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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. Mick no need to apologise actually my turn for calling you Mike. I think these logs are as much about learning as anything else. If I had not asked for help on the blocks .... Well it would be a disaster later
  2. I can only echo Grant - amazing BBQ. Very jealous as it is mid winter here which means rain and wind looking forward to seeing your build progressing
  3. Mick thanks. As Timmo has suggested quite a bit of sanding was required to get the shape right at the bow. When I test fitted the planks close to the keel I decided to take even more off those filler blocks to make the lines smooth. Timmo thanks for the kind words. At the time I could have cursed the paint to NZ and back. However looking at the hull now I am so glad I stripped it back. As for the blocks I found the smaller ones hiding at the bottom of the box - how foolish did I feel! The packet they were in had fallen out of the bubble wrap bag I have removed the wrong ones and refitted the right ones. Looks much better. I will try and post some pictures over the weekend.
  4. I reckon most of it could be sprayed and details picked out with a hairy stick I tend to go for sub assemblies which I spray and then attach to the deck or superstructure
  5. Eric Nice to see the detail resin can bring to a kit. Do you have pictures of the hull or contents of the kit?
  6. Thank youI think you are referring to one of the earlier posts that showed the mortar unpainted. I have now painted the mortars and the cannon. I did think about using chemical blackening but this seems to be a hit or miss, so I stuck to spaying them instead.
  7. Thanks Andy I'll try the proper blocks first and see how they look. I have seen Chuck's blocks and agree they would be an improvement. If I'm not happy then I'll consider ordering some
  8. Mmm I'll check the kit again but these were the smallest in the box 2.5mm rather embarrassingly I have just found the smaller blocks that had fallen out of the bubble wrap bag into the box. Time to cut out the offending items Thanks Daniel
  9. Well that's Christmas and New Year over with. My build was interupted by 5 weeks in London but I have managed to get some modelling done over the festive period. I swithered whether to paint the hull below the waterline as I was really happy with the second planking. In the end the paint won over. However the first blast of the airbrush highlighted all the imperfections that the Mark 1 eyyeball did not. SO it was stripped back, filled, sanded and re sprayed. Not perfect but I am happy with it. Progress with the quarterdeck and bulkhead. I am no artist so stuck to out of the box. I have never used such weird decals in my life. Having to paint the rear was, well weird! Some decent water slide decals would be better as there are plenty of great products to avoid silvering. The pencil techique was used for the caulking and it looks good. The forecastle is next and decided to add two cannon. Not overly happy with the tackle - especially the one to the rear of the truck. If the gun was hauled in it would not be fully inboard. However if I move the ring back it will foul the belfry and windlass assembly. Half of me says it wont really be seen when the deck is attached - but i know it is there. Any suggestions? Finally just a few other pictures No modelling this weekend as off to the firm's ball!
  10. That's better!
  11. Seems expensive to me the UK site Cornwall Model Boats is selling this kit for £260 ($350)
  12. Plenty of choice on eBay and not too expensive either And Amazon but will need to be ordered with something else to get above £10
  13. Excellent tip do you have any online sources?
  14. I am always in awe of scratch builders. But I take my hat off to you doing it by hand - a true craftsman
  15. I think that's a little unfair. I re-read the posts and the majority are sympathy for Dan or having a pop at Del Prado. Okay one or two could have been phrased a little more tactfully but on the whole I have no problems with what has been posted. What I do agree with is your sentiment that the members of this site are very supportive when you need help. I guess if the chap had known/used MSW then the model might have looked a whole lot better. I'll get off my soapbox now
  16. Wow what a difference! At first I thought it was another build Thanks for posting
  17. Dan, That's nearly a whole 48 hours since your last post, you must be finished by now ? Any more pictures?
  18. Those sails are looking good! How many hours of sewing by hand has it taken you so far? I presume you are not going to furl them and hide all the good work?
  19. As for the worst victory look at Dan Vadas log of "restoring" a Del Prado victory!
  20. Nigel, exactly what I was thinking when our posts crossed
  21. I do wonder how much of the $2,200 the craftsmen actually get. A fraction I am sure. Has anyone ever worked out what the labour cost of building a decent Victory if you had to live off the income. Something tells me it would be way more than $2,000
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