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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Patrick, You never know what you can achieve until you give it a try and at least you tried, that's the important thing. Your doing some amazing stuff here Patrick and if I can do half as well I will be a very happy man. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, Thanks for the very kind words and for the likes, they really are very much appreciated. Grant, Thanks mate but I still have a long journey ahead of me, don't forget you have approx. 19 years on me, I think after that time I would burn her. Sherry, Thank you very much, fortunately it's a part of the build I enjoy but the fingers don't always do as their told so the air can change colour sometimes. Patrick, From you mate that is a real compliment and very much appreciated. Popeye, Thank you my friend, Yep the journey is just starting, there is still a long way to go. Sjors, Thanks buddy, if your brave enough to bring your Aggy over go for it, but your gonna need a bigger set of luggage my friend. Martin, Thank you for your kind words mate. I'm sure your Aggy looks great, we are always our own worst critics and that is as it should be, we don't learn or improve if we don't question what we are doing. You should really start your build log my friend, it's a great source of information. Not only do you receive a lot of help but you may also be doing things that will be a benefit to other builders, it's a two way thing and it's great. To answer your questions, the uprights for the lower deck ladders are just eyebolts, the uprights for the ladders to the upper gun deck and Poop deck are kit supplied. I moved the grating and ladder behind the oven because I didn't want to weaken the deck structure by cutting the beam, to me that seemed a bit drastic although I did consider it, I'm glad I didn't. Hope that helps you to make your decision and please don't be afraid to ask if you have a problem or a question. Thanks again guys. Be Good mobbsie
  3. OK now for part 2, This is my first attempt at Snaking which was only good for practice as you will see. No system used just the Mk 1 eyeball, with a spacing of 20mm on each stay or 10mm combined It's looking a little hairy All trimmed up, doesn't look too bad This is the new Snaking, much better I think Thanks to B.E. this is his method, I got to this spacing after some simple maths, 12mm on each Stay or 6mm combined So that's it, your all up to date now. I will some further update soon I hope, if the kitchen refurb doesn't interfere too much. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Hi Guys, Thank you all for your very positive feedback, comments and likes, I really do appreciate them immensely. Thought I had better post this before I watch England thrash Wales in the rugby 6 Nations. OK an update is due and I do have one, the Bowsprit is made and fitted and Gammoning completed, Main and Preventer Stays are fitted as is the Foremast Stay and Preventer stay. I made a start on the Snaking for the Foremast and completed it, then I ripped it all off again as the distance between the ties was too great, I have since redone it and am much happier with the Mk 2. Next step is to do the Snaking on the Mainmast then the Crowsfeet on all three masts. Some pictures Completed Bowsprit dry fitted Just checking for alignment Stays prior to fixing Main Stay and Preventer Stay fixed Gammoning of the Bowsprit Foremast Stay and Preventer Stay fixed I will add some more directly showing the Snaking mobbsie
  5. I'm not going to offer you any words of wisdom Mark, I know diddly squit of what you are doing. All I am going to say is that I know what I like and I like what I see. Be Good mobbsie
  6. It's inspiring Remco, very well done mate. I'm gonna need better reading glasses. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi John, One of my rare excursions into the land of scratch mate and I see your making fine progress. Looking forward to watching from distance my friend. Be Good mobbsie
  8. I dunno about a new desk, I think a new work room may be the order, your gonna have to move Andy. :D That's impressive work there mate, well done. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Peter, I like what you are doing here mate, I do think the Mizzen topsail is a wee bit on the large size but that is no more than you have already suggested yourself, it could be reduced a little. The work on your flag is great and you should be well pleased with it, the way it hangs looks really natural. Be Good my Friend mobbsie
  10. Hey Matti, you don't have to worry mate, with the skills you've displayed so far the rigging is going to be a walk in the park. You just have to remember " One line at a time". Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Matti, Wow, that flag is something else, I think flags are one of the most difficult aspects of decoration, it's so hard to get them to hang properly. You have conquered that problem and it looks very impressive mate, very well done. Stern decorations are also superb, keep it up mate. Be Good mobbsie Sent from my iPhone
  12. Good luck with the search John, I hope you get somewhere this time, stick in there mate. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Vivian, there is nothing better than the look of a well worn and lived in ship, Your doing a great job on her, well done. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Hi Grant, Sherry Thank you Sherry for your very kind comment, I do enjoy the small bits. This was a first for me, working with silver solder on really small parts but it was fun and it worked. Grant, Thanks for the good words my friend. My dad was the complete reverse mate, if he could get something worth £1.00 he would pay £5.00 for it, not very wise at all, I hate to admit it but more has rubbed off than I thought. A certain friend of mine who shall remain nameless has taken care of the tools for me, bless him. He has got me a set of Proxxon chisels, very much to my surprise. As I said mate the pattern for the Traveller was taken from Longridge, I don't think I'm too far of the mark. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Thanks for the good word Augie, Lessen well learned regarding the tools. Jason, Thanks for your kind words mate, I really enjoy making the small stuff but they can be really frustrating but satisfying. If I didn't use an aid to do my Ratlines believe me they would be a nonsense. Using the clamps and wood strips really help. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Absolutely 1st class Matti, those decorations really bring out the high level of your skills, very well done mate. Be Good mobbie
  17. Hi Matti, You have come so far with this build mate, she's looking absolutely fabulous. Those cannons are great and I like the touch with the cannon laid on the deck, different and good. Be very proud of your achievement so far mate and do not fear what lies ahead. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Guys, Thank you all so very much for your very kind comments and remarks, also thanks everybody who hit the like button, I felt a little overwhelmed and extremely flattered. :) Well it happened, my inexpensive and rather large chisels ( bargain of the month ) exploded on me at the first touch, I was all set up and ready to go, the lathe was turning nicely, I just presented the chisel to the dowel and bang, it shattered on me. :angry: What I thought was steel turned out to be cast iron, I don't feel as though I want to use them any more so they will be assigned to the scrap bin with a very big lessen learned. I was told " you get what you paid for", Grant you were absolutely right mate. They were Am-Tech, 8 Piece Wood Lathe Chisel Set, you have been warned. :angry: I do have a small update, in my last post I said I was going to make a Traveller, well I have had a go and for a first attempt I'm quite happy with it, it was fiddly and on occasion the room went a dark shade of blue. I took the pattern from Longridge, I also put a sheave in the Jib-boom which to my surprise went without a hitch. I have some pics of the Traveller. So that's that, the work on the Bowsprit continues and hopefully I will have an update on the finished item soon. Thank you all once again for your very kind comments. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Well done mate, they look fantastic, there's a lot of work there. You gave me your crown mate and now it's time to return it to it's rightful owner, YOU DA MAN. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Patrick, She a real beauty mate and deserves a case. It's always a little sad when a build comes to an end, all the emotions felt while building have come to an end but what is left cannot be measured, a mixture of pleasure and pride and not least self criticism. When she's complete sit back and enjoy her mate. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Denis Well done mate on producing a very acceptable and creditable nest, as Patrick said it's not an easy task. I don't think your Mizzen mast will take much fixing mate and I'm sure you know exactly what you are going to do, with your skill and ability these problems are not problems just fun. Be Good mobbsie
  22. I think there's an outside influence working here Mark, need to investigate the source. :D Popeye, I'm sure the result of your endeavours will be superb, waiting ever so patiently. mobbsie
  23. I wonna see, I wonna see, hurry up, come on were waiting, getting impatient here. Still waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Good mobbsie
  24. Morning Mate, It's starting to get busy in there and it aint gonna get any better. ( that's just to make you feel good ) :D You'll be done before you know it mate and she's looking rather resplendent in her new adornments, so hang in there. I fink oim gonna af ta give ya some elocussin teachins wot wiv you bein an hofficer and gentilman and all. Cant have you cussing the wrong stuff can we. The recipe for rigging, one line at a time and copious amounts of the fall over fluid. Be Good mobbsie
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