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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Alde, Permit me to ask you this: Were you to spend some 6 weeks in a tiny life-boat with 18 Englishmen in the days before under-arm deodorants were invented, during tropical, late-winter/post-monsoonal weather, don't you think that you would have appreciated just ONE scented candle ?? Hexie, Yes they do ... but my local store was out of that variety. Arr ...
  2. Dave, Not entirely certain at this point. It's such a beautiful wood that I felt it needs a place in this build. I'm thinking the bench seats (thwarts) for now, but am open to suggestions.
  3. You will be pleased to learn that CaptainSteve has mostly recovered from the injuries inflicted upon him by the evil pizza delivery company of the previous week (at least, he is fairly sure his misfortune was due to the pizza !!). Fortified against further attacks by renewing the alliance with his friend, Jack Daniels, he has vowed to continue forward with his mission. In his quest to bring the Holy Grail of SawDust unto the assembled crowd, he hast taken upon himself the twin tasks of tapering of the Stem piece, as well as the fairing of the many mould formers. “All is now faired in Love and Boat-Building !!”, he did declare. (And with that, CaptainSteve didst offer up his gratitude to the One known as Alde, for twas his suggestion.) Thusly, with these battles now behind him, our hero was able, finally, to present the precious Vials of SawDust unto the slavering masses. “Not before Time !!” didst the horde mumble. But then they were heard to add, “Is that all ??” “Nay !!” he didst reply, “For I have also dealt a savage blow unto future mis-alignment by a-fixing the Sheer Tabs to their rightful places upon the moulds.” “Indeed, whatsomore, I have unto the moulds added many temporary tabs of my own making, the better to fortify the positioning of the cherrywood frames which the Plans have long foretold must come.” Further, to assist with that which still faces him, CaptainSteve applied wax of the purple scented candle unto the edges of the mould formers, declaring: “This be to allow the frames an easy departure from the formers, also as foretold by the Plans, whence the time doth cometh.” Having thus done as much as he could, he thence didst state: “I must rest !! The better to allow construction of the Building Jig on the morrow.” "But, first, a gift ... brought to me across the oceans from the faraway land of Tasmania." “’Tis called Tasmanian Blackwood - veneers from my Father. For I feel these could be used to make most excellent thwarts and trims for my Launch !!”, was his parting comment. And, with that, CaptainSteve didst retire for the even-tide.
  4. Bit of trivia for you, Matti ... You've turned out those two gorgeous "jacks" in the same amount of time it took me to Google Translate "knektar". Damn !! That's impressive work !!!
  5. The hang-over has long passed and the ankle is almost 100% again. I should be running marathons any day soon ... Surprising, since I've never run one in my life. The stem piece has been tapered. The taper could've been a little sharper, but it will suffice. (To others who follow, might I suggest scoring the taper lines with a scalpel/razor knife first) Looking forward to getting back to my Launch now that the weekend is here again. I am rostered to work tomorrow morning (Saturday) - we have to do 1 in 6 - and then I'll get right onto fairing the bulkhead formers BEFORE attaching those little sticky-out bits (the Sheer Tabs) - as suggested by Alde - and then look to putting the framework together. So, your sawdust IS coming (I haven't forgotten) ...
  6. Al, Just take care with each plank as you remove it ... and as you are replacing it. We ain't in a race here ... (Personally, I think the winners are you and I coz we get to see the problems the others had before us)
  7. Hey Alde, Sorry, but I gotta be agreein' with Amfibius' comment. Also, have you noticed that the instructions suggest tapering the edges of each plank piece (spiling) so that they will fit together better .. ? Another option, since you mentioned you are going to be painting your Launch, would be to hit the whole thing up with plenty of sawdust/diluted glue mix to even things out. Use sawdust made from the same wood (the left-over templates you removed the planks from would be excellent). Sand down again, apply a coat or two of sanding sealer, and then paint, and nobody will ever notice the difference !! (I had to do this with one of the boats on my Connie build when I got a little enthusiastic with the shaping of the hull.)
  8. Fantastic work on your canopy bed, Vivian !! Now ... can you carve in ancient Mandarin ... in characters 1.5mm high ?? PS: Glad to see you aren't letting a little knife accident slow you down. (As you can see from my pic, I'm down to five fingers)
  9. Keith, When I first read your post, I thought to myself "That's silly. Of course it will fit !!" But, then I pulled Plan Sheet #3 ... Get this: The opening for the lower pintle/gudgeon on THIS sheet is the same as the stern-post BEFORE my fix. Arrrgghh !!! Ya just cannot win with these kit designers !! No matter. There IS enough room for the pintle assembly (and, in effect, BOTH of us will be correct, so stop fretting when you look at your model !!)
  10. Here's the fix to the stern-post all done. Now it actually follows the plans: Doing it the easy way, I simply cut the piece of frame from the kit template where the stern-post was originally attached. This meant not having to cut the curve where it joined the stern-post. Then I just trimmed the piece back to get the right length.
  11. Ahoy, Crackers and welcome aboard !!! I dunno if I'm going to crew my Launch with all 19 sailors who were cast adrift. I really think having that many people will just cover up all the details. (Of course, if I FUBAR the planking etc, then maybe I'll need a few extra bodies to hide my mistakes.) As for your U-Boat commander .... umm, Thanks, but no thanks !! (Oh yeah, I don't drink Fosters. I don't think I've ever met any Aussie who will admit to drinking Fosters. I suspect the Panther Pee of which you speak would be a considerable improvement over Fosters.)
  12. Prop ?? I thought boats of this type and era were fitted-out with inboard thrusters !! Arr ...
  13. Sorry for bringing that to your attention, Keith. I know from past experience that my models have enough mistakes that I am aware of without the need for someone to point out even more !!! I thought about leaving it as is and just raising the lower pintle/gudgeon assembly a couple of millimeters, but I'll have a go at filling the gap as you have suggested.
  14. Robin, I believe there is some form of protocol that says if your bed-partner is wearing a hat with MORE corks on it than your own, then the person with less corks has to remove their hat.
  15. Oh Dear !!! My head hurts !!! I woke up this morning on CaptainAndrew's couch with a throbbing head-ache and a sprained ankle. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it once again .... I am NEVER eating pizza AGAIN !!! (At least, I am fairly certain my current predicament was due to the pizza.) As for the sprain, I imagine the late-night run to the store for more Jack Daniels may have been the cause. Sorry guys and gals, not much will be achieved today. Just the sound of typing on my keyboard is hurting. Arrr ....
  16. Just a quick note before heading off to lounge in the pool and feast upon barbecued goods ... More glue action ensued early this morning with the joining together of the keel pieces. While lining these up against Sheet 2 (as per the instructions), I noticed a discrepancy between the Stern Post piece and what is show on the plans: Anyone else notice this with their kit ??
  17. Good luck with your sculpting, Gabe !! I wouldn't even attempt to do something like that. My human sculpture would have more resemblance to Jabba the Hutt than William R Bligh. When the time comes, I reckon I will go with Joe's idea and buy some kind of figurine, manipulate it into position and clothe it. So, are you saying that we are a nation of slackers, Robin ?? Just for that, I'm taking the day off on Monday !! In fact, the whole state is - it's a public holiday. Looks like you guys will get your sawdust very soon.
  18. Ahem .... On the first day of the build (but not the first of the build log), the assembled masses cried out unto CaptainSteve: "Give us Glue Action !!", they demanded. And so CaptainSteve didst comply ... But the masses wouldst not be satisfied so easily ... "There shall be planking", they said. "With what shall you hold it in place, for you have but five fingers ??" And thus, CaptainSteve undertook an adventure to the hobby store, whereupon he were to purchase planking clamps, two packs thereof, $12.50 per pack of six. Thence, he didst undertake to assemble the rotten little things. "Arr ... these be a right PITA !!" he did declare-eth. Next, the horde didst shout-eth, "Cut something !!" And again, he relinquished unto their request, saying "I name thee Rabbet." Still the gathered throng wanted more ... "We demand sawdust !! You must make us sawdust", they hollered and didst yell-eth. "Arr !!", CaptainSteve did reply. "Nay. Tomorrow be Sunday, and I must go forth to see the man known as CaptainAndrew. I must partake of his barbecued meats, drink-eth his beer, and swim in his pool. For 'tis summer time in Australia, and it be bloody hot !! Your sawdust can wait !!"
  19. No need to worry about that, Jay. The box for Connie still sits in full view of my build table, and once I reach the stage of having nothing else to do, it will look accusingly at me until I open it up again ....
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