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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I have a couple of places where I can get dowels from. but this might be a good remedy.......I am surprised that your kit didn't have any dowels in it JP. a big problem I see with billing's kits {perhaps others as well}, is that there is no real way of telling the raw dowels apart in the kit........they are not labled. I find it rather confusing. it would probqably be best to purchase the different size dowels you'd need, and go from there. if your plans a 1:1.......you got it made!
  2. your build reminds me of all the painting I'm going to have to do, when I get back to my United States build.........I use an airbrush though, so it might not be a huge job. I use the frog tape.....I seem to get better results. it's been tough getting back all of the builds I used to follow.........talking to you on my United States build, jogged my memory that I haven't gotten yours back........I have it now nice job so far........keep up the good work!
  3. holy cow David..........lost track of your build since the crash..............WOW! you've done so much.......she looks absolutely beautiful! really nice job with the masting and ratlines........and the rigging is superb! really nice work!
  4. nawwww....he just keeps them in separate dry docks! if he didn't they might share ideas, and it would bend history...........we'd all have to change the way we think of these ships............mixed influences........oh my!!! nice work on the bow spirit........it looks great!
  5. you have a beautiful ship Rusty.......looks superb with all the additions in place!
  6. I would have done that.......but the thoughts of a drunken guy with an x-actor, would probably have scared the crap out of the admiral! LOL! with me........if I over think something......I get a crappy job. I'll look forward in seeing how this comes out for you.......you'll do fine, I'm sure! gee......I should have thought of that! I seem to use a lot of HO stuff in my builds I have the walther's website bookmarked, so I'll take a look........thanks a lot for the info!
  7. thanks Aldo....I was hoping to get things done last week......but it's taking longer than I thought.......soon, my friend! thanks much for the good word
  8. ohhhh......you mean that small apex at the base of the counter. I did a dry fit when I got the hull together, and I think there will be a bit of a problem there. for something like that, I would probably suggest some plastic filler.......and then sand to shape. unfortunately, I have this build on the back burner for the time being. my thoughts of the wood decks got so intense, I had to do something to get it out of my head. for me....it means doing it! but, yea..........I remenber having this problem back when I did the Consitiution.......and again when I did the first build of this vessel. the big thing to look out for, is not to shave too much off either surface..the counter or the hull.....or it will just make this problem worse. just get it so it will fit reasonably well and use putty.........wipe it with your finger to get the excess off the outside of the hull.......and try not to remove too much hull detail with sanding. Revell would have done well to redo how they created these parts......design flaw.......I think so!
  9. thanks Alex.......I don't have too much more that I'm going to do with him......just a few more added details. I'm working towards getting these near finished builds off the table, so I can start back onto the Gothenborg. not too much at the moment...I'm trying to finish the F-15 build I have going on {almost done}.........then I can finish these two off. they both need pretty much the same aspects, so the Denny-zen AND the Phylly C will be finished. thanks for the good word!
  10. you've done it a hundred times already..........not happy with a kit part.......no problem, I'll just make my own! you've said it to yourself that many times as well. you've no reason to think that you couldn't go either way. those yard parts look very good.........you'll flesh them out well, I'm sure he said........Hey Honey..... take a walk on the dark side...... an' it goes like.... to........de to......to de to, de to........to......de to........to de to, de to.........alright! {altered verse: I'm sure you don't swing that way.......LOL!!!!}
  11. your Norden looks great Steffen! the "Mary Ann" pilot house was built the same way. I wasn't happy though, because the windows were too small......so I made another one with larger ones. I 've built a few of these Billing Boats....instructions are not the greatest, but the kit is pretty good. I used to have the Mary Ann and the Cux 87 build here, but they were lost in the crash. these two were based on a full hull construction, unlike your build which is a half hull design.......but the hulls are quite simular. your build looks familiar.......did you start this one before the crash? I never forget a build
  12. hello Radman! in the United States kit, there are no galley walls. for some reason, these parts were omitted......I can't see why. this is a spin-off from the Constitution kit......the hulls are basically the same, it's just that this kit has an addition to the poopdeck. I do plan on putting them in.....when I made up the wood gun deck sections, the location holes were there on the plastic ones, so I marked them out. I did build the Constitution a long time ago.........did you try pulling the hull sides together? if the gap won't be seen, it probably isn't a big deal. but if it does show, perhaps you could get some styrene flat stock and build up the ends to fit.
  13. thanks Aldo......I hope to get to the sail rigging soon. hi Alpentex.......is this the Billing's AmericA your working on? I was looking at another manufacturer for Ideas. the bow spirit needs to be tapered......there is a ring that is supposed to go at the tip. I drilled the holes straight through....top to bottom and side to side. I used the copper eye bolts, and what stuck out the other end, was bent to make the opposite eye bolt. be careful though, or it will break.....I'd love to do this boat at a larger scale......there has to be more than what the Billing's plans show thanks for looking in and the good word. I hope I helped you out
  14. I don't remember the last time i did something like that. as a young lad......I lived for fishing. used a drop line until my teen years...my uncle gave me my first pole......six footer with an open face reel.
  15. there isn't much snow left around here.........hopefully we won't see any more. take it slow on the shoveling Borge!
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