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About JohnLea

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    Marietta, GA

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  1. Much easier to pirate figures than ship models. Less than $100. for the rubber and resin plus the cost of the casting from the original caster. It is/was a bit of a plague.
  2. There is a wealth of information here. I model vicariously by reading the various blogs. Look around while you are deciding on your next steps.
  3. If for some reason you want to avoid Model Expo, have a look at the NRG’s Half Hull project https://thenrgstore.org/
  4. Been there and still am there. It is a shame. I don't have enough experience to advise on beginner kits but you have landed on the top ship modeling forum and help and advice will be forth coming. Stand by.
  5. I bought this thing a while back. Like most of my tools it has been rarely used if at all. Seems to me that the blade could be replaced with a straight one.
  6. I like the "This is what I have done." but I really really like "This is how I did it". Thanks
  7. Probably varies from manufacturer to manufacturer like most countries.
  8. Sound advice I have seen here is to buy tools when you need them for a specific purpose. I have purchased a number of "have to haves" and never really used them.
  9. Never occurred to me but this is something to consider.
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