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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Grant, Hey that's bad luck mate, unfortunately it happens to the best of us, I have two desk lamps and I have to have them close to provide the light in the right place and I'm always catching them, luckily I'm not that far into the build. :( I have however snapped the Mizzen Topgallent in the same spot as you, right on the drilled hole, I did pin and glue and I had to drill a new hole just below the repair. That's before I even fit it, what a klutze. :( Good luck with the repair mate, I'm sure you have got it right. Congrats to the Ausies on you know what, 5-0 unbelievable. :angry: :angry: Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi John, To answer your question mate, I am currently working the shipyard at the moment. I had to wait for some 1.3 rope so that I can continue with the shrouds on the Main Mast, that rope has dually arrived so work goes on. I have now made all the main shrouds and placed them on the mast but I haven't fitted the lanyards yet, that will be done today, depending on how I get on I will also fit the Catherpins and futtock shrouds. It has been slow going mate what with the holidays and Grandparent duties but I should be able to speed up a little now were almost back to normal. I will post some pics later today. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Sjors, Amazing progress made my friend seeing as you only started on the 1st, looking good so far. Be Good mobbsie
  4. A very Happy New Year to you and yours Augie, I wish you many many hours of happy modelling and the skill to catch a few fish. I quite like the sheen on the black, but your the boss, she's looking real nice mate. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi John, A very Happy New Year to you my friend. I can only agree with what everybody else has already said mate, she's looking real sweet, I particularly love the texture of the hull above the plating. Keep it up buddy Be Good mobbsie
  6. Nice job on the bulkhead Pierre, well done for sticking with it and getting the colour right, that's looking much better. I wish you and your a very Happy New Year and many happy hours of modelling. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Jeff, A very Happy New Year to you and yours mate. She's looking real good, coming together nicely. Good job on the coppering, have you much more to do on that. Be Good mobbsie
  8. At last this log is seeing a ship build. Enjoy the journey my friend, I'm pulling up a chair, you can supply the popcorn. So far so good. :) A very Happy New Year to both yourself and Anja. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Doris, Doris, Doris, this is absolutely sublime workmanship. Welcome home and forget the idiots who cant recognise real talent when they see it, thank you so much for sharing. Good fortune, health and happiness for 2014. Be Good mobbsie
  10. G'day Grant, Nice job on those ribs mate, I think I'm in for the same. I'm going to have to use different wood and paint them black, hopefully I will get them to look a little like yours so thanks for the heads up on your technique. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Guys, Thank you one and all for the good words and comments, they really are appreciated. Peter, Normally I would stain first or use black thread but on this occasion I am going to keep the Ratlines white, but thanks for the question. Popeye, All the Catherpins so far are behind the masts, there are 2 on the Mizzen, 4 on the Main and Fore masts, The position of the Shrouds will dictate if any are placed in front. With regard to the deadeyes they are all domed so that bits easy, Grant was referring to the position the holes, the single hole's should be furthest from each other with the double closest, I got it wrong, but not anymore. :) Grant, I made the Catherpins as you suggested with wire and served the span between the eyes with 0.25 black thread, I painted the eyes, it's going to get a lot tidier, The futtock shrouds will have one turn on the stave and will then be seized to the main shrouds, so again it will clean the staves up, hopefully. Not a lot of progress to date, Santa's got some rope for me so I'm waiting on his imminent arrival, in the meantime I've made the Main mast Burton Pendants and also the Catherpins and Futtock Staves, once I get the rope I can do the shrouds and fit the completed parts. . There not very exciting and I don't have any yet but if you want I will post some pics of the completed parts, just let me know. Be Good mobbsie
  12. I'd love to see the size of those hydraulic pumps, that's one hell of a boom to be picking up, wouldn't want to be around when a pipe burst. :( I should also imagine that a lot of dust was created, was any kind of PPE issued ? Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi Sjors, It's getting busy up there in them futtocks mate, not a lot of space left for your futtock shrouds. Ropes are looking good mate but are your deadeye's supposed to be graduating upwards, I don't know, she's a Spanish ship so perhaps they do? Either way my friend she's looking good. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Some lovely planking there Jeff and the detailing is growing with each day, she's a delight to the eye mate well done. Have you thought about a colour for the hull and will you be coppering her ? Be Good mobbsie
  15. One to give a wide berth to then when she's in full process mode, I should imagine she was pretty high. mobbsie
  16. You've done well with the stern Adriaan, there are a lot of different curves in that area. Good idea about the extra plank, if it helps and makes life easier go for it. Good luck with the second planking mate. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Wonderful job on the stove John. There's a lot work gone into that, well done. Looking at earlier posts I was wondering what kind of ship would need a stove like that, I take she is a whaler or a whale processer. Bit too big for cooking your fries on. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Christian she is looking sweeeeeeeeet. That's a really nice job you've done there. Be Good mobsie
  19. I like your style Andy, bu--er the math, if it looks right it's good enough. Your really making swift progress with her mate. I take it the conveyor on the deck swings out to the unloading quay, is it hydraulically operated or was there a small crane or jib to swing it round. Either way it looks like equipment that could do some real damage to an operator, not something I would like to get to know. Have a good trip mate and be safe. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Jeff, Thanks for looking in mate and your very kind comments. The Catherpins are slightly larger than the shrouds so perhaps a little thinning should be made. With regard to the mouse your more than welcome, Arthur came up with the idea and I copied him, that's what were here for, build and learn. :) Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Grant, Great to hear from you mate. Just checked the deadeye and you are absolutely right, it is back to front, that will be changed as soon as I have completed the starboard mizzen ratlines. Thanks for the tip on the Catherpins, did you bend the wire around the futtock stave or use some other method, with the futtock stave lashings, Catherpin lashings and futtock shroud lashings it really get untidy and busy in there. :mellow: :mellow: Be Good mobbsie
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