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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Mike, Thanks for the good word mate, coming from you that's a real compliment. I just hope CC are true to their word, I've been so frustrated with them in the past over this ship that I'm not holding my breath waiting. There are a lot of guys who want to build Surprise so I think it's going to be very interesting when we get a chance to start. I have the book " The Frigate Surprise by Brian Lavery and Geoff Hunt " and there is a whole lot of information and drawings which makes my decision a little easier. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Peter, Thanks for the good word mate. I think you may well be right, I also thought about the "Jack Aubrey" conversion but as yet I haven't done any research into what changes need to be made. I have the film Master and Commander so should be able to get any changes from the horses mouth so to speak or at least I hope so and yes she will have quite a few wrinkles I should think. :mellow: Rat-Lines, love em or hate em, I personally don't mind them but your right, they can be a complete pain in the proverbial, no two days are ever the same so it can make life interesting. Given the choice they would have a completely different name which would most likely be unprintable. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Jason / Mort Jason, If I were you I would stick with your idea of going with the Aggy, if and when Surprise comes out she will have some teething problems so by the time you are ready for her they should be ironed out by Caldercraft or solutions to certain problems will have been worked out by other modellers. Mort, I did ask for progress details but they are being very tight lipped over her, they are giving no information at all other than she is English and was at Trafalgar, and so in a way with a bit of investigation, an idea of the I.D. of which ship she should be may come to light. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful mate Be Good mobbsie
  4. Sweet very sweet. Ray, did the carronades come with barrel plugs supplied or did you make them yourself, I've been toying with the idea for some time and it's good to see them in use. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Wayne, You have a plethora of help and advice here my friend so you'll be pleased to know I'm not going to add to it, I know you will come to the right decision for you and I wish you luck with it. She's a lot bigger than I first imagined and will take a bit of stick so don't be afraid to bash her about a bit. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Matti, There's a whole lot of work going on there mate and the results are really good, those cannon really look the part. Very well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Andy, Been looking in from distance and I have to say that the progress your making is fanominal. She coming along nicely and looking really good, enjoying your journey mate, keep it up.
  8. I have to admit gents that I have made milk curdle quite often so we have no shortage of yogurt at home, with a little practice I reckon I could strip paint which would be most beneficial right now. Just as a quick verbal update I am currently putting the shroud cleats on the Mizzen and Main masts, no information in either the manual or sheet plans so that called for a quick email to Jotika, the answer came the same day and was really comprehensive. For anybody waiting for Caldercrafts HMS Surprise to come out, it should be out later this year, Jotika have stepped up their production with new machinery and workshops, I know we've heard it all before but this time I think I believe them. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Wayne your a sly old seadog, never said a word did you, and boy do you know how to make life hard for yourself. I agree with Augie mate, but be careful with that 5x5 plank, it looks as though it's going to take the Garboard Strake, the positioning is going to be critical later on. Good luck with both the translation and the build mate, and if you have no objection I would like to follow your journey. Be Good mobbsie
  10. I'll take that as real compliment coming from you Wes, compared to you I am a mere Loblolly Boy. Be Good mobbsie
  11. There is some seriously impressive work going here mate, I love every update. Keep it up Wes. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Matti, You've done yourself proud mate, those carvings are excellent. This really is one fine build. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hey Popeye, I think your ski's are too short mate and you need to redo them, that may prolong the build for a little while for you. :D Don't ya just hate it when that happens, She looks really great mate, very well done, be proud. Be Good & Stay Warm mobbsie
  14. Good Morning / Afternoon Mate, Both options look good mate but I think I prefer option 1, in my opinion option 2 makes the yard seem too busy and a little overcrowded. I know that this is one of the correct ways of stowing these with all the research you have done and on the full size ship that's OK, but with a model of this scale I think it's too much. Option 1 is cleaner but it may have the tendency to get in the way while you continue the rest of the rigging. Whichever you choose it will look good, their my thoughts mate but your the skipper. I'm sure you will make the right decision and one that suits you. I must say she is looking pretty sweet mate. Be Good mobbsie
  15. This is a whole new meaning to the term "Kit Bashed", If you continue in this vain I'm going to send Sjors over to sort you out, cant think of a bigger threat at the moment. That's bad luck mate but I have every confidence that you will sort it. Riggings looking really nice and the pictures of those trucks and cleats are just what I need. Well done my friend Be Good mobbsie
  16. Wow, thank you all so very much for your very kind comments and remarks and the like button, I didn't think for one moment I would get a response like that. :) Lawrence, I use 2 made up lengths of timber made up to the size of the spacing, they go either side of the ratlines and are clamped into position using small bulldog clips, there is a picture of them fitted to the shrouds in my last post, hope that answers your question mate. Shihawk, Thanks for looking in and I'll try to answer your question. To make it short the answer is YES, but whatever lines you do first they all get in the way of each other, there is an order that must be followed which will save a lot of aggro later. It is thought to be better to work from stern to bow, but this is a matter of preference. I have found out by reading other logs from builders who are a lot better and experienced than me that it is better to start on the Mizzen then Main followed by the Fore mast and then the Bowsprit. After the Masts have been stepped ( do not glue ) it is best to complete the lower shrouds and ratlines. When you have completed them move back aft and start on the Topmasts and then the Topgallants, it is recommended that the Standing rigging be completed before you start on the Running rigging. Unfortunately it's in this type of vessels nature to make life a bit difficult and so you generally find that most of the ropes and lines will get in each others way, this will test your patience to the limit but life can be made a little easier by getting rigging tools. All I can suggest to you is that you study the rigging plan and follow that as best you can, if you have Caldercrafts Cruiser then the rigging plan will most likely have the best method of rigging. :mellow: :mellow: Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hello Mate, I take your point about spreading the weight on all Robands. At first I did think they were a little heavy but on reflection I think you have it about right and at 0.1mm you're not going to get much smaller. I hope I haven't put doubt in your mind mate, that wasn't my intension at all. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Matte, I take it the sculptures your working on are for the front rail, if so you have some very intricate work on your hands and I wish you the very best of luck with them. With each new addition she becomes more impressive and a real pleasure to view. I hope you have as much pleasure working on her as we do watching her. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Thanks guys for the good comments, their very much appreciated. Augie, I glue every knot, Sjors very kindly got me some Pattex Special, It's very good and when dry doesn't show up unlike CA which does. It takes about 5 minutes to set so there is time to make adjustments if needed. Be Good mobbsie
  20. I like what you are doing with the sails here Peter, I'm sure your patience and tenacity will pay off. Just a quickie mate, what size thread are you using to tie the robands, I'm just wondering if a sowing thread might be a bit smaller. Be Good mobbsie
  21. It's not the lid you have to worry about Popeye it's the nail through the top of the head. Andy I can only agree 100% with what the other guys have said, she's looking real good and great work on that boom. Be Good and Stay Warm mobbsie
  22. Hi Guys, Thanks everybody for the nice comments and remarks, and also the guys who pressed the "like" button. I am going to try for an update using IE10, hopefully I've not been scuppered again. The Lower Main Mast is now done as far as the shrouds and ratlines are concerned and the next step is the Lower Foremast, I have just put the ropes into the black dye in readiness for that, so as far as the pictures go it's mainly the Main Mast. I have soaked the Burton Pendants with diluted white glue and they are weighted down so that they hang right. Next up is the completed Starboard side ratlines Now for the Port side, all the deadeyes had to be retied due to the mast leaning to Starboard, the shrouds on retying could almost play a tune they are so tight, but the mast is now straight and all is well. This is my method of holding the deadeye and rope so that I can seize the shroud. You can see by the tails just how much I have had to adjust the shrouds All the shrouds have been adjusted and the ropes have been tied off and trimmed. This is my method when tying ratlines, the shrouds are clamped together with two boards , the boards are the correct size for the ratlines and keep them straight, they also help to keep the shrouds from moving out of alignment but care still needs to be taken Portside shrouds completed prior to trimming up All trimmed and finished So there we are, right up to date, a bit long winded I know but it's been a while and I wanted to give IE10 a good workout. Be Good mobbsie
  23. That's a great fix Mark, you've had some difficult angles there and you've found the right solution, sometimes it works in our favour to be our worst enemies and critics. She's coming along nicely mate, keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  24. I take your point mate, I wish you all the patience in the world and a continued sharp edge to your blade. Be Good mobbsie
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