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Nunnehi (Don)

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Nunnehi (Don)

  1. Just a quick update - lots of sanding/fairing and the installation of the gun ports. Much more to do but making progress and am really impressed with how well everything is fitting! Don
  2. Thanks, Bob, agreed. I’m constantly checking and getting a better feel for the process but I, too have been worried about taking off too much. I’m really enjoying your Pen Duick build, your deck looks really great! Don
  3. Thanks, Mike and Rusty, I appreciate it. OK, drugs and sticky back sandpaper it is! 😺Will also take a look at the soft sanders, thanks for the link. Don
  4. Thanks Mike and Rusty, I have been following both of your builds very closely and am deeply impressed and really appreciate your discussions. I’m several hours into the fairing process with a little bit of initial grinding using a Dremel tool but mostly sanding sticks and paper which is causing issues with my ancient hands. Do either of you use a sander like the Proxxon to help with this process or is Advil the answer? Thanks again, Don
  5. After several months collecting parts and tools and finishing other projects, I’ve started my Winchelsea. There are some truly stunning build logs here that I’ve been following closely, and I must admit that I’m a bit intimidated. Between these logs, Chucks tutorials, and members help and suggestions I’m pretty excited to get underway and give it a go. Anyway, off to the races............ Don
  6. Bob, It looks great! I’m really looking forward to watching your progress! Don
  7. Thanks, Ryland, and thanks for all the likes! I wish I lived close enough to Hampton Roads to meet with y’all - I think I’ve met some of your members at the Mariners Museum. There’s only a couple of other people who do this kind of stuff around Birmingham. Don
  8. Thank you Jean-Paul and Chuck, I really appreciate the kind words and it means a lot! Chuck, got the order I placed recently in just a couple of days after you shipped it - have been following your shipping challenges, but no problems here in the wilderness of northern Alabama. Will be starting a Winnie build log shortly. Thanks again, Don
  9. Thank you Jean-Paul and Chuck, I really appreciate the kind words and it means a lot! Chuck, got the order I placed recently in just a couple of days after you shipped it - have been following your shipping challenges, but no problems here in the wilderness of northern Alabama. Will be starting a Winnie build log shortly. Thanks again, Don
  10. Have pretty much finished the Medway Longboat with the exception of some trimming and a bit of touch up painting. This has been a real learning experience overall and I’ve done several things for the first time, but with Chucks excellent tutorial and the many posts in this group, I think it’s been successful. A special thanks to BobG for his wonderful posts and encouragement - that helped a lot. Don
  11. Thanks, Leukutus, I really appreciate that. I used the deck planks supplied in the kit but ran short and supplemented them with some left over from another project that closely matched. They were just superglued in place, then sanded and finished with a couple of coats of wipe on poly. The wood supplied for trim was mostly junk so I substituted Evergreen strip of various widths and thicknesses to trim around the decks. I pretty much cleaned out my local hobby shops supply😸. I also used steel wire to replace most of the railings for the straight, long runs and reserved the brass supplied in the kit for places that needed to be bent. Cutting the plastic parts was a real pita, especially the vacuformed ones - that stuff is pretty crude by today’s standards and would not be acceptable in a kit with a suggested retail of almost $600.00. I used heavy scissors to do the initial cut, then finished with careful use of a scalpel and sanding. One of the problems I ran into was that once the part was cut out there was very little surface to glue it together, for example the submarine and the decompression chamber. Once again I used Evergreen strips superglued to the inside of the joints as reinforcement. Nicks and dings were filled with putty and sanding followed by several coats of paint. I’m really impressed with your hull planking and very much look forward to more - it was your original post that jogged me into picking back up on mine. Thanks again, Don
  12. After a bit of a timeout working on another project, have jumped back into the Longboat and hope to get her finished in the next week or so. This is my first time rigging at this scale and there’s more than one goof but am learning a lot. Don
  13. Bob, She’s looking really nice! I’m impressed with your precision and planning with the deck layout and look forward to more. Don
  14. Brian, will be following this with interest. We visited the Cairo in Vicksburg a couple of years ago and I’ve been really interested in a model every since - really looking forward to your build! Don
  15. Thanks Lou. Yes it’s a bit of a dog today but probably state of the art 20 years ago. Any kit where the first thing you do is cut off about 1/3 of the hull is suspect. 😎 Yes, have looked at that kit for the copter. Don
  16. Capt. Nemo, Will be following along with interest, I too have some Mamoli kits in my stash and a partially finished Bounty. I especially like your creative use of Legos - what a great idea! And your sidekick is cool too!😸 Don
  17. Thanks fnick and CDW, I appreciate it and glad to share. I just saw that National Geographic is working on a documentary about Cousteau and his life - really looking forward to it! Don
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