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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Wayne........you had to say it.........yes, it's looking like snow Monday nite into tuesday. I hope it misses us thanks for the good word.
  2. thanks MJD...I appreciate the good word. you got your feet wet......that's all that counts. now I'll have to see what your being so modest about thanks Sherry......just think of the word sailor as sail-taylor AK-k-k-k-kk-k-kk-k! thanks John......the light boxes are un finished......I still have to paint them and put the 'glass' in and paintthem as well it was only to show what the replacements will look like. plastic...........baaaaaaaa! thanks Pat.......I could have ten builds in the works.....and still not be as busy as Danny! LOL! he's leagues above me though. good weather's coming though.......I'll be doing the dreaded 'yard work' soon. the admiral and I went out today......she needed a part for her computer. I tried like crazy to steer her towards Hobbytown......but she wouldn't budge but, not to worry.......I leave my schedule open for the simplist of things thanks for the good word.....and your concern, good sir. now I must go, and install said part in her computer.....before she beats me with it!
  3. howdy Phil......good to see your build back again! I look forward in seeing more of your progress.
  4. thanks Augie..these part are always fun to do. there are parts in just about every kit, that might not look appealing. it's neat when you can make them look the way you want them to.
  5. thanks Bob....I don't have another test subject. the other ones need to look a little bit better than that one. the joint of the frame needs improvement....looks too bulky. thanks for the good word and looking in
  6. hi there Augie......thanks for the good word. that's what a lot of this finish stuff is....just wish it wasn't so tedious
  7. I looked ahead........and I didn't post those pictures. here are all the sails....completed. here are the pictures for the gaff yokes. my first attempt was with older wood. it seemed a bit harder with age, so I thought to try to use it.....it didn't work. it srarted out good, but in cutting out the mast insert, it split in half. I then thought of this thin plywood.......I'm sure you have seen this stuff in kits you've done........it's only 1/16 of an inch thick, very stiff and hard to work with. I had better luck with it. I cut one wrong, so I had to make one other........this worked out much better........finished picture above.
  8. I made more progress on the AmericA. there is some prep involved, before the rigging can be done and the sails erected. the gaffs have to be assembled, the yokes for them are made of plastic. I think I posted the pictures of my easrly attempt at making them from wood. the 1/16 thick hard plywood worked out much better.......I only had to make one extra one, to get the pair that I need. they will be cut to size later, then fitted to the sail. the next aspect I looked at was the light boxes. I had mentioned earlier, that I didn't like them......I still don't.....their too fake. so, I cut the parts needed to make them, set up my jig again, and made them up while I was waiting for them to dry.....I made up the chain plates when the boxes were dry, I began to shape them......then to even them out to make them look alike I had ordered some lights.......with no realization as to how small they were. these will be perfect for the boxes. they will have the window maker treatment and then the glass will be painted the colors they need to be. eye bolts were added......the yokes were sanded to shape.....so far I have come up with this the next aspect will be the anchors........to me, there's smoething wrong here. the anchor chain comes out of the fairlead {which to me are in the wrong place}...........it should wrap around the drum, and exit through a hawse hole in the bow. I can do that......but it might look strange...any thoughts on that? I have extra chain.....enough to do this, I believe. the anchor is another story....it too is made of plastic and need to be cemented together. since there are two fairleads and two drums....I was think of making two anchors. I will cement the anchors to a piece of wood, cut them out and then shape them, to make the two anchors I need for this. any thoughts would be appreciated
  9. here is a little something I tried out yesterday. I have to make the front door for the traps......but I am out of the wood supplied to make the traps. I thought to make the door using wire....I have some really stiff steel wire, that I haven't found a use for. I also painted it it in quick steps.....the paint had very little time to dry.......but I think it still achieves the matching to the trap itself. the admiral bought this packet of thread for me......she thought I might be able to use it. there are different hues in the bag, but they are a bit too shiny, so I can't really use it in normal application. it will do for this just fine. I took netting and cut the center hole, and then lashed it to the frame. hee is how it will look on the trap. it was given the gray paint......then the brown hues.........and then the flat black and white ......to give me this. still a few more aspects need to be added to them..........the others will have a better door shape. this is the extra one that will be put in the compartment under the sheer. the progress continues........more to come soon
  10. nice bit of progress Sarah.......the ablilty to 'think on your feet' is an absolute necessity with this hobby. there are many processes to do something.........but as long as the outcome is the same...then it's all good! I look forward in seeing them in application
  11. you forgot to mention the build logs that I write on online blog sites as well Gil. I have one for every build I do.........but even that, the sites that I belong to, as well as the builds I do.......I could never be able to match the knowledge, craftsmanship, and workmanship that you put into your build......It's absolutely beautiful! your level sir, is a mountain that I have yet to climb......kind of like what scrooge said to the third spectre......"I fear it the most". to do that { I see this in a modeler's perspective}, I would have to put myself "into" the model.....something I fail to do at this time. I see that in your build and more something I said a while ago that I can apply to you "model manufacturers give kits substance,,,,,,you give them life!"
  12. the deck looks great.....and with some of the fixtures in place make it even better. I wish I had a place to do something this large......but if I did, the admiral would put me away! your doing a superb job!
  13. I don't know Adam........I guess that's what happens when you don't post pictures regularly I'm getting some done on this one, but I've been working on another at the moment. I'm doing something on it today........hope to have an update soon. there are still a couple sub assemblies I can do. thanks for looking in my friend
  14. hey there Bob.......glad to see you have another build in the works I like the way you beveled those planks......If I had seen this earlier, I could have done a better job with the AmericA {I tried something similar} I'll look forward in following your build......nice looking so far!...
  15. thanks Joshukr........all I can teach you is how to get somewhere with a build, using just razor blades and an x-actor knife....LOL! I can show you how to use your imagination as well. if you come away with more than that......then I'm a happy guy! glad to have you looking in.....and I do hope you enjoy what you see
  16. hello tom. Yepper......that's the way I have it. I have to get busy and make up the work area.......perhaps this afternoon...... I have about 100 reef lines to sew into my AmericA sails.......so that might break the manotany thanks for the good word. I like your avatar........I happen to have one just like it.......but without the dog looking on hee.......hee...!
  17. oh....I don't know about that Augie.......we have a small beach front, as well with the bordering of two other states that are famous for their waterfronts........and I'm still learning something new every time I pick up the x-actor
  18. thanks Bob.......I'll find that out, when all these get finished. I've sent two of them home......I still have some room.
  19. nice bit of progress Augie.....some pictures may fall my way, I hope
  20. thanks Paul....I hope to get to this build soon. I still have to get more planking for it. painting hulls is very easy with an airbrush......can't remember the last one I had to do with a brush. it gives a good finish every time!
  21. I wasn't going to put it into the build.....I do find it strange to see it off center like that, but if it's to look like this, then I will make it so. thank to all for the good word........
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