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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Thanks, Jesse ... I would imagine the baking soda would be a wash, to ensure the tannins (and other acids) don't continue to break the sail cloth down. So, to answer your question, George, probably 10 to 15 minutes should be enough. EDIT: The 10-15 mins would be for the soaking in baking soda to remove the acidity of the tea. In the past, I would soak overnight (or even two or three nights) in the tea. Sorry 'bout the confusion.
  2. I don't know who she is ... but I'm fairly certain she ain't Mrs Claus !!!!
  3. Glad that you asked, Nenad. As mentioned above, the coffee-staining test was less than impressive. And so, experimentation into colouration doth continue. "What I be going for," CaptainSteve didst begin to ruminate, "wouldst be most similiar to how they look in the last picture. But, I was hopin' the coffee test would produce vertical streaks of darker colouring." Indeedeth, to this very end, Our Hero had strategically placed lines of coffee granules within the folds o' the test swatch. "But, thee very besteth that didst result was darker blotches," he didst bemoan. "Methinks I shall resort to dry-brushing !!" Thought also shall be given unto the application thereof of dry-brushing rust stains running down from the sail eyelets - after these have been added, o'course ... Meanwhile, CaptainSteve be also giving consideration to a somewhat radical idea, which he doth now wish to unveil ... "I be toying in my head wi' an inspiration and wouldst now put it to the Horde, to comment aforehand," he stated. "I be thinkin' of making a cut into each o' me sails (or, mayhaps, just a single cut on one) and then be sewing it back together again." Now, afore everyone thinks that CaptainSteve has finally lost his marbles and leaves in disgust, alloweth Our Hero to explain ... "For what I be lookin' to show is that repairs were necessary on-the-fly, as it were," he didst begin. "Howe'er, the joinin' wouldst be done with a different, rougher type o' overhand stitchin'." For now, this doest remain no more than an idea ...
  4. Jus' a quick update to show where I'm at with me sails ... "After 'most three gruelling weeks working with needle and thread," CaptainSteve did moan, "I has completed the sewing stage o' me sail-making." In fact, Our Hero could have finished this stage some two weeks ago ... if only he'd bother to learn how to use the sewing machine gifted him by his mother !! "Arrr ... it be too bloody hard and complicated fer my brain to figure out", he was heard to mumble. So, here they be ... They does look a little rough around the edges at the moment, but that be because CaptainSteve has recently laundered them and they be in desperate need of a good ironin'. Next up, will be the ties (INSERT ACTUAL NAUTICAL TERM HERE) on the sail bands, and also ringlets at the lower corners (for tying off the rigging) and along the upper edge (to attach to the spars). As for weatherin' and weather-beaten, he didst experiment with soaking a test swatch in coffee for some days, but found this produced a tan (coffee-coloured??) stain effect which was even throughout. "This be not the look that I was tryin' for," CaptainSteve explained. And so, experimentation upon the test swatches doth continue ... PS: Merry Christmas to each an' every one o' ye !!
  5. Ken, Just spot glue 'em in place for now ... that way they will be easy to remove later.
  6. Well, Gee ... Thanks, Ken. But I think Matt is doing a superb job of putting my Launch to shame. BTW, Matt, if you are planning on doing tools for your chest, then you could do a lot worse than check out Mario's build here. (Incidentally, how's them working hinges coming along ??)
  7. Ken, I did add additional braces to the frame molds ... but I think they were removed as they were just getting in the way.
  8. Too true, Bill, But, as the current re-fit is supposedly to bring her more into line with 1812 specifications, then I figured the Navy might have had some kind of agenda ... (They don't seem to me to be the kind of organisation that would just 'wing it').
  9. Matt !! Your winch looks fantastic ... what did you build it from ?? Incidentally, I've built that tool chest, so I know how small it really is. Your framing is exquisite !! You are indeed a Master !!! PS: Don't forget the rope handles
  10. Matti, During a somewhat quiet day at work today, I was browsing MSW and called a colleague over to show him pictures of your Wasa. To say that he was enthralled would be an understatement !! He kept insisting I page back through all of your pictures. (All the while muttering, "Are you kidding ?!?!", "Wow !!", and "Seriously ??") You have gained yourself a new fan from the non-modelling community. PS: Get well soon, Dude.
  11. Could you not go to the source for a copy of the plans .... the US Navy ?? Since they are currently working on their own 1:1 model, I just figure they must have something lying about the place. Just a suggestion ...
  12. Your work and explanations make this like watching the real thing being built .... I wanna book my ticket for her maiden voyage !!
  13. There is an English word to describe Her look tonight, Nenad ... That word is BODACIOUS !!! (It means better than great) Very nice work, indeed !!
  14. Very nice work with your trennelling !! So ... err ... I'm guessing this is not your first model ??
  15. Thanks Matt ... I be lookin' forward to following your build log when ye get around to starting one.
  16. The only thing that could possibly improve a set of ribs like that ... is a really good bourbon basting sauce !!
  17. That I did, George ... that I did !! But the problem with the inevitable festivities is the inevitable hangover which doth follow.
  18. Thank ye, Mobbsie. In truth, I have an over-supply of coconuts, mangoes, bread-fruits etc etc. They won't all be appearing in the completed build ... just the best looking ones. Otherwise, the whole thing would end up looking more like a bowl of fruit-salad !!
  19. O’course, masts ‘n’ spars will be requiring sails to be hung from them … “Otherwise, what beeth the point ??”, CaptainSteve didst juxtapose. “Indeedeth, without sails, ye may as well just be calling ‘em Sticks !!” So far, Our Hero has traced patterns from the Plan sheets onto the kit-supplied cloth ... … thence didst he also maketh patterns for the corner trim pieces. “All I shalt be sayin’ fer now wouldst be ‘Thank Thee Heavens for Fray-Check !!’” “At this point, I should wish to thank JesseLee," CaptainSteve didst sayeth. "For ‘twas from his Scottish Maid log which I didst borrow most heavily whence making me sails.” “O’course, they shall be needing sail bands,” CaptainSteve didst explain. Here, Our Hero doth show the making o’ these … Essentially, what he didst doeth was to clamp thin strips (5mm) of the sail cloth between two steel rulers. Then, Our Hero wouldst carefully go along the length, ensuring a straight 1mm edge. Once lined up, he didst useth ruler and table-top to fold the cloth edge over and onto its' ownself. ... thence turn the sail-band over, reclamp between the rulers, and do the same thing to the other edge ... Now provisioned with a goodly stock of bands ready-to-go, CaptainSteve be currently in the process of sewing these in place upon his sails … Our Hero will no doubt tell you that these be a work-in-progress … “These sails be a work-in-progress,” CaptainSteve didst begin. “Verily, I doth have plans to give ‘em a weathered and weather-beaten look …” [TEASER: Currently, there is a spare piece of sail cloth drying on my balcony after spending several days soaking in coffee as a test.] “To this point, I only be half-ways done wi’ these,” he didst conclude.
  20. As ye will no doubt be aware, Our Hero hath been down (but not out) these past few weeks. He be back at work this previous seven-day, although on reduced duties as per the Sawbone’s orders, and surgery doth feature in CaptainSteve’s future early in the New Year. “I be slowed … but notteth stopped,” he didst explaineth, “and Life must moveth onwards.” O'er the past few weeks, as Our Hero’s pile of unwatched DVDs grew smaller and smaller, and as he didst regain some limited movement, work commenced on sanding down masts and spars … Here they be after staining ... ... and fading on their lower ends (where they shall be affixed into the mast-steps) … and with the tops painted. “O’course, they didst require a Docker stripe at the top,” CaptainSteve did addeth. Here they be dry-fitted to me Launch (apologies for the blurry photography) …
  21. Arrr ... in truth, Keith, they be not mine own follicles. Although, indeedeth, I didst consider saving the left-overs from a couple of days' worth o' beard trimmings and shavings. .... but, the problem there be that, like yerself, my beard doth be red in colouration !!!
  22. Duff !!! Please consider posting pics and a description of how you make these to Kit-Basher's .... once they are done, o'course.
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