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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. Goes without saying that a black undercoat will help the gold shine. Vallejo has some excellent metallics but they need thinning.
  2. Thanks Richard. I think a bit more light is needed for the pictures. Also having to compress each photo to post doesn't help
  3. Okay part two - During Strictly Start of the second planking. I wanted to try to use some of the techniques that I picked up on the forum. Some success but I struggle to vision the layout of all the planks and drop planks. I think I was trying to look too far ahead: but I have a better picture in my head for the next build - whatever that may be? And that is the first planking below the wale After this shot I used a bit of dark filler and after a sand down it looks okay - to be honest it will disappear under a coat of white paint. And the inner gunport patterns and planking above the wale all done. I have lined the ports without lids and will be lining the ports with lids shortly. The sweep ports need a bit of work to get the right size. Of course I could not resist to see how the forecastle would look The camber does not look right at all so a bit of sanding is needed - later!
  4. Casey, Lucky you. I have to put up with the X Factor. I wonder if I can sneak off and do some sanding...........
  5. Hi, Been meaning to do this for ages Kit was a family birthday present and arrived late July minus the bulkheads but with 2 keels. a quick email exchange and a call or 2 to JoTiKa and they arrived in August. My first kit was HMS President by Sergal - I could not believe the difference in quality Here is the first of my pictures -playing hockey today so will post some more later today or on Sunday First planking done, gun port patterns and the wale. Bow with water line marked. The blue thing is a wine cooler that I use to soak my wood. Unfortunately I dropped it when emptying it - so new wine cooler on the shopping list for Christmas. And to complete the set the stern While I was waiting on glue drying i had pressed ahead with the mortar housings. These were great fun and little kits in their own right. These pics don't show the ring bolts very well but I experimented making my own by winding wire around an PE tool that i have. At this scale there was not much difference in quality so for the sake of saving some time I used the method in the instruction. Also I had read of the mixed results members have had with chemical blackening - so I decided primer and pain was the way to go. Admittedly the ring bolts need a touch up here and there but I am happy. And the last one for now all the components that make up each housing TTFN
  6. Mobbsie, Is there a fishing contest on the go? Hope I'm not the bait Right off to do some gun port linings. Maybe actually start the build log this weekend - if my son has not nabbed the laptop again
  7. That's the spirit Julian. I know what you mean about Timmo's work it is truely first rate. The art work on the bulkhead is fantastic and he makes it look so easy......
  8. Casey, Needle craft 101 for you! I'm sure there must be a "how to...." In the resource section of the forum. After all there seems to be a thread on most topics
  9. Julian There is a great post by Dan Vadas on fixing boo boos. If find it comforting that even the best of the best make mistakes like us mere mortals! One thing I have learned is that there is no deadline to meet - take your time and do the best you can. Keep posting!
  10. Pinned to the wall. Although if I make to many more pin holes I am going to be made to redecorate by my Admiral
  11. Hey Popeye I hope your cold gets better - Whisky (scotch) and honey Now for the daft laddie question.... What is it your are building? I guess I mean what is the theme bit about? A truely confused Scot *-)
  12. I think the phrase "you know it's there" comes to mind for the lower gun deck. At least you can see it through the gun ports. I once spent months loading a B-17 with a ton of etched detail never to be seen again once it was closed up. Thank goodness I took some pictures This is a wonderful log - I built this kit in the 80's - before the internet and this great forum - but not to this level of super detail. Straight out of the box as they say I think I'll keep watching this one
  13. With a name like this I should pull up a chair - haggis anyone? Does this kit come with sails? Whilst I have not been a member for very long I have not seen many vessels with sails. The ones I have seen tend to be furled. Presumably difficult to get them to hang right? Good luck
  14. Oooo I love the laser gadget. I used a Heath Robinson contraption to mark the water line for my Granado as I am too mean to spend money on a tool that is used so infrequently. I guess that just reinforces the Scottish stereotype
  15. Jim Now we are in total agreement My Tirpitz would look strange festooned in rat lines, shrouds and braces
  16. Wow that is some set up - although her that must be obeyed might not agree. My Admiral doesn't mind the hobby just the space it takes up! I was banished to the spare room from the dinning room. Apparently it upset the balance in the house. Mind you I think I have the last laugh as the second cable TV box is also in the spare room. So I can watch the football (soccer) and watch the glue dry Good luck with your build(s)
  17. Absolutely stunning work I envy your skill in turning out such sublime work. Each piece really is a work of art
  18. Good video. To keep the spacing consistent I read that cutting a piece of card to the required spacing helps. It certainly helped me! Now to look up a cow hitch! Found it - good old Wikipedia
  19. Aitch For me rigging is an art. You are correct to say poor workmanship detracts from a model. But any more so than no rigging - not for me - it's the overall effect. It does require patience - that's where music and beer come in! Script - did you know what your were starting with your post? #keepknotting
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