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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Sjors....I'll look into it........there is a problem with the posting. I posted a comment this morning, but it appeared like it didn't go through. I hit it three or four more times......before I knew it, I was deleting extra posts {duplicates}. I know better now. thanks runner63.........kind of you to join in. I think you will like the neaxt update.........here it is.
  2. I still want the nose.........I believe their still giving .50 cents for them {fish and game} don't feel bad sherry...........I don't eat venison either.......my borther does..........now I know why we never saw a sequel to 'Bambie' !
  3. sorry to hear of the mishap as well. you'll find that it's all part of the hobby.......if it's not the tension of the lines, then a sleeve caught it.........or your attack dog had lunch! however it happens.......to recover well, will give you the added strength to perservere.....then you 'll be able to joke with your husband, when he has one of his 'ouch' moments.........
  4. I always wondered what that was in youre signature........so cool!
  5. she looks so sweet Frank! you've done a superb job on the sails and the rigging is very well done.......super job all the way around!
  6. wow! don't know what happened the other night.......went to put in the latest update and the site was down..........anyone know what happened?
  7. I started back with an airbrush, after I did my first build........using a rattle can was very hard.....no control at all. I wasn't going to do any weathering....but I did the sort table.......and of course, there is the deck.....I felt that it show show some wear pattern {walk path to the fore cabin door, and the helm}......and I wanted to do some skuffings to the skids. I have some more progress to report......I think that once all the traps and stuff are in the picture, it should look fine. I just have to get over how I feel about weathering in general.....I don't do a lot of it......and when I see it the next day......I usually change it back. I did say though, that this boat is going to look like it's been around a while and seen a lot of work. thanks for your thoughts Andy......I really appreciate it
  8. your in the thick of it now! the best way to describe rigging is like this.....standing rigging pertains to the masting and running rigging pertains to the yards, booms, gaffs, and sails. they might have the tutorials for rigging back up on the site, but you can always do a search online.....there's plenty of material out there. your doing a wonderful job......very nice work!
  9. superb looking build....so clean and neatly done
  10. I do most of my painting with airbrush Andy. I figure that once I get the traps on board, it will tie everything together. the only real bad area is on the sort table....got some rather evident stroke marks......some thinner on a Q-tip will blend all that together. I used a flat paint, so it won't alter the sheen too much. thanks for the good word John. there's more to this....I'll have it up soon.
  11. superb work on the gaffs and booms.........they look very nice in their prospective places if you had a problem with the tiller.....I would never know it........you have one beautiful ship there! nice work!
  12. I still can't get over how big that hull is.........I had to look back at the hull pictures to see the dip you were talking about. well, for what it's worth...once you get a handle on the sanding, the second planking will cover it over nicely. tried to crunch some numbers on your gun port issue.......you know 1mm thick X 10mm wide........but it didn't add up. so, I scratched all that and took a mini nap at my desk. hope you get it figured out OK.........I'm sure you will, all by yourself!
  13. thanks Adam........I wasn't going to do this....but I guess I'm glad i did. when it all comes together.....it will look the better for it. thanks for the good word
  14. thanks Keith.....I use only enamels...flats for the most part. I can just take some thinner and blend in some of the more prominant stroke marks......mainly on the sort table. yes...I do tend to talk to my builds....better than talking to myself. not that I'm 'not' a good listener, just that it kinda creeps me out when I give answer in another voice....... LOL {just kidding} thanks Alex......I, in no way, want to become an advocate, for the consumption for lobster..........but for some reason, my last few builds seem to point towards food. perhaps my next build should be dubbed the Jack La Laine thanks for the good word. thanks David......glad your enjoying the build. while I do enjoy thinking of cool things to do, I get some of them here as well......kind of a group effort. thanks for the good word.
  15. I have always wondered how these ship looked like inside..........early ships were built up at the fore and aft. so bassically, what your working on at the moment, equates to nothing more than internal ramparts for the armament. I'll look forward in seeing your progress.
  16. thanks Mobbsie! I was looking at mosses and stuff the other day.....it didn't fit the picture though. I also notice a small gap in the window frame, that I have tio fix. I have a friend of mine, that is an absolute weathering genius.....he has done many U-boats and subs. some of the builds I have seen just boggle my mind. thanks for the good word!
  17. thanks Patrick.......I wasn't going to, but I was going to do the skids, the table, and the equipment. the sorting table is connected to the decking, so I strafed the deck to the fore cabin door and helm area......it progressed from there. I used a semi stiff squared artist's brush, and that's what I think, I don't like about it. I thnk that when the traps are on board, and there's more to the deck, it will look better.
  18. I have made some progress off and on during the last couple of days. the starboard side window is in place now. then ........I did it. I'm not totally pleased with what I did....I fear that I made the boat look like crap. I started out by adding some weathering to the sorting table. ....and then it sort of fanned out over the entire boat........ the extra trap was added, along with a couple more rope coils. what I'm using here is the hemp rope, that I have used on earlier builds. I like the looks of this rope. here is a comparison of the original buoy plugs that came with the kit, and the buoys I made.....I did size them down some. the relation of the buoy and the trap isn't too far out, so .....the heck with it, I'll use them. I also started to make the front doors for the other traps. I bought this senery material for my B&M snow plow diorama......that's been in the closet for a while now. I only need a little of it for what I want to do. after the doors were bent to fit, a bit more will be done to the traps, before they are cemented on. more progress soon
  19. classic movie.......followed them since the 70's... who.......I what?!?! oh that.... "you can't go 'round proclaim'in supreme power......jes cuz some watery tart threw a sword at you...........why......if I went 'round like that, they'd put me away!"
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