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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. While I agree with you entirely, Pat, I can see the day fast approaching when the coming breed of historically-minded ship-modellers will fret over getting the details 100% correct in their Solidworks design for every, single part and fitting before it is 3D printed. (Yes, even on an Age Of Sail model.)
  2. Not sure of the process entirely, but this might point you in the right direction. As I understand it, the copper tiles are heated up to induce colouring. I imagine the secret would be to somehow make sure this is NOT done uniformly.
  3. A beautiful addition indeed !! The only prob is that, with you making reef-bands for your 1/50, now I gotta go start making some up for my 1/16. Arggeth !!
  4. BRASS TUBING, BRASS STRIP and COPPER WIRE With his permission, the following is copied from member GTM's Santisima Trinidad build log (1/90 scale):
  5. Err ... Perhaps not, Keith. Sounds altogether too gruesome for my liking. I was planning on just doing a version of your Mr Bligh ... mayhaps, I could drizzle a bit of fake-blood down the front of his shirt ?? Or, mayhaps I could just chuck some left-over KFC bones around the bottom o' me Launch.
  6. Ah yes ... I have many (not so) fond memories of hacking into my own Constructo hull to place the gun-ports. Yours have turned out spectacularly.
  7. Thanks for the info, Buck. I hadn't considered using piggins at all ... but, now, I just might have to do so.
  8. I agree. A stern davit boat is most definitely in order. (By the way, good call on just the four oars for your mid-ships boat.)
  9. Since posting the above pictures, the mangoes and cut bread-fruits have been re-touched/dry-brushed with a bright yellow. "Me mangoes was just too shiny," CaptainSteve didst begin, "and them bread-fruits .. well, they was just altogether too white." Here be an updated pic: DANG !! Them bread-fruits ain't THAT yellow in real life !!
  10. With Our Hero's range of movement reduced to a bare minimum this past week, he was forced to cancel any plans that involved cutting anything thicker than a sheet of paper. Instead, he didst turneth his attentions to other matters: "As I be wantin' to add a few smaller bits to me Launch for detail items," CaptainSteve didst begin, "this week I didst turneth me attentions to planting a small garden." (Less kind souls may suggest that this couldst be to hide a multitude of mistakes ...) "Ahem !!", growled CaptainSteve. "As the growin's from this plantation doth only need to be 1/16 scale, fortunately, they be not takin' long to reach full maturity." In fact, our Hero didst actually take small pieces of Sculpey (a bakeable modelling clay), and mold them to shape: "To simulate dimpling on the surface, I didst scratcheth me head and tryeth a number o' methods afore I didst settle upon the idea to tightly pack a toothpick holder, thence roll the unbaked clay around the top." First batch ready for the wood-stove: Here, there be four different types of coconuts. Firstly, unhusked (green), husked, husked & halved and, lastly, one halved shell scooped out to become Bligh's personal Cup (as detailed in his Log). "I be wanting still t' findeth some way to maketh the husked coconuts furry - just like the real thing," Our Hero explained. O'course, one such as CaptainSteve couldst not stoppeth with just some coconuts ... "Here be mangoes ..." "And, because Bligh's log doth suggest they didst taketh some from the Bounty, here be bread-fruits !!!" Currently, Our Hero is working on a selection of baked goodies ...
  11. Thank ye muchly fer droppin' by, Buck. As to pizza, well, we has a rule around this build-log .... 'Tis best not to mention that stuff !!!
  12. The dreaded Short Thwart Syndrome .... Maybe I just got lucky and did not have to experience the effects of this terrible affliction, but, as you mentioned, many others have. My first suggestion (and bear in mind that, as it didn't happen to me, I can't be certain this will work) would be to fit the gunwales first. My thinking is that this may help pull your spreading sheer back into correct alignment. Failing that, maybe fashioning new thwarts that actually fit would be the way to go. .... or, you could try what I did. That is, fit the thwarts on the under-side of the thwart-riser. They do not need to be quite as long if doing it this way. Otherwise, you're doing a fantastic job, Pops. She's really starting to take shape now !!
  13. Please let me add my condolences ...
  14. Waaaaay back in Feb, 2013, Crackers asked: And, tonight, whilst wanting to know exactly the same thing myself, I was just wondering ... Is anybody planning to answer poor Crackers' question ... ever ??
  15. After you've watched those two, check this guy out. (He's a little bit easier to follow ...)
  16. Ship Wizzard, I do believe that Druxey (and also myself) may have assumed you meant something very different when you asked for your " ... stand made of glass in shape of sea with waves." I think you will find that what you are looking for is called a Waterline Diorama. You can search here on MSW for that term and a few may prove useful to you. Some examples you may like could be found here, and here. And this is a build I have been following recently ... Hope these are what you are looking for.
  17. A perfect Connie hull ... that's definitely something worth giving Thanks for !!!
  18. Brilliant work (as always) with the transom ... ... and, I do believe, Congratulations are in order on your recent promotion !!
  19. Arrr ... Thanks, Guys (and Gals) I am doing so, Mark ... mostly. Although, I does get a bit tired o' sittin' on me *** with me arm on a pillow ("Keep your arm raised !!") and just watching DVDs. Arrr ... Welcome aboard, George !! But, please, don't be sitting on the barrels ... I plan to be using those. Meantime, I has been a-wondering about buckets ... specifically bailing buckets ... Me MS plans do not show these at all ... So, in particular, I am wondering: - What is the base diameter of a full-scale bailing bucket ?? - How tall would they be ?? - How many should I make (currently assuming 5 to 7) ??
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