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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. she's looking great kats........you take care of yourself.....back problems are not good to ignore. My admiral is disabled due to back problems.....I know how you must feel. do a little at a time........don't rush. don't worry about forgetting stuff......by now, it's engrained into your memory......that is, if the ship isn't already built in your mind always a treat to see!
  2. of course I'm here phil.......I'm drawn to that wood grain you got going ....especially the ship's boat you made....... very nice indeed! I'm also gald you put in some pictures of the bottom hull paint......that came out real nice as well. yea, it's a pain........but it will bring you up to speed......I finished putting in the Gothenborg about a week or so ago........now I can't wait to get back to her I have to order some deadeyes for her....once I do that, I'll be ready to continue. I'll be keeping an eye out for your progress
  3. very tiny......and nicely done! mini you must come in handy for this.........great job!
  4. Yea, I know John.......that little problem still plagues me. I've been looking around for others.......the cost of these little guys is astounding! I may have an idea though......I'll see if it pans out. if not, I'm afraid these will be the only props to grace the deck. thanks for looking in...and the good word!
  5. thanks Mobbsie and Anja. I got my new keyboard......man, what a difference! as the wicked witch said: "you have to approach these things slowly........or you'll break the spell" it is looking like I might have a couple of builds out of the way, by the time I get back to her. I'll keep you imformed
  6. thanks everyone! I really appreciate the good word. I plan on four that will be at different stages on the sheer skids....and one that will be tucked under the sheer in a compartment. I have to get back to making the doors for the other ones. to look at other boats....every inch of space is geared for making money. thanks for looking in Mobbsie that one is just a tad different Wayne, but that just goes to show the small differences from one to the other. these are cool seeing that they can be done any way you want I think a smaller cooler could be shoved somewhere Carl thanks for the good word Augie thanks Mario........I can only work on one at a time......and I can remain busy while paint or glue is drying
  7. that's a beautiful ship Alex.......I love the lap straking you did.......really makes that hull pop! very very nice!
  8. thanks Patrick.......this is probably the main reason why I have so many builds lying around.......I hate waiting for paint or glue to dry. I have to keep busy. more updates soon.........thanks again guys!
  9. hey Patrick.......I think you read my mind.......or I read yours hee......hee.........heee! thanks Wayne.....that's what I thought when i saw the stuff in the bin.....it's amazing some of the things yiou can find there. I even found a package of hinges......someone tore the package. I've been correcting the mistakes in my typing......believe me......this really boots!
  10. I hurried up and got the other part together for you. the cover was completed, and sanded. then it was covered with the aluminum and cemented in place. then, the 'L' section of the table was finished so, here it is......dry fitted in place. I have to make a few things for it still, but the main part of it is complete. no.........it's not leaving the table just yet! ahhh, now that I have him back in my clutches again.....I have a couple more aspects, I think I will work on. more updates soon
  11. this update is on the sort table. I have the majority of the assembly in this session......there is more to come. I wanted to do it as simple as possible, but as I was making it......well, it kinda snowballed. it started by making the back and left side, using 3/32 square stock to create the locator tabs and legs then a divider wall was made, and the front face for what is to be the cooler for the catch. I was curious to see how it fit......I measured it in the beginning.....but I was still curious. I also trimmed and finished off the sail.....I was going to lash it to the mast further, but I think it's fine just the way it is I bought this a while ago.......I was looking in the clearance bin at the craft store, and I found a couple packages of corrigated aluminum for model train layouts. this stuff is .002 x 5 x 7 .....and the .030 corigate spacing is suitable for HO trains. I will used this to cover the cooler. I got them for half price, because they were damaged.....small scratches and slightly bent. more work was done to the second bin, as well as the cover for the cooler. the bottom was cemented in the second bin. this is to be an 'L' shaped piece of furniture, and the right hand side was made up. one more side to go on the cover......then it can be sanded and covered in the aluminum as well. as mentioned, there is more. I had to get the admiral's computer up and running, so there is a bit of a break here. the computer she was using is gone now.......headed back to the store. as mentioned on my Gothenborg build, I had to give up the keyboard I was using, because it belonged to that computer. it's been a real pain to do this update on this crappy keyboard.......hopefully she will come home with a new one for me. perhaps I should register with Model expo in antisipation
  12. like I said......keep your fingers crossed. right now, I'm using a really crappy keyboard........I had to give up the keyboard I was using because it belonged to the other computer. everything sticks on this one.....even the spacebar ! this morning I set the other computer up and did a total recovery on it. now that it's back to factory specs, it's going to go back to the store. now I have to get another keyboard, but I don't need anything special. I'm sure I can find one cheap enough.......don't think it will be a factor. .....but keep 'em crossed anyway!
  13. yepper.....me too Bob! I'm doing a few things to the Denny-zen at the moment and doing the small things to this one while things are drying. thanks for the good word.
  14. the deck looks great sjors! nice to see progress on your build. it's actually a very nice deck layout.......very well set up
  15. I shouldn't mention this.......I don't want to jinx it, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. the admiral has her original computer, that had gone on the fritz. she got another computer.....one of those rent to own deals. she decided to see if she could get it up and running again and found that it needed a part. we had to look around, but we were able to locate the part......of course I said to just get it, nice guy that I am. got it home .......I installed it......and the computer seems as good as new. she is so happy that she {after looking at the books} may allow me to get the dead eyes I need! keep your fingers crossed!
  16. thanks for the good word Dr Per. the vent funnel on on this kit is located on the grating. I found it odd, so I cemented it to the deck derectly behind the grate.......but it bugged me, because that is not what the instructions said. I didn't have any good pictures of it to go by, so I put it back onto the grate. yes, I had another decal sheet sent to me Keith. what I have is the Testor's 'decal it' decal maker {standard edition}. you have to be careful, because the basic kit is out there, and you can't import designs into it. with the standard edition, you can. look at the Susan A build......those decals were all hand made. one drawback to this program.....it depends greatly what type of printer you have. I have an ink jet printer....these printers can't do white, or metalic colors {they look like the color, but don't have the sheen}. you can go here to see it: Testors since they are done with ink, they need to have a skin coat applied....the ink will come off. you'll also need a product called decal bonder....testor's sells that as well.......great product. The AmericA decal were too thin and lacked the approporiate filming behind them, causing them to micro crack into bits and pieces on the backing. I sprayed the rest of the decals with the bonder, and I was able to use them. when I got the new sheet, these were sprayed as well, and I was able to do the eagle decal for the stern. it is possible to fool the program (in a way) to do white......simply by printing the decals on white decal paper....it can be purchased in clear and white. you just have to adjust the colors, so that it will print the way you want them to. there is also a small transparency issue that I'm trying to iron out.......laid on a light colored surface, they are great.......but the darker the subject color is, the less you can see the decals. the decal on the Lobsie twins show the real good. I'm still working with it.....I don't use it all the time, and at this point in time, I've run out of decal paper, so I just can't sit and experiment. I have done some importing though.....stencils are the best! hello Mario........thanks for the good word! rigging soon, my friend!
  17. thank you gentlemen......I'm just going where this build takes me....that's all. I should have more progress soon.
  18. nice gratings Sjors. I'll look forward to those pictures.
  19. I think you should repramand him for no drop cloth for the paint can!! LOL!!! that's pretty cool! now......THAT.....is really going to add to the deck work!
  20. thanks Frank. getting closer towards being rigged! still have to do those darn reef lines! thanks for the good word!
  21. thanks for the good word carl. it took me a minute to think of what you meant by towels..........but if it's what I think it is...that's the ironing board....LOL! glad you were able to wade through all the lobster jokes
  22. yes Carl........more pictures soon.........thanks for looking in! hello frank........yea, the first one is OK....but I think I can do better. as I mentioned, this one trap is to be stored out of the way anyhow.....it's a test. I haven't even painted those buggers yet.......I've been too busy with other aspects. when I get to them, I'll get'em right on here thanks for the good word.
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