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  1. Wow!
    BLACK VIKING reacted to FreekS in HrMs O-13 by FreekS - 1:50 - RADIO - 1931-1940 - Last Dutch Sub “on eternal patrol”   
    I’ve gone down a bit of a rabbit hole! Having developed the idea of the functioning front diveplanes described above - the ideas for improvement kept coming! I’ve now got a prototype ready to be built into the hull, where the two movements of the front diveplanes, the folding and unfolding of the planes flush against the hull, and the up/down movement of the diveplanes when sailing under water, are achieved with just one servo.

    the up/down movement is achieved with a white gear and a white linear gear. 

    prior to folding, the planes are rotated vertical by these white 3D printed cogs. On further movement of the servo the linear cog runs out of teeth, and the white gear contain a magnet leaving the planes in the vertical parking position. Then a brass rod pushed in parallel with the white linear gear folds the planes via the brass gears previously described. A spring made from 0,5mm brass unfolds the gears as the servo retracts both rods until the linear gear re-engages. 

    crazy complex, but it runs with little friction, uses less than 0,1 amps on a mini servo and uses no current when not moving. Very happy - will need to program an arduino to tie the servo movement to the “dive” and “surface” commands and the diveplanes signals from the transmitter.
    now hopefully back to some woodwork, apologies for the distraction!
  2. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Scottish Guy in Are you an NRG Member???   
    I agree to that Phil, some of the answers here helped me a lot already. ALso gave me a lot of inspiration and ideas to solve some of my issues. And yes, it`s always nice to meet folks from around the world  
  3. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to GrandpaPhil in Are you an NRG Member???   
    Agreed with the above.
    MSW is my happy place and my favorite place online.

    MSW has really helped me develop my model making skills and is my number one source of inspiration and ideas.
    Being an NRG member lets me support MSW and I enjoy reading the Journal.
    One of these days, I’m going to buy the $99 USB drive to get the rest of the NRG Journal issues.
  4. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Tom E in Are you an NRG Member???   
    Just renewed last week. If I remember correctly, it will be seven years now.
    I'll be honest, I feel a little bit of pride being an NRG member.
    I can't begin to express what this website and organization has given me. 
    Chatted with people from all over the globe. Tips and techniques I would have never thought of. 
    Not much of today's modern life can afford me that. Seems everywhere online is filled with dishonesty.
    This is my happy place. 
    Good honest people. 
    Tom L. 
  5. Like
  6. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    So   I have  made up  my   Royal Horse  Guard  from a  miss match  of parts   - he is  just  dry fitted  on his  steed  that  will  probably need  some  re  painting  as wel  as the  figure.

  7. Sad
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    After   telling  you all  about our  sad  news  and  hearinh Kevins   Devasting news  about  his  Boi,  I thought  it  would   be  ok to  post  a  pic  of our  sad  loss  - 
    Still  miss her.
  8. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Knocklouder in The Mayflower by Knocklouder- FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    108 clove hitches  to go . I have done the foremast and main mast up to the mast top on each. Going to do the Mizzen mast soon.

     I have to go help the daughter paint her house this weekend, so not much will get done , but at least I will have a 108 clove hitches for me when I return. 

     I will make the sails next week, hopefully even get a few on, we will see.
     Thanks for looking and helping. 
    Bob M
  9. Laugh
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Keith Black in Ghost Ship Jenny by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - 1/400 - BOTTLE   
    Great backstory and I'm sure the Jenny will live up to your past SIB builds and finally..............penguins!
    "Okay guys, volunteers for the Jenny SIB project proceed to the check point on your right"

  10. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Glen McGuire in Ghost Ship Jenny by Glen McGuire - FINISHED - 1/400 - BOTTLE   
    Well, I was gonna skip doing a build log for this project because I intended to just make a quick SIB for my niece as a gift.  But I got a little nudge from @Keith Black and @Knocklouder to start one, so we’re going to jump into this thing in progress.  I’m almost done building the ship but much work remains inside and outside the bottle.
    The Backstory
    Some time ago, my brother received a $200 bottle of scotch as a gift and just recently gave me the bottle.  Of course, the bottle was empty just like the Kraken rum bottle I got from a friend last year 😠.  I need to choose better friends and brothers I guess.  My brother has a daughter named Jenny, so I thought it would be cool to find a ship named Jenny and make a SIB as a gift.  I started looking around to see if there were any interesting ships named Jenny.  The only one I could find was one called the "Ghost Ship Jenny".  Of course that intrigued me right away.  
    Ghost Ship Jenny
    The Jenny was an early 1800’s 3-masted English schooner.  In 1822, she left her home port on the Isle of Wight in southern England for a journey to Callao, Peru on the western coast of South America.  Late in the year, unbeknownst to anyone, she got trapped in ice on the return trip while navigating the Drake Passage between the southern tip of Chile and Antarctica.  

    Seventeen years later (1839), a whaling boat named Hope was navigating the Drake passage and spotted a large schooner drifting among broken ice floes.  The Hope’s captain and several crew members rowed over to the ship and boarded her.  They discovered it was the long-lost Jenny.  The entire crew was found dead with their bodies well preserved by the cold.  Many of the forgotten crew were still lying in their hammocks.  The Jenny’s captain was frozen at his desk hunched over his last log entry, “May 4, 1823. No food for 71 days. I am the only one left alive.”
    Real story or Fake News?
    Adding to the intrigue is the fact that there's a lot of uncertainty about whether the story is true or a just a chilling legend.  Jenny’s tragic plight was written about in several periodicals during the 1840’s, but none of the publications cited specific sources that referenced either the Jenny or the Hope.  There is also speculation that Jenny’s story was, perhaps, a retelling of another event that happened to a ship named Octavius that was found near Greenland 50 years earlier, both sharing remarkably similar circumstances, albeit in a different century and opposite end of the globe.
    Ghost Ship Jenny the SIB
    So I thought that was compelling enough for the subject of a SIB.  There aren't any pictures of the Jenny to build from (since no one is certain she was even real) so I've got a lot of artistic license.  There also don't appear to be a lot of 3-masted schooners from that time, but I did find a painting of what looks like an 1800s era 3-masted schooner as well as an early 1900s Dutch one called the Oosterschelde, both of which I am using as a guide for my Jenny. 

    My idea is to show the Jenny inside the bottle trapped by small icebergs.  I want her to looked like she's been stranded there for many years, so I’m shredding and smudging her sails to give them a tattered look as well as trying to figure out other ways to make her look ravaged by the cold and weather.  Here’s a couple of pics I’m using as a rough idea for a ship trapped in ice and tattered sails.

    The penguins are feeling right at home and clamoring loudly to horn their way into this build.  I've held them off for now, but not sure if I can for much longer...
  11. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to RGL in The War Trophy by RGL - diorama with Fowler D6 steam tractor (DModels) and Krupp 21 cm Mörser (Takom) - PLASTIC   
    So the concept is to have 2 soldiers collecting trophy’s oblivious of the refugees 

  12. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to RGL in The War Trophy by RGL - diorama with Fowler D6 steam tractor (DModels) and Krupp 21 cm Mörser (Takom) - PLASTIC   
    Well that’s the base coat done. This goes together beautifully and tomorrow I’ll get a clear coat on before I start weathering 

  13. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to MisterMeester in Phantom of the Opera by MisterMeester - Atlantis - 1/8   
    As expected, my local hobby store did not have Mr. Surfacer 500 in stock. Order placed with my go-to online supplier. It will arrive next week. In the meantime, I've masked the lapel off expecting that the procedure will not match the existing texture and will probably have to do the whole lapel.

    Thanks for looking.
  14. Like
  15. Wow!
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Knocklouder in The Mayflower by Knocklouder- FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    Seems I have had the chance to do a lot of rethinking.  As I just finished the plates  but still have 9 shrouds  to make up today I hope  I am looking at my Mayflower   and saying to Captain Marvin, I am really happy  how she looks. We have done a fine job MSN/NRG, and all of you modelers.  I sea the improvement  in how I  I build, and I see that I have a long way to go. For sure lol. Thanks so much.
    CMSI  (Captain Marvin Ship Inspector ) lol    has got other things on his mine.  Seem I need to go for a couple  of  surgery but everyone keeps saying I will be OK  90% chance if serving  and living  a long  life lol I think their just trying  to cheer me up  lol. 
     Wouldn't you know it  lol just get back to building  change of course  😉. 
       Tomorrow surgery will tell us more  but every one says I will be fine lol. 
    But for me I have been thinking  so much about modeling and finding MSW and the last 3 years it's been so much fun for me and so much hell on the moderators  lol.
     I am so lucky to have met some of you and got to know others. 
      Hey I am going to ask the surgeon  if he uses  clove hitch  knots LOL 😆  
    So  now we will see, not exactly sure what holds for me but I will be OK lol 
    Sorry for the ramble lol
     Bob M 
  16. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Glen McGuire in The Mayflower by Knocklouder- FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    Prayers that your surgery is safe and successful, Bob.  Hope to see you back at the modeling bench very quickly.
  17. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to CDW in P-51D Mustang by CDW - FINISHED - Dragon - 1:32 Scale   
    I'm committed to the Petie 2 scheme now as I masked and painted the blue nose.

  18. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to CDW in P-51D Mustang by CDW - FINISHED - Dragon - 1:32 Scale   
    Using Pledge, applied with a soft, wide brush to protect the Alclad chrome finish. Keeping brush strokes gentle and minimal to avoid marring the bright finish of the Alclad. Being careful not to allow droplets to appear along edges from over applying the Pledge. Less is more. The self-leveling qualities of the clear acrylic will take care of itself, so don't "over-brush" it.
    I'll lay down two coats before it's finished then allow a couple of days for it to cure before masking or decals.

  19. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Old Collingwood in Battle of Waterloo Attack on La Haye Sainte Farm by Old Collingwood - 1/56 (28mm)   
    Morning all,  think I found out the secret  to getting a  nice flat finish  with my  Lucky Ultra Matt   varnish,  after a   thorough  shake  (my arms are still  shaking now  lol)   I  put a  small  amount  in a  dish  then  after  loading the  brush  I  removed most  of it  against the  dish  wall,  then  I  removed even more  on some  tissue,   then when I ran the  brush  over the figure  it was  like  just adding a  slight  wet  finish  in a  really thin  layer   -  yep  it  seemed to have worked.
    And  long last  a  few  pics  -  sorry for  the poor  quaility   quick  shots  in the  kitchen.

  20. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Canute in P-51D Mustang by CDW - FINISHED - Dragon - 1:32 Scale   
    Sheesh, I remember so many of the earlier kits with the gaps and dihedral issues. Very nice save with the thin strips and Mr Surfacer products. 👍
  21. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to CDW in P-51D Mustang by CDW - FINISHED - Dragon - 1:32 Scale   
    The worst gaps were found at the wing roots. There I used some styrene to fill them in. After that used Mr Surfacer 500 to go over all the join areas on the fuselage. Once dry sanded it all down with a fine sanding sponge.
    Next I used Mr Surfacer 1500 along the joints then sanded that down with an extra fine sanding sponge to see what I might have missed. Once I touch up a few small areas and add some parts, will be ready to lay down my gloss black primer.

  22. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    To those who have bought a Sherbourne kit, I have just noticed an issue with one in every eight laser etched decks.
    If you have the deck on the left of the picture, with the bitt square hole not aligned like it is on the right of the picture, please contact me so that I can arrange a replacement deck.

  23. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to RGL in HMS Dreadnought 1907 by RGL - FINISHED - Zvezda - 1/350 - PLASTIC - revisited   
    Well that’s the build pretty much done, now I need to learn about seascapes 

  24. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to Louie da fly in The San Marco mosaic ship c. 1150 by Louie da fly - 1:75   
    That's not me, that's Liteflight. I accept no responsibility for him . . . 
    The wide stance is well on the way . . .

    Here's close-ups on their faces.

  25. Like
    BLACK VIKING reacted to kiwiron in HMS Victory 1805 by kiwiron - Caldercraft - 1:72   
    Start of the Lantern brackets. I thought the 0.7 wire was a bit flimsy but the choice of bigger wire was forced on me anyway by breaking off the 0.7 drill bit right in the centre of the lantern base. I had to use the 1.5 wire as the 1mm has gone walking. Trying to get the trophy of arms looking reasonable. One of the Lance heads broke off but the sheet under my work bench caught it. 

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