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About JohnB40

  • Birthday 08/21/1952

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  • Location
    Oregon Coast
  • Interests
    Hiking and ship modeling

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  1. I'm looking for the right thinner for MM acrylic as it pertains to brush applications. The more I try to find the answer from various forums the answer becomes more confusing. Anything from distilled water,window cleaner,Isopropyl Alcohol and a host of others all contradicting each other,warning of dire results. MM thinners is no longer available.
  2. Thanks for the idea...Headed out to the bench sander to do some peg sculpture
  3. While planking the bulwarks on my Confederacy,I found it difficult to find the right clamp. All had too short a reach,too much tension or just plain junk. I solved the problem with my wife's clothes peg. Just turn them about face and use some heat shrink for the tips for padding.....Works a treat
  4. I had not been aware of this happening. Well worth watching this on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tccWmr9bZYA
  5. I spent 35 years restoring E Types (and other Jags) 1:1 scale.
  6. Hi Mike, Great research,you are becoming quite an expert on the Japanese Imperial Navy. I'm looking forward to following your build log on this ship., Regards, John
  7. Hi Jerry, The square nuts were stamped on small sheets of black fiber board. If they are missing,Model Expo will send you replacements. They have very good customer service.
  8. Hi Walrus Guy, Instead of painting the letters I have used dry transfer decals with good results. I used Dulcote to fix in place and protect after applying. Make sure you order enough for Confederacy in the right size with some for possible mistakes. These are the ones I used... https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/MG703
  9. Mike, Stunning piece of modeling once again. I find it unbelievable when I reference the scale to the Tamiya jar. I'm looking forward to viewing your destroyer diorama.
  10. Hi WG, I like the colors of your upper works. I posted the painting of the Confederacy on the forum awhile ago. When I came upon it,I had already painted my upper works black or I might have used the color scheme as you did. How authentic it is,I guess we will never know for sure,but it sure looks great on your construction. It looks like the quarter galleries where painted the same. My Confederacy proceeds at a glacial pace,I don't update my log as I live in a remote rural area and our satellite internet is one step above dial-up. A photo uploading is like watching paint dry. Keep up the fine work.
  11. I made this a while ago,works well in confined areas
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