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Posts posted by keelhauled

  1. Sorry to hear about your mother in law.   I'm glad that your mother in law has you to help take care of her.  I've been very fortunate to have loved ones help me when I needed it and I'm glad when I can help my family when they need me.  It's just one of the wonderful aspects of having a family.


    As you take care of everyone else, don't forget to take care of yourself.  You've had a hard year and need to stay healthy as well. Make sure you take time to lower your stress.


    All the best to you and your family!


    By the way the work on the ship looks great!


  2. Thanks George,

    The sails aren't from a kit.  They are aftermarket from Radek.  Check out his site  www.radekshipmodels.cz,  He has sails for a lot of different ships and scales. Also, the price was very reasonable.  


    I don't think that I will be weathering the sails.  If it were a war ship, I probably would.  But I think that the clean sails on the Cutty is appropriate.  Maybe I'll change my mind.  Also, I would be scared that I would end up ruining these beautiful sails.  I would be devastated If I changed their dimensions!  They fit perfectly.  I'll try to take a shot of all of them laid out on a table when I get back in a week or two.  I have go out on travel.


    I have been working on the ship and have photos.  I'll post when I get back.


  3. Thanks for the feedback HOF.  nice to know I wasn't alone on dealing with those dead-eye issues!


    More updates to posts that i made somewhere else in the site about sources of blocks and sails.

    I found a great source for both: www.radekshipmodels.cz


    The owner is Radek and he is great to deal with.  Through emails, I've found him to be very concerned about the accuracy of his products and care for the customer and their models.  He has shared with me several discoveries in his research for understanding more of the historical construction of the sails.  He produces blocks (very clean and available at very small sizes) as well as his sails using CNC machines.


    I received my sails and they are great!  The material is thin and the sewing is dead straight (where it should be).  night and day difference between the Mantua sails that I purchased.


    This is the Mantua mizzen sails



    These are Radek's  Difference is amazing




    Here are the mains



    The jibs



    A couple of detials




    Beautiful work!





  4. " ... Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey , Chim chim cher-ee! ..."


    One more nice detail, discovered during analyze of photos I colected


    Now you see it !!!!




    Now you don`t  !!!!




    Also this disappeared !!!


    attachicon.gifsee me.JPG  


    That chimney moves around some!  When it does appear in your photo it isn't in the same position as it is in woodget's photo and campbell's plans!


    Isn't the part on the deck in the see me photo the bottom of the poop rail where the buckets fit.  If so they must have removed it and had it just sitting there while they were working -maybe?

  5. Hi Nenad,


    The alterations to the aft deck house were done under  the Portuguese when she was owned by J. Ferreira and Co. Longridge's book has her with this configuration. Her original front was removed and replaced with a taller entrance with doors on both sides.  Also the rear entrance was added.  I'm not suprised that they didn't restrore the original entrance.  It wouldn't have been good for visitors - only one entrance/exit and not very tall, you would have had to keep the booby hatch portion open so people wouldn't hit their heads and I'm sure that it wasn't as water tight during rain as the solid top with side doors.


    My Mantua model plans have the current hatches for the aft deck house.


    Here are images from the plans






    Using known measurements versus the plan and using ratios, it appears that the height of the forward structure from deck to the top is approximately 6 - 6.5 feet high and approximately 3 - 3.5 feet wide.  The aft structure is approximately 5 - 5.5 feet high from deck to top and approximately 2.5 feet wide.


    I'll check Longridge's book and see if he provides a better description of dimensions


    Hope this helps


  6. Nenad,

    your dead eyes look great.

    However, if you decide that you don't feel like making all of them and/or the 300- 400 blocks I know a source in europe.

    I've been working with Radek Beseda on developing sails for the Cutty (awesome sails. I just received the final set and will post photos this week).

    Anyway, Radek offers C&C blocks. Beautiful work and he really cares about providing good parts.  You can tell him that I sent you.





  7. Beautiful work!!  Nice detail!


    Just a comment on the double O wood versions of the brass sheet.  I was intending on purchasing them and kept putting it off until a couple of years back.  Unfortunately, by that time they no longer made them.  I called double o and they didn't even know what I was talking about.  I tried again months later and that person knew what I was talking about and said that they hadn't offered it for some time and no longer offered wood products.  Such a shame.

  8. Hi Nenad,

    Yep, they removed the buckets in front of the entrance when she got her new entrance.  

    Great work on the forecastle!


    I just mounted the lower aft dead eyes.  I have to admit that I used my "Captain's prerogative" and mounted them slightly higher than they are in reality.  I thought that they would really be a pain to rig, so I raised them just enough to give me access to the lower hole.  I agree about the deck house being in the way.  I pretty sure that I'm not going to mount the deck houses until the mast in front of each one is finished being rigged (going to rig bowsprit back in order).  I think that it will be hard to belay all of the sail rigging to the side rails across from the deck houses with the deck houses in place.

  9. Thanks Popeye!  


    I still have the mizzen dead eyes to install.  I discovered that I screwed up and drilled the holes in the deck the same as they are on the rails which leaves no way to secure the eyes.  Luckily I can get to the area beneath the poop deck, so I can glue some wood down there to solve the problem.  Hopefully.



  10. Thanks for the compliments George.  The more I scratch build things the more confident I become to tackle other projects and the less concerned I am about damaging stuff, or ripping it apart and redoing it, like I did with the bow and stern ornamentation.  To date, I think the ship's wheel was one of the most challenging projects that I tackled.


    Can't wait to see you start your build, George.  I appreciate you keeping up with what I'm doing.  Even as slow as I am showing progress.  Unfortunately, my job keeps me traveling.  And when I'm home I'm often busy doing stuff around the house that should have been done while I was one the road.  Hopefully, I'll have some relief from travel this winter, If I can get another body hired.




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