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Everything posted by ajromano

  1. I have a bad case of clamp envy going after viewing this build!
  2. No kidding! I have a collection of hulls.
  3. Don’t all wooden ship kits make one a bit loopy?
  4. What a work of art! Very impressive. What scroll saw do you use? We have many of the same mini machines…. Tony
  5. Fantastic build! I am buying PE and such for mine, nice to see a good example of how to build it.
  6. Sweet! (Political remark here) 😉 By far the most impressive build ever.
  7. Watching some videos. I get what I am attempting to build, now I am quickly realizing one needs 5 very small hands.....
  8. Best book out there! It seems to be my go to.....
  9. I have been at this for about a month. Getting to the point beyond my experience, rigging.
  10. Plans are not much! Build log coming. Should one use bees wax when rigging?
  11. Modified a bit. Some of the kit plan did not seem realistic and some did not fit properly.
  12. Thanks all for feedback!
  13. This is basically a training kit. If I wanted truly accurate I would scratch build or get more accurate kit. (Assuming there is such a thing) This kit was on sale and had additional discount applied. Wood ships and boats are such fun to build! Very challenging. Never rigged anything before, I have built several small boats and have current build of brig going. Model Shipways seems to actually be a tad better, especially if one paints ship.
  14. This looks pretty much like the kit.
  15. This is actually a nice looking little boat, I have been almost fanatical about quality. Still missed a bit on planking, but it looks fine! Only I will notice flaws.
  16. Thanks. I assumed it was totally inaccurate. Small boat! Real boats use I-bolts?
  17. On the hull?
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