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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. wood floats........so....it's as light as a feather.........and therefore.........she's a witch! let's burn her.........a witch!!!
  2. my friend in Barrys Bay mentioned you folks had snow the other day........we had ours yesterday.......trying it's best to get sunny, but the clouds are winning. really stinks.......we were almost bare ground around here!
  3. **he turns around to see me with the stick** "oh this..........no Sjors, It wasn't me....errrrr, I was was just going to stir some spotted paint :)"
  4. nicely done........so cleanly finished out as well. keen to see where you go next with the fore castle assembly
  5. that's the beauty of this large scale........the fittings can be created with such detail.......and as a working, movable part! superbly done!
  6. the detail is just fantastic...........I really like that interior view. look forward in seeing the finished 'mini rama'
  7. the bow spirit and boom is going to look great when they are assembled , sanded, and painted. nicely done!
  8. there you go there Augie.......now your on to the best part of the rigging! looks very nice.....superbly done
  9. this was the result of not having the supplies and parts to carry on with builds......I wish I had the funds to get stuff at a whim. my other pratfall was that I allowed the other build table, to become a 'catch-all' for clutter. there are many time, I've had an idea or two for this build, but couldn't do anything, because of the thought of clearing ar area for it. my saving grace at this point, is that I have a couple builds {three if I really push}, that are close to completion. I just got the shipping confirmation that the parts are on their way to me, so now I'm going set a new plan into motion, in preparation for their arrival. I do apologize for the delay.....I know I said that it would never leave the table again....but the dead eye thing really thew a monkey wrench into the mix. I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to make excuses......I more than anyone, think that this build.....as small a scale as it is.......has gone on for too long. I hope this to be a turning point for the Goth
  10. looks like another cool project. love the shape of the hull. fun to see
  11. just a short word, to let you all know that they are on order, and I should see them within a few days. I got the bulk pack {150}.....I need at least 60 of them to do the upper shrouds. I hope to get something going on this build soon. thanks for following
  12. with you standing by the boat....you can really get a sense of how large she is...........wonderful work!
  13. really nice update Sarah. I have only done full sail. I suppose you could have the gaff, spanker, and stay sails full and just have the square sails furled. I'm sure someone will have a better answer for you
  14. great looking tops! look forward in seeing more when you get back.
  15. thanks Andy........this hobby breeds insanity.......but I'm too far gone to know I'll come up with something, I'm sure!
  16. see what happens when I get too much sawdust flying........I miss great builds like this! the last I heard, was that you tabled the greek vessel and was thinking of another build.......I guess I don't get out much. I'll have to read it completely, but what I saw so far is superbly done.......that's one bid girl your working on........cripes the sawdust must be everywhere by now! I'll be looking on from here on out.....great job so far
  17. great work on your ship.....the cannon rigging is especially nice. the deck is very well fitted out....great work!
  18. Only Andy............the wipers again! man, the last time you mentioned that, I almost got sent to the rubber room by the admiral! to make matters worse......if I did one boat.........I'd have to do them both...that's six wipers! I'll get right on it ! thanks everyone for the good comments........I'm really surprised! I made the wipers for the M&M fun ship......yea, the admiral accused me of prolonging the build on her.......but when she had it in her hot little hands, she was a very happy camper! that's a really cool wiper Michael......you better save that one for your BIG build at this scale, I won't go that elaborate.....but I think I can make the to look like they have rubbers on them. I'll look into it........it is doable the build{s} is far from being finished at the moment........still more to go. thanks again for all the good words.........it makes all the crazy stuff I think up, all worth wile. your ideas are priceless as well!
  19. nice bit of progress Andy......I tend to agree with you, but for those of us who don't have a lathe......well, we have to make do I'll look forward in seeing the complete mast tree. so far, it looks real good.
  20. thanks john all prints are wiped prior to installation Augie......but I can't seem to get away from the dust particles. this clear cello didn't come with the kit. some cello {looking through it} shows distortion of what your seeing through it.....this stuff gives a very clear view....I think that's the cool part that's also the nice thing about this window maker, it dries clear and disappears.....but I did take a thin strip of the cello material, and scraped the excess that oozed out along the edges. thanks for the good word Daniel
  21. thanks for the good word David......this is what I had to do, to get back on subject...LOL! I seem to be paying more attention to the Denny-Zen though........there's more to do. I'll get to the Phylly C soon enough. thanks for looking in
  22. I have some progress that I did yesterday......it's not complete, but here is what I have. the windows need to be put it......these can be done from the outside. it's hard to see them, but the front windows are there. to trim out the frames, I'm going be using angle molding.......I have some quarter round stuff, but it didn't look good. the bottoms and tops needed to be notched to accept the side moldings as the molding were run top and bottom, the sides were cemented in. I used the window maker to do this......it won't cloud the cello. the port side windows were next the starboard window is a single window, tirangular like the one on the port side. I will squeeze that one in the nest session I get into.
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