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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Ain't ALL oceans red & white checkered ?? Actually, Bindy, I'm thinking along the lines of a pedestal stand - as opposed to the one which comes with the kit - for when I finally get this thing completed. Work has continued this weekend. I've fitted the thwart-risers, winch-holders and mast-steps. Am currently working on floor-boards as this very moment. I've been keeping in mind that, according to Bligh's log, during their journey, the Launch was continually being bailed. Thusly, my thinking is that the floor-boards would have suffered a degree of water-damage. Family commitments tomorrow, and then it's off to CaptainAndrew's to watch footy and consume his barbecued goodies. So I wanna get as much done as possible before then to be able to show him. More pics soon ....
  2. Thanks, Slog. The colour is Tamiya Medium Blue with a bit of White mixed in to lighten it. Yeah. I had to hide my previous stuff-up, Mark. By the way, who is this "sir" of which you speak ??
  3. Nice video tutorial, Jay. I suspect your boats aren't going to take anywhere near as long as mine took to build.
  4. Thanks, Guys. Patrick. I really liked the way all the internal detail stood out on Meredith's build, hence the reason I went ahead with the idea to paint the interior.
  5. Verily doest CaptainSteve enter upon a holiday weekend with both much aheadeth of him, but also much that be behindeth him. Indeedeth, o'er the course of this very week, our Hero hath madeth much progress. For he 'twould discovereth that, despite much nay-saying that not enough of the cherrywood wouldst be available unto him to completeth the frames, he wouldst findeth that he didst indeed possesseth enough pieces to do battle against the Cants and 'Tweens. Thusly, didst he plougheth forth, his intentions being to vanquish these long-distant relatives of the Frames and puteth them behindeth him. Having thusly achievethed much success in these endeavours, CaptainSteve didst again turnest his thoughts unto matters of colouration. "As proposedeth earlier, I shalt be applying colouration unto the interior of this Launch, muchly in the manner of the One known as Meredith," he didst proclaimeth. And, thusly, he didst. "'Tis with regret, my friends, that I dost possetheth not further pictures," he didst addeth. "But I canst assureth thee with much certainment that this very day, not only hast I affixethed the sheer clamps - stained in Old Baltic - but, at this very moment - the Thwart risers doest lie dry-fitted in readyness for their upcoming placement." Whatsomore, CaptainSteve wouldst be willing to proclaim that he shalt indeedeth still possesseth enough pieces from the cherrywood tree to do battle against the supports for the Quarterdeck. "It shalt be a close thing ... but it canst be done," he didst sayeth in closing. EDIT: The only reason I did not create Keith's additional cant frame was because I ran out of the cherrywood. That and the sapelli strips were ever so slightly thinner. I would recommend in favour of adding the additional frame.)
  6. Really impressive work you are doing there, Tom. Just a further thought with regards showing it all off ... have you had a look at Dan Vadas' fully-framed HMS Vulture build recently ??? My thinking is to have your spar deck planked above one side of your gun-deck section, with exposed framework over the other side. This would mean some in-depth research on Connie's frame-work, but would make for a really unique build. It's just that I'd hate to see all your great work being hidden away where no-one will ever see it. Hey, it's just an idea ... feel free to reject it.
  7. So THAT'S where they kept the stud-sail booms !!! Damn, you've just given me something else to add to my build !! Very nice work, Bill ... I'm learning more and more every time I check your log. (Still can't get over the work you've done with rigging your cannons !!)
  8. Beautiful work, Danny. You continue to amaze ... and continue to inspire all of us with just what is possible !!!
  9. Before Sjors gets a chance ... what about a space for his Popcorn Machine ??
  10. Hmmm ... maybe you could attach your keel-holder to a hat. Then balance the model on your head whilst working on parts at your desk. Just don't turn around too quickly in that small space !!! But, seriously, I know how you feel, UV. My own work-space isn't much bigger than yours ... at least not for another eight weeks. Then I'll have an entire bedroom dedicated to ship-building.
  11. Thanks, Slog !! Clearly you've never been a junkie. And, for that matter, nor have I. Yep. That's exactly what a Fit-Pack is. A plain-paper bag containing five syringes with hypodermic needles and (as I was to discover) five plastic containers for safely disposing of the needles after usage - assuming they're used for their intended purpose. As it turns out, I got absolutely no grief from the pharmacy staff at all. They might ask you if you want the ones with water ... just look somewhat confused and say that you don't. Cost was $9:50.
  12. DG, At this point, my thought is to just paint the interior. I am planning on having tree-nails, or at least a tree-nailed effect if the syringe method works for me, but this would be for the exterior. Having said that, I really liked the look of the tree-nailing which Amfibius/Keith did, in particular on his floor-boards and quarterdeck. Perhaps I will go with these, and maybe not have any tree-nailing on the internal frames, since these will be painted the same blue/grey colour which Meredith used. Of course, this will depend entirely on how successful my attempts are with the syringe method. And, also, as I have demonstrated many, many times already, I tend to change my mind regularly. I guess you'll just have to keep following along to see how this thing eventually turns out .... as will I !!
  13. I thought you were doing a magnificent job all the way through ... and seeing this build placed upon your Rattlesnake just proves it !! Great work, JS !!
  14. Arrr ... CaptainSteve hast only these past five minutes ago popped the Launch from yon Build Jig. She didst cometh free with no problems whatsoever. The wax from the Purple scented candle hast done its' job to perfection. Whatsomore, a comparison with the top-down view on Sheet 3 showeth this Launch hast not fattened in any way, and doth conformeth perfectly to the plan. So here be a couple of pics: Plenty of work still awaiteth our hero. There be glue spots to be dissolved and removeth with Isopropyl and thence the frames shalt be added. THEN, the real work shalt commenceth !!!
  15. For the Horde, some notes: (i) In picture Launch39, above, it does appear that my planking is lop-sided. It ain't. I have measured both sides. Despite the way this picture looks, there is precisely 28mm from the Sheer plank to the top of both Transom Horses. I think this picture looks this way because I did not attach my Transom Horses equidistant from the centreline. This does not affect the build in any way. (ii) I bit the bullet today, visited my local pharmacy, and purchased a Fit-Pack. Alde, once I get around to testing this method of creating tree-nails, then I'll post the results. (iii) To the fair Maiden, Bindy, sorry to see that Carlton lost ... again. Maybe they could take up FoosBall.
  16. With momentum at his back and not wishing to misseth but a step, CaptainSteve didst decideth to surge forward. Indeed, just the previous day, our hero had rounded up all of the left-over pieces from the Cherrywood tree. More water-boarding was to be their fate. "They shalt become the Cant and 'Tween frames, as hast been foretold," he didst declare. And thence: "I shalt pop this puppy from yon Building Jig this very day !!" he announced. But, firstly, he didst realize that, once having done so, and with much work ahead of him, a new dry-dock wouldst be required. And so he tooketh to the old lounge out back with his knife, doing much damage thereto, cutting deeply, and gouging out a suitable dock. And thusly, he didst grabeth his razor-saw and his knife and began at once to cuteth away at the frames where they hadst been spot-glued just aboveth the sheer alignment tabs. But, lo, 'twas not to be !!! For, just as our Hero was gleefully hacking away at the Frames, he didst notice that one - just one - hadst becometh detached from the planking. Thusly, a quick bit of surgery with glue and clamps and rubber bands didst ensue, in order to reattach this errant Frame. And whilst this brief delay mighteth slow things minorly, it shouldst be mentioned that, as the last of the remaining Frames were cut adrift, MOVEMENT couldst be felt throughout. Indeed, 'twouldst seemeth most likely that this Launch shalt separate most cleanly from the Jig ....
  17. Despite a long absence, it can be reported that CaptainSteve hath not shirked hardship and misfortune. Nor hath he been vanquished by that most persistent of his foes, Stoopidity. Indeedeth, he hath rallied this past fortnight; and he hath thrown himself, time and again, into the planking melee. One by one, they didst fall to his unceasing onslaught. Until, finally, but two didst remain – the Shutter Planks. “They be over-sized,” didst Bob the Builder write. “You shalt cutteth them to fit.” “Hah!!” our hero snorted, in reply. “Surely, you jest !! They be too small, and the gap doest be humungous !! Indeeth Bob, I doest herewith removeth thee from my Christmas Card list!!” For, verily, and to his dismay, CaptainSteve didst findeth that, for him at leasteth, a large gap was to remain. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth didst ensue. Thusly, our hero didst embarketh forth to maketh his very own Shutter Planks – one Port and one Starboard. “Methinks that stealers shalt also be required,” he didst declare. Indeedeth, our Hero didst need to trieth many a time ‘ere satisfaction were to be attained. Verily, at one point, the four planks from the gap to the Sheer didst popeth out from the Rabbet !! (And, Oh My, didst much wailing and gnashing of teeth and uttering of Ye Olde sailing language ensue on THAT day !!!) But, finally, he didst meeteth with success. But he didst not rest upon his laurels. Casting his one good eye over the planking, CaptainSteve realized that something was missing. “But something be missing," sayeth he. "'Tis good, but a final touch be required." Thusly, didst he turneth his attentions unto the transom, whereupon he didst cuteth planks to fit, distressing each in turn. Then, to capeth things off, a Docker Plank was madeth. Some trimming, a final touch-up of the painting, and with that, the planking was done!!
  18. But ... but, Slog ... what about the Prince Of Wales ?? What about the Prinz Eugen ?? Nah. Sounds like you've built up a nice little stash of models that will keep you (and us) entertained for quite some time to come.
  19. Congratulations, Ulises. That is one beautiful looking model. I'll be looking out for your professional photographer's work in the Gallery - let us know when they are ready. Until then, I guess it's time to "jump ship" ... to your Royal Louis build.
  20. Thanks, Keith. Good to have you back and watching over me. Incidentally, I have discovered another method of tree-nailing which I am considering. Yet another MSW builder used a cut-off hypodermic needle to simply score the tree-nails. Perhaps the syringe was even filled with stain which was then pushed into this scoring (can't recall). Gotta say that I really like how yours show up on the interior of your Launch ... however, as my Launch shall now be painted inside, this hypodermic method will be worth trying out on some test-planks. (Not looking forward to asking my local pharmacy for a "Fit-Pack' !!)
  21. But why would we wanna do that ?? Most certainly, Bindy !! In fact, I took a few pics that I was going to post to show my method ... just in case anyone actually cared to know. Okay ... so here goes: Starting with a new plank, I use a razor knife to cut a series of uneven lines along the length of the plank. (1) Then, using a sharpened HB pencil, I highlight those cuts. This fills the depth of the cuts with "grain". (2) (I find it necessary to keep sharpening the pencil) Then, using the side of the pencil, I colour the whole plank with the same pencil. (3) This gives residual "grain" markings. Using an eraser, remove the vast majority of the coloured-in pencil. (5) With the pencil lead in the razor knife cuts, and residual lead on the plank, this will leave the distressed grain. (4) Now, paint the whole plank with wood stain. (6) Once the stain has dried (leave AT LEAST twice the recommended drying time !!), sand the planks down, taking off most of the colour, leaving your distressed plank. This shot was taken from my Launch ... Of course, you COULD try calling them names until they cry !!!
  22. Oh, Nenad. You are BRILLIANT !! Just think ... with an extra 6 hours a day, I might actually make progress on my models !!
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