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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I like making sails......I was surprised that the material in both kit was very thin......not like the material I got in the Gothenborg kit {although it looks more like real canvas}. I have two rolls of it.....one from that kit, and one from the Regina kit {even Hakan didn't use it.....too thick to be actual}. I have some prep to do now....and then the rigging can begin thanks for the good word Patrick
  2. thanks Anja.....yepper.....feels good to have them all back up! now to get'em finished
  3. thanks Sjors and Anja......cool that I can reply to the both of you together. the sails are the color they will be......actually they are sort of a beige color.....light beige. I kinda like using the sewing machine......it's pretty cool! now if I can just get away from breaking the thread as much as it happens.....I can make short work of it. rigging starts soon! thanks for the good word pat the police can come knocking.......I'm not guilty of anything.......other than having a lobster boat build nose to the grindstone........that's where I'm stay'in
  4. thanks Augie and Bob for the good word!.......just a little bit more no Sjors......that about the size of it.......all it does is steady the boat......no manipulation required that's just the way the chips fell Daniel.....I still have to do the windows on the D-Z......and I need to finish off the helm {on both boats - the D-Z and the P C}....a little prop magic, and there you go.....done the America build went pretty quick.....caught up to the lobsie twins just in time
  5. she looks great Andy........as long as you know where the starting point of the chain plate's location, the cannon ports will dictate the rest of the dead eye placements. it's nice to see how tall she'll stand though.......nice touch!
  6. I knew that.......you mentioned it in the post.......I'm glad that the advice reached you early in their developement I didn't mean to scare you....srorry about that
  7. there once was a lass named Peg, who found a dark spot on her leg so she cut in a groove, to try and remove the knot that was in her peg leg! how's that.......all in a minute!
  8. thanks Daniel........I think the dance floor was a one-time deal........but I still kept the left over tiles exactly! I pride myself on my humorous side. there's so much more good in the world, if more folks smile. as in these sites, I look at the builds, but I like to get to know the modeler as well.....friendships are built that way. to know someone, one finds critiques to be more of an honest nature....I don't critique to be hurtful.......I merely suggest. there is a really cool vibe in this site......I love being here. when it went down, I was truely at a loss.....I'm glad the site is recovering as well as it is I'm my own worst critic anyway.........thank my lucky stars, I have the admiral I do. she keeps my perspective for me. but yes.......humor in a site is a good thing. any new person comming in here sees all this and can feel at ease becomming a member..........sayas a lot for a happy ship
  9. if he puts up that popcorn machine.............I'll do a poem about Peg
  10. I guess the only thing to do now Andy......is to post something! I did it on my builds, and it seemed to soothe the savage beast! there you go Jan..........I like you already! not that I didn't dislike you before LOL!!! gotta love humor....but I agree, time to get back to business!
  11. but don't sand too much.......'cuz then you must splice! sorry....couldn't help myself.....LOL! your doing great! as mentioned though......I hated like you wouldn't believe, to mention something like that, but it's just something I saw..........you are going to love your new endeavor. your off to a great start oh........nice limerick......few people can grasp my twisted mind.......I hope it doesn't drive you mad!!!! they're com'in to take me away they're com'in to take me away....ho...ho..hee..hee...ha....ha
  12. the observation deck looks great! with the detail your putting in Paul......you don't need photo etch.......but come to think of it, is there anything available for the scale your working on in the first place? superb Paul.......I'm in awe of your work
  13. very nice bit of progress! your fittings look really good. I'll look forward in seeing them on the deck. got some pictures of the entire ship?
  14. that would be true, if there was a brass ring at the top there's really nothing to gain......and I don't think that it deters progress. there's really nothing wrong with a little small talk.......I think it's a great way to get to know the folks your talking to. builds and projects are nice, but I like to get to know the modeler as well......this builds the friendships that I see on the site....and I think that is the greatest build of all
  15. I used the supplied parts to do the rudder John.......I should have done what I was going to do, and used eye bolts. if I can change it, I will. later on, I might just order another kit.......I have other idea that I thought of 'after the fact' that I think would further enhance the build. thanks for the good word when the glue dressing dries, it tends to go clear. that's the sail material. I like the supplied material......it has a nice hue to it. I have some other material that looks like canvas, but it's a little bit thicker, so I stuck with this. the process I use to dry the sails can be altered slightly to put ruffles in the sails, to give them a wind blown effect. thanks for the good word Daniel.
  16. I got rocky mountain oysters in mine.........I'll trade you LOL! looks like everyone's been watching animal planet. I do apologize if my crusty friends encroached.....on Peg's turf......I hope I took care of it.
  17. now that the sails are all done, the assembly process can continue. I figured that I'd rig this one first, before getting back to the AmericA build. the beauty of this sail, is that there is no manipulation to it. once it is errected it just stays put. it is merely there to keep the boat from rocking while the traps are being brought up, unloaded, and rebaited. the mast is removable, later the entire structure can be folded up, or even taken down completely and stored on the deck. there wasn't any tackle at all in the kit, just sail material and string. I added in the 5mm double block for the down haul and the boom lift. there's a bit more I have to do.........I'll finish this off when I get back to it.
  18. thanks John........I should get back to this build soon........before I forget anything I have in mind...... thanks Daniel.......yea.....she thinks I have a one track mind, but I tell her.......no.....I think about ANY type of ship. there's a lot to think about, you know you do have me at a loss though.....what is Sjors buying?
  19. thanks sarah.......I started to write the last bit, and that just came to mind. I used to keep a pad in my pocket when I was younger. I'm glad you liked it as George Carlin once said: "takes all week to come up with a monolog........and ten minutes to use it up.
  20. thought I'd stop by Daniel........I can see that it's over already! very nice work there........the ship looks superb! I bought a ship in a bottle on one of our visits to Hampton beach.......I love the novelty of it. beautiful work.....bet it looks great in the sunlight
  21. in case the slippage problem occurs......you could always add your sandpaper idea into the mix......you'd have a clamp that won't stick .....and won't budge either
  22. very nice!! they fit extremely well!........I can see when you fall into the dark side..........well.....we'll send out a search party! I'll bet you made jig saw puzzels in a past life ......the only thing I will suggest though, is be careful with the edges. these parts should fit flush together, with hardly a seam. I feel...like a heel....to make such a big deal, but perhaps a block, or a rounded chock, will sand them square, so when they're laid there, will be jointed flush and fare. sorry........I caught a bad case of poetry...... oh, really.......how long have you had it oh.......once upon a time
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