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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. I have seen some builders who do as you are planning, and others who leave the strip intact. To me, who has never done this before, it just seems easier to leave the strip uncut. I'll follow yours along and be prepared to change my mind, Tom.
  2. Nice job on the hull, Tom. Are you planning to cut the copper strip into individual plates before putting them on the ship ??
  3. Arr ... Thank ye, Matt ... but, you should be aware Kit-Basher's is non-profit, and that I cannot pay you for your promotional work.
  4. Personally, I use a very cheap pair of magnified reading glasses. They can be bought off-the-rack at almost every pharmacy in Australia. There are various strengths available (1.5x, 2x, etc etc). I have a pair of 3.5x, which are the strongest I've seen available. They cost about $10.00, and sit permanently on my work-table. By the way, I can't get over those tools !! What are the blade covers made from ?? Abso-bloody-lutely amazing !!
  5. I know you ain't a fan of the Optivisor (yet), but you really should consider putting one as a permanent part of your model .... just so people can see the incredible detail you are doing.
  6. Spectacular work on those chisels, Matt. Having made a set meself, you know that I know how small they are. I think mine used the "leg" (short bit) of a staple as the blade. So, how did you make 'em look so realistic ?? PS: Hats off to the squirrels.
  7. Hornet, Kit-Basher's does not endorse actions which may prove fatal to the ship-modeller.
  8. Each to his own, Bill. As they say, you're the Captain, so you get to say when to hoist the main-sail. Your Connie is stunning and will only look better in the case you are building for her. For myself, my two builds to date have both been fully-rigged. That had as much to do with a preference for sails, as well as to help hide a plethora of sins. Next time, who knows ... ?? (I do have a particular liking for the six (I think ??) sail set-up as done by modeller12 ..)
  9. Ahh ... err ... ahem ... that be ... Our Hero didst commenceth the weekend wi' mighty plans. Indeedeth, he was a-meanin' to maketh a base-plate & stand, as well as (time permitting) to work on the rudder and tiller. Unfortunately, however, other matters tooketh priority and CaptainSteve finds hisself at the end o' the weekend with very little done, and no photos processed. "I didst make beginnin's on me rudder," he were to offer, apologetically. "It be tapered and planked and stained ... but that would be about all." Also, some work has begun on a rough bark display stand ... Verily, plans be afoot for Our Hero to maketh a special voyage to CaptainAndrew's abode next weekend specifically to work on that. However, long-term followers of this log wouldst be well aware of just what can occur when the two Captains doth get together ... especially considering it will be a holiday long-weekend !!
  10. Oh !!! Well, no like for THAT post, I can assure you !!! Hope you are feeling better and back to your ship-yard as soon as possible, Jesse.
  11. MY TECHNIQUE ... Before you scrape/sand back, smear the hull with watered-down PVA (80% glue/20% water). Wipe away the excess glue before you begin with a disposable cloth (non-fluffy), or your finger (Arrr ...) Allow glue to partially dry. Once "tacky" to touch, begin to scrape/sand back your planked hull ... You may/will clog up initial pieces of sand-paper with glue. However, soon, the sawdust will begin to collect in any grooves and will fill the gaps at least as good as, if not better than, any wood-filler possibly could.
  12. Thanks for that, Greg !! I'm hoping to light up the stern galleries on my (soon to be re-continued) Connie build, so your window idea will prove to be very useful.
  13. I think what Tom is saying (and what I did with my Launch) is that you would bevel the edges of the planks to make them fit together as best you can. This will still leave a bit of an edge around areas such as the turn of the bilge. However, this edge can then easily be scraped/sanded back to produce a smooth external hull.
  14. I really like that hatch-way, Tuffarts. Nice and neat jointing. Dunno if you are going for an aged look, or not ... but I soaked some barrels I bought in vinegar for two days. Apart from needing to repaint them, the grain opened up a bit, which gave me the look I wanted.
  15. Thanks, Marc !! I must say I am very pleasantly surprised that Kit-Basher's is still getting posts more than a year after I came up with the concept. I look forward to the results of your shopping research.
  16. Very nice indeed, Paul !!! Kinda makes me wish I'd coppered my Constructo hull ...
  17. Jay, I recall when I first came to this site and the debate that was ongoing over Bob and his Lauck St Shipyard site. At that time, I was seriously considering joining and paying for his practicum. However, as I read more and more of the builds done by you, Geoff, Jeff, Bob and others I came to see that I could learn far more from you guys and save money, at the same time. I'm glad I didn't end up paying for the privilege ... for one thing, I know my own personality, and I know (with almost certainty) that I would have come to loggerheads with the management at LSS.
  18. I guess you could scale back the working parts (ratchet ends and strength bands) a bit. Also, when you asked about the ratchet assembly being on both sides, I wondered whether the entire winch bar could be reversible. That way, only one pawl arm set-up would be needed on just a single side ... the winch bar (with both ends ratcheted) could then simply be lifted out and turned around to allow for winching either over the prow or over the stern crane.
  19. Felelo, This post has a couple of you-tube videos showing how to create this effect. The method is very much like what Spaceman Spiff describes above ...
  20. Not sure on that point, Matt. I'd suspect not. I would think there would be one on each side of the boat ... even if just for aesthetic purposes. But in my picture both ends were meant to be ratcheted. (By the way, that pic isn't exactly true to scale ... the central drum area would take up a greater percentage of the whole thing.)
  21. Arrr. That be a nice touch, Dave. Wouldn't want ye gettin' any splinters from the rough-edged spokes as you be a-guidin' yer ship through the shoals.
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