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Posts posted by keelhauled

  1. Nenad,


    I would be amazed if you don't finish first.  although it's not a race.  You run rings around me.   It doesn't help that I'm always traveling.  But I dream of her when I'm on the road.  Always working out problems.  How am I going to deal with this or that?  I have a book full of drawings and notes.  I have pages and pages where I've traced the rigging trying to understand how it is supposed to be and checking all of the the photos I can find.


    I have to tell you my friend that my model is so much better because of you. Watching you build, you drive me to redo what I have done to make it better.   You are always making it better and better!  I am glad we are building together!


    Take care and thank you for the joy.


  2. George, Nenad, Grant, and Popeye,

    thanks for the kind words!


    Nenad,  concerning the entertainment that comes with rigging delicate masts and yards.........I can't wait to see your work as well.  You may get there first!  ;)

    As to the deadeyes, I'm planning on using epoxy.  I've used epoxy on eye-bolts and was unable to pull them out with pliers. The only disadvantage is that once they are in place, they will be in place forever. I'd have to cut the copper and re drill holes if something is wrong.  Unless anyone has other advice...suggestions? :piratebo5:



  3. Thanks George, Popeye, Nenad, and Grant!


    I really appreciate the support!



    the Gremlins are at it again!  I just tried bending the painted copper for the  lower dead eyes.  I saw someone else painted the copper before bending, so I did the same.  The enamel paint cracked and flaked off completely upon bending.  So I've been repainting 58 copper wire pieces for the dead eyes. After bending first, of course! 






    George, I bought the mats at an art store too.  they weren't cheap, but much less expensive than what the model suppliers were charging.



    I finished the 3rd version of the Deck Houses


    The forward House




    The aft house 






    I dry fitted the mast - just to see the scale of this model.

    Pretty Large.  That's a 12 inch aluminum ruler centered below the hull



  4. So, I've been busy this week.  At last I finally had a chance to work!!


    I partially tore apart the cross trees on all three masts moved/reassembled them correctly.  Now they just need to have the paint touched up.






    finished adding all of the blocks to all three masts





    checked the chain clearance on the bowsprit




    I also started work on MK III of the deck houses (never happy)

  5. My Admiral picked the colors for CS, after showing some possible shades and pictures. Also the top part of the hull will be of sapele color and not black, so this CS will be a unique version of the original one  :D


    nice build. I saw your post about the color of the deck houses.  During the rebuild they did analysis of the paints and varnishes.  It was inconclusive, but appeared that the panels were probably white with the surrounding molding varnished.  Kind of what you have in your post.  during her first three captains, her deck houses had three different treatments.  All white, white panels with wood trim, no paint - only varnish(like she is today).

    So you actually have an accurate depiction of the color scheme for her deck houses.


  6. Henry,

    She's a beautiful build!  Very clean and detailed.


    Typically, you wouldn't leave lines coiled on the deck.  You're just asking for someone to trip or be trapped by it on a real ship.


    I'm not sure on your ship, but I've often seen the line coiled and belayed on the closest rail and pins, if it can't be belayed to the knight itself. Are you sure that the scale of the halliard line is correct.  Seems like it might be a little large compared to the breach lines on the guns.  Remember that the sailors would have to grip it in their hands.  It might also explain why it looks like you have such a large coil of line.  


    Just a thought.


    Keep up the great work!!


  7. Beautiful ship, Greg!  Nice repairs!


    It's amazing any of our ships survive the build.  I had just finished rigging the Constitution and was attaching the stern flag, when my roommate flew into the to grab his keys off the table I was working on and snapped the bowsprit clean off!  Took me days before I could even look at it.  A few weeks of work and she was fine.




  8. Hi Omar,

    Ship is looking great!!  There are many of us that have done drastic rebuilds to parts of our ship.

    Make sure that your stem and its connection to the frames is strong.  As Nenad said, the standing rigging will all tie back to these structural pieces.  Stay away from basa for ship models; it doesn't have the strength.



  9. Thanks Popeye and George!!

    I'm traveling a lot right now for work, so I'm not getting much done.  


    So, here's a quiz.  What's wrong with this picture?




    Answer:  The cross members are in the wrong locations!  They are in front of the masts instead of behind the mast.  The stays will be in the wrong location.


    All three masts are the same!   :huh:  :angry:


    Next Quiz: who is the dumbest builder on the site?


    Answer:  ME!!


    How did I miss this as much as I've been working on the masts?  So the good news is that the mast weren't glued into position.  The bad news was that the cross trees had to be torn apart.. AND the main mast has eyes that wont allow the top mast to lift out of position to step it down.  I guess that they must remove the eyes on the actual ship if the had to un-step the mast.  unfortunately for me, mine are epoxied in place. Therefore, I'm having to take the cross tree apart with the mast fully stepped.  Ahhhh!


    The other good thing is that iso-propyl alcohol did a great job dissolving the wood glue.


    I guess I should be really happy that I noticed it before I start putting sails on yards and yards into place.  I've been temporarily stepping the masts and dry running standing rigging looking for other issues.  found that I'm missing some blocks and eyes.   oh and that the cross trees were wrong.


    Two steps forward, two steps back.  Oh well


    Fair winds my friends :cheers:

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