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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Nice touch with the varnish Hans and your shrouds look really good with all the deadeyes being even. Next step, RATLINES, I wish you the very best of luck with these mate, take your time with them. Be Good mobbsie
  2. That's so much better Sjors, well done mate. You got to be happier with those ones Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Sjors, Glad you had a good yesterday mate, I did think of you during the day. With regard to your crows feet, I have my lowest block tied of at 12cm from under the platform, 15mm between the blocks and a length of 6cm for the crows feet from the edge of the platform. Hope that helps mate. Speak to you later. Be Good mobbsie
  4. She's coming along nicely Hans, I think she will be a big hit at the meeting. Enjoy the day. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Frank, Somehow I've missed the beginning of this one mate, hope you still have room for little ole me. Never thought about the LOA before but I would imagine it's from Bowsprit to Stern, seem logical somehow. At 58ft she gonna be a big one, hope you have room for her. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Nicely done mate, that's a big step out of the way, you know what they say " Onwards and Upwards". As a suggestion mate, you could always put the Fonz on the front seat and Anja in the boot Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Dragzz Your getting there mate, she got some nice lines. Your next step will be to glue both sides of the hull together, when the glue is dry you then have to sand down the bulkheads. The bulkheads need to be sanded so that when you place a plank on them the whole plank is in contact with the bulkhead, if you lay a plank along all the bulkheads you'll see which ones need to be sanded, This is an important part of the build and needs to be properly, take your time and keep placing the plank against the bulkheads to check your progress. Be Good Mobbsie
  8. Hi Mate, OK, looking at the box lid there didn't appear to be any rake at all so for my money I would just drill straight down, ensuring the drill is vertical to the bulkheads. You don't need any particular wood to make the mast seat, any old scrap piece would do. Your doing good Dragzz, keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Dragzz, Popeye's right mate, the more you do now the more you will save yourself grief later. Before you drill the mast seats (if you haven't already ) check the mast rake, you may have none at all but it's as well to check now. Only use enough glue to do the job at hand, trying to clear glue up later is a complete pain in the proverbial. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Guys, Thanks for looking in and the good words. I must say I have nothing but praise for both Proxxon and the delivery company DHL, 6 days from ordering to my door and from Germany to boot. Right on nail Andy but not telling yet. I've rethunk my next build, I'm fed up with waiting for the Surprise to come out so I'm going to have a go at a scratch. It will only be a small build and hopefully something different, a good bit of research will be needed and I think it will test my woodworking skills to the limit. ( I'm not that good at woodworking ). It's still in the embryo stage at the moment so I'm not going to reveal what the project will be just yet, but please feel free to try and guess, if anybody gets it I will fess up. Grant your excluded from this ( love your maths ). Thanks for the info Frank, I haven't checked it out yet but I will. B.E. Sorry mate, can you do an appraisal of the Thicknesser when you get it, it's next on my hit list. For now it's back to the Aggy, she's not been touched for a few days now and is feeling a bit neglected. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Only me, More pics DB 250 Wood Lathe Circular Saw Micro Shaper ( Router ) I also have a 4 Jaw Chuck, Drill Chuck for the DB250, 10 piece router set, Spare sanding discs and spare Jig saw blades and finally a replacement Lathe bed for the DB250 so that I can extend it's length. Sjors is going to bring me a set of Proxxon wood chisel's when he comes over, two things to look forward to there, Anja & Sjors and chisels. All I have to do now is to learn how to use them. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Thank Gents for the good words, always appreciated and never taken for granted. Jerry, To answer your question, Yes, each tie was a single thread, gets a bit tedious but it's worth it I think. Mike, I intend to leave them the colour they are, I like the contrast, besides that I cant take the chance of staining with dye, I know for sure it would go all over the deck, and you have to use natural thread as it's not a waxy as the black stuff. TOYS ARE HERE. Some Pics but all are still boxed. The box has just been delivered Opened I got this one from Sjors ages ago Jig Saw Disc Sander Things have gone a little weird so another post is in order be back soon mobbsie
  13. Hi Dragzz, When your bulkheads are set and you have joined both sides together dry fit your deck and mark where the masts will be. when you have marked it up you will be able to place the blocks ready to drill out. I have looked at the box picture and to my eye it looks as though both masts are vertical with no rake on them at all, I think you will have to look at the plans for the fitting of the masts and see if there is a rake, as Popeye has said, it's not difficult but you need to take your time and work it out properly. Good Luck Be Good mobbsie
  14. Hey, I only posted the question, I think Grants trying to get me into trouble here, don't take any notice of him Sjors, I'm sure it will look fine. :D I would take notice of the nice people like me. Sjors, I joined. Toys arrived this morning, I haven't opened the box yet as I still have some work to do in the loft, but soon. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Excellent rope work Jason, I love it. Always an inspiration. Enjoy the show mate. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi Wayne Thanks mate, wood chippings and sawdust, don't ya just love it. Gotta seal of the trapdoor so it doesn't all go down below, if it does we all know what else a trapdoor is used for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Toys should be dispatched tomorrow ( Wednesday) I hope, be with me late this week or early next week. :) Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Matti That's a nice insight into your phyc mate. I like your way of thinking. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Ray, I fully understand what you mean by refurbing the Bathroom, I'm doing our kitchen, aint easy mate. Nice progress on the deck furnishing's and that a really interesting set up for the carronades, very well done. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Hi Grant, Spiders would well happy with a web with that many lines mate, she looks absolutely superb. I know your not quite finished but I for one would like to thank you for the tutorials and all the hints and tips that you have shared along the way. Drive carefully, mind them roo's and hopefully we'll speak soon. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Guys, Thank you all for your very kind congrats and comments, they really are appreciated. I would like to reiterate that this is really a very small museum, I would say that in most cases it would probably fit into a double garage. I think they would have accepted a picture in a glass case to be honest. Mort, Matti, The museum doesn't open until the 1st May, I will get some pics then and post up. I'm afraid a Knighthood is a little way off just yet, I'm more like a surf or squire which is a Knights servant, very lowly. I apologise for not posting my latest pics sooner but I have been a little distracted, were still in the process of refurbing the kitchen and I have had a side project going on as well. I am getting a few new toys from Proxxon and was in dire need of some extra space. My admiral (Christine) has allowed me to make space in the loft to house them, so I have been clearing the loft and fitting a work bench, fitting the bench wasn't a problem but boy do we ever hoard a load of rubbish. Jerry, I hope the following pictures help you to work out the spacing for your snaking, the method I used was to start the first knot with a clove hitch, from then on I took a short piece of thread and tying a simple overhand knot around the Preventer Stay ensuring the snake line was inside the loop pulled tight at the desired spacing, using the gauge which I had made, on completion and being satisfied that the spacing was even and that there was no distortion I just put a minute spot of glue on the knot and when dry trimmed of the loose ends. Hope that helps mate. Some progress pics Main Stay, Gauge is attached to the stays Loose ends still need to be trimmed off All trimmed and finished Trying to get the tension right on the Crowsfeet so the stays are not distorted Completed Crowsfeet, I found it extremely difficult to eliminate distortion on the stays, this is the best I could manage. So that's it for now I'm afraid, progress has been slow and I'm currently working on the fore topmast and top gallant I thank you again for your very kind words Be Good mobbsie
  21. I was going to make a comment but I don't see any progress pics mate. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Hello Mate, Surprise, Surprise, it's me and I'm making a comment. Fonz is looking real good mate but I do have one question, I notice you have started your shrouds from the rear of the Channels, do your plans require you to do this or is it your own preference, I ask because it's normal practice to start at the front of the Channels and work aft. I await your response with great anticipation. :D I like the side by side pic mate, shows just how far you have to go on the Aggy, both have long journeys. Speak Soon Be Good mobbsie
  23. Hi Frank, You are not only a very talented and skilful modeller but you are also a fine artist. Not many modellers could pull off what you have achieved. You have every right to be extremely proud of her my friend. I have enjoyed your journey and look forward to your future challenges. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Love the carving Matti, it proves the point that practice does make perfect, wonderful job mate. The capstan is really good and not easy to make with so many small parts, that's a good job well done. Be Good mobbsie
  25. Super job Popeye, she's turning into quite a colourful lady. Indeed you are maintaining your high degree of skill and inventiveness mate, love it. Looking forward to more. Be Good mobbsie
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