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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Matti, You say you overdid the curve at the end, blowed if I can see it, it looks great to my eyes. Pretty close to the inset pics mate. Keep it up my friend, I'm enjoying your journey from a distance. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, Thanks every body for your very kind comments and remarks and all those who pressed the like button, it's very much appreciated. I have a little update to show so will be posting some pics in a moment. What have I done so far, Mizzen mast shrouds were served and fitted, Catherpins made up and fitted, Mizzen main stay served and fitted, I used Arthurs method of making the mouse and it works fine, Mizzen Futtock shrouds made up and fitted and finally Ratlines completed on the Port side. The Catherpins look a little thick and I guess they are, I used 0.25 brass wire, served with 0.25 thread, attached it to the Futtock staves then fitted them to the shrouds, this made the process of fitting the Catherpins so much easier, I tend to look for as much as possible to do off the ship, that way there is less chance of doing damage which I'm prone to do. I'm a little disappointed with the shroud servings, they are not as level as I would have liked above the futtock staves, the only saving grace is that it is a bit crowded in that area and difficult to see clearly. The mouse was made using Arthurs method, anybody wanting to know what that is please look at HMS Vanguard by AEW, page 19 post 280, it really is a good method and so simple to do. I experienced the problems with serving in that the thread kept sliding down the mouse, this was cured by a drop of PVA. The result of all this was that the Mizzen mast is now in it's correct position, tight and vertical with the correct backward angle of 2 degrees. I was a bit worried that the mast would lean over to port as was happening before fitting the ropes. Pictures, not that many and not the best quality but you will get the idea of where I am. ( must change my camera ). Portside deadeyes Mizzen stay deadeyes Mizzen mouse Mizzen tops with the jungle of ropes Beneath the mizzen tops showing the futtock shrouds and ratlines Catherpins Starboard deadeyes from the stern Starboard deadeyes again So there we are guys, your right up to date with where I am. Your comments will be well received regarding the thickness of the Catherpins, I wont be changing what's done but will make alterations to the Main and Fore masts if you think they are too thick. Stay Safe and Warm Be Good mobbsie
  3. She's looking real smart George, well done. Good luck with the channels and chains mate. Be Good mobbsie
  4. G'day Mate, That's some impressive rigging going on there my friend, I don't have a clue what I'm looking at but I know it's good. Wise move to give it up for the day, problems have a habit of growing into catastrophes, so wise to walk away. She aint going anywhere. Be Good & Stay Safe mobbsie
  5. Hi Klaas, Thanks for looking in mate. Length from Bow Peak to Stern Lanterns is 93 ctm's, the width of the Beam at it's widest point is 23 ctm's and the depth from keel to highest point at the stern is 26ctm's. The height from the bottom of the base to the highest point is 28ctm's. That's an intriguing question Klaas, are you thinking of building the ship with mast and sprit stubs, never seen that on this build yet. Hope that helps mate. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hey Popeye, got any spare rope ladders mate, some guy eating a burger told you may have some. Well done on the final set mate, they look so much better. It certainly pays to persevere. Be Good & Stay Warm mobbsie
  7. Adriaan, you can be very proud of yourself mate, she's a very very fine lady indeed. You have done her the justice she demands my friend. Well done. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Nicely done Matti, she's a real credit to you. Love those figures. Good luck with the decision on your guns. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Some fantastic work there Andy, I hope you don't have sharp corners to negotiate when you eventually move her. I'm enjoying your work mate. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Persistence will always pay off Pierre, well done for sticking with it. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Mick, I don't think you need change anything at all, I think the colour is perfect and the effect it gives on the surface is typical of the boats today. You are never going to get a pristine finish on a boat that's almost a hundred years old, but I suppose it all depends on the effect your after, for me, change nothing. Hope that's a help. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Jesse, (hope I've got that right) I'm sure your going to have a lot of fun and a few headaches with this build and I wish you the best of luck with her. This is the place to be for help and assistance should you need it, just ask your question and I'm sure someone will be able to give you the answer. Just remember this is an enjoyable hobby so have fun and enjoy. Good Luck and Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi Mick, I took a load of pics of the Edme and I hope you don't mind but I will send you a picture of her deck. I didn't paint mine blue, I just put a coat of varnish on and kept the wood colour. The Edme is a timber construction so I didn't have the same problem you have of trying to replicate a steel hull, not easy. I don't think you will be disappointed with the colour of the deck mate, it's not far from what your looking for. You can Google Will Everard, she is still around. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Thank you Grant, They really weren't as hard to do as I first imagined, the Fore Mast platform was the first and the knots were slightly bigger but they soon got trimmed down. That nudge was what I really needed mate, and thanks very much for the info. Next weeks a bit early, maybe the week after. :D Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Jason Thanks for the good words mate, much appreciated. According to my book The Art of Rigging by G. Biddlecomb they are called Burton Tackles, and they were used for setting up the Top Mast Shrouds and to support he Top Sail Yards. As far as I'm aware and I've not done any research on this but I believe only British ship used them, most ships that were captured by the Btritish and were still serviceable had their rigging changed in the British fashion. If you like I can send you some pictures of how I went about doing the platform blocks. Hope that helps mate. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi Guys, My turn to add an update on progress made so far. Well I ripped out all of the eyebolts from under the platforms and followed the advice from Grant on how they should be done, he kindly sent me some information from one of his practicums which illustrated it perfectly. The big question was "How in _ells teeth am I going to do that", but it wasn't as bad as I first thought. So it was with some trepidation that I drilled my first hole in the Main Platform followed by another 11. The results you will see. The railings and netting was fitted next. I have since fitted the Mizzen Platform to the mast but the Main and Fore Mast Platforms are only dry fitted. Next came the Burton Pendants, I made hard eyes for these out of 4mm dowel, I drilled out the centres with a 1.8mm bit and filed them down to the size required. I then had to serve rope for the Mizzen Pendants, Then it happened, my super duper server fell apart, the gearing got all jammed up and kept jamming, so I had to pull it apart and virtually start all over again. I now have a server that's got more holes in it than a colander, still it works which is the main thing. With the rope served I attached the eyes and served the ends, it is now fitted to the mast. So that's it, not a lot really, but unfortunately life has a habit of getting in the way of building, plus the fact that I have had a bit of builders block, at least that's behind me now. Some pics. Top of the Main Platform showing the retaining pegs. The completed Platforms The underside of the Platforms The Burton Pendants on the Mizzen Platform The served rope seized around the mast The 3 masts with platforms So there we have it, next step is the Mizzen shrouds. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Mick, I bought the Will Everard a little while ago and bashed her into the barge "Edme". Fortunately these boats because of their similarity lend themselves to that. My home town has a history in building these boats and the Edme was one of them, built in 1896 she still sails out of St Osyth which is about 14 miles from me, as a charter boat. Very few of theses boats have detailed plans or drawing as they were built by eye and experience by Master Shipwrights as you may have already found out. The Will Everard and Edme still to this day race on a regular basis along with many other barges of the same era. Hope you get your paint soon mate, it can be frustrating having to wait and wait. I wish you a speedy recovery and happy building. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Wes, you must be getting fed up with making those gratings mate, but I must say they are a work of art, well done. Good luck with the remaining decking, Bitts and Fife Rails. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Your certainly making great progress Andy, I'm beginning to get in my mind the full length of this ship. She's gonna be big right enough. She's not what you would call an attractive ship but I can see the appeal. Keep up the excellent work mate. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Popeye, Once again I brave a foray into the world of the spinach, shame about the ladder thickness mate, they look good. My guise is your looking for a thickness of approx. 0.5mm for the rungs and set at 4mm apart. The Goth is looking great and now that you have tied off the shrouds you know what comes next don't you, HA HA,HA,HA,HA. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Nice one mate, glad it works for you. :) mobbsie
  22. Nice work on the yards mate, superb. How on earth can I compete with that, if I had half your skill I'd be a happy man. :) Looks like your going to have plenty of fun with those new toys my friend, there'll be no stopping you now. B) Be Good mobbsie
  23. Will you be getting a case for her Adriaan, Just thinking about fitting the case to the base, if the line of the base is inside the width of the yards it aint gonna fit mate. I like what you are doing with the planking. Be Good mobbsie
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