanks for the good words mate. Go for it, you take as much satisfaction as you need, you can find that in bucket loads here, only to pleased to help a fellow builder. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Guys Thank you all very much for your very kind comments and remarks and for everyone who pressed the like button, I really do appreciate it, THANKS. B.E. I hadn't thought about, but I think I will, it will give me something to do whilst waiting for the stretch to come out on the portside main shrouds. As if I couldn't find something to do. Unfortunately it wont just be the dummy guns but all of them, I did toy with the idea of putting muzzle plugs on when I first started but for some reason forgot all about it, maybe next time. So for now it's out with the black paint and a very fine brush and try to steady a very shaky hand. A quick update while I'm on, as I posted earlier the main shrouds, futtock staves and futtock shrouds have been done so I started with the starboard side ratlines, on completion I noticed the main mast had been pulled out of alignment and was leaning to starboard, I don't know if the ratlines would have had anything to do with it so it was a case of tightening up the portside lanyards, not so easy when they have already been tied off. Lanyards removed new ones fitted and of we go, not so fast, on tightening the lanyards the deadeyes ended up touching and so the deadeyes on the shrouds had to be removed and the shroud shortened, this has now been done and the lanyards refitted but not tied off. It bugs me to think that I'm still making stupid mistakes when I should know better. :angry: I'll have an update with pictures when I have completed the port ratlines, that'll be in about a week I hope. I'm not as quick as "you know who". Be Good mobbsie
  8. G'day Mate, Where do I start, firstly let me congratulate you on your new shroud cleats, they are so much better than the old ones, well done mate. Now, you only have a short trip around the buoys and you can do that in a row boat, is it possible to just turn the horns on the mast cleats down a little, I know they are tiny and they are good but I think you can improve them, by turning the ends down you will give them a better shape and the rope will not slip off. :mellow: This is just my humble opinion mate, you are onto a winner whichever you choose. Be Good and Stay Cool mobbsie
  9. I cant believe what I'm seeing here Matti, that's fantastic, very well done. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Mate, Thanks for that, hope I haven't caused you too much aggro. :( Good luck when you attach them to the shrouds, that's going to be some fiddly work, I still have that pleasure to come. I'm having to redo the deadeyes on the main shrouds, didn't take into account the rope stretch, that's a real pain in the **** I can tell you. :( That should make you feel a bit better. :) Be Good and Stay Cool mobbsie
  11. Hi Grant, I like what you are doing here mate and your process is well thought out and executed, however I think that the Anvil is a little thick. I feel they could be reduced a little from the underside which would add a little more shape to the horns. It may just be angle of the photos I don't know and the real test will be when you attach them to the ropes. The Caldercraft cleats attach to the ropes over the top of the anvil, will yours attach the same way or do you intend to attach around the base of the cleat. I hope you don't mind me mentioning this mate. Be Goodie mobbsie Sent from my IPhone
  12. I'm sure you'll be able to sort something out with all the toys at your disposal my friend ( very green eyed ) Good idea to have a backup plan but I feel confident you wont need it. Bummer about having to go back to work mate, but hey, just think, you could be like me mate RETIRED. Be Good mobbsie
  13. That's got to hurt Ray, that's a major refit your tackling there. I wish you the best of luck with it mate, I'm sure all will come good in the end given your high degree of skill and determination. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Your making great progress John, I love the detailing and the chain work on the Bowsprit is very impressive. I am looking forward to further updates mate. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Mate, I still think you should mirror either side of the King Plank, just as we spoke about last night, and just try a few treenails right up forward where they wont be seen, just a trial. What you have done looks very good and you should be pleased. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Yes they did, 40 of them, the moulding is absolutely rubbish and a lot of work is needed to make them right. Here are some pics mate, I hope they are clear enough for you to see the sizes Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Grant, This may be no use to at all as it's for the Agamemnon but it may also help a little. Were talking Trucks here and I will let you have it as per my instruction book. Halyards:- Fore, Main and Mizzen. A truck is to be tied to the aftermost Topmast Standing Backstays for the Topsail tyes to thread through. Paint black and tie the trucks to both sides of the Fore and Main Backstays and only Starboard side Backstays on the Mizzen. If no sails are to be rigged the trucks are to be tied about 10mm under the Lower Tops and a 5mm single block rigged to the end of the tye about 15mm down from the trucks. I have a couple of pics that may help Be Good mobbsie
  18. Now you've made me go and do some extra work on my Burton Pendants. :D :D :D Got to soak and weigh them down now, good thinking mate. ;) I like what you are doing here, clean and tidy, don't worry about the ratlines, the king of ratlines i.e. Sjors, will always help you out if you need it. :o Be Good mobbsie
  19. Fantastic work Matti, what better way is there of building in bide, relieve and wash, just what was ordered. Your artistry and accuracy is stunning. Be Good mobbsie
  20. You embarrass me Wayne, please keep it up. :D Thanks my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Grant / Augie, Thanks for the good words and kind comments guys, very much appreciated. Augie, the netting was kindly sent to me from Grant, I couldn't get the correct pattern here and he had it in bucketful's. That netting has since spread itself all over the country and the Netherlands to you know who. Grant also made up two full sets of blocks for myself and Sjors for our Aggies, that in itself provides a challenge because I have to do them justice. Grant, the Catherpin pattern I copied from you apart from soldering the end loops and the painting so thank you for the idea. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Hi Grant, Well done on the repair mate, knew you could do it. :) As far as the bosuns reward is concerned, give yourself a double wicky. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Just a quick comment on my previous post. Getting the pictures on is still work in progress so please bear with me until I can get it sorted out. Mark thanks for the info mate, not being computer literate this a voyage of discovery. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Hi Guys, OK I think I've got the problem sorted so this is a sort of trial test. 1st pictures are of the served ropes around the Main Mast Head 2nd are of the shrouds with loose lanyards 3rd Lanyards are tied tight 4th the Catherpins are fixed in position This is where the fun begins. They are all coming in as thumbnails but at least they are on the screen. Any comments, suggestions or remarks are more than welcome, I can take it. Be Good mobbsie
  25. Please bear with me guys, I'm having a few problems downloading the pictures, any one else having problems. ???????????? :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: mobbsie
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