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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. To keep them safe, my boats will be stored in air-tight food containers (like Chinese takeaway ones) until the time comes for them to become part of the main build. As I have already mentioned, I am temporarily putting this log on hold for the time being whilst I work on a new kit, Model Shipways Bounty Launch. Hope to see you there !!!
  2. This evening, final touches were added to my boats: winch-poles, some "working" rope coils, and oar bundles (for the whale-boats). I tried to make a couple of boat-hooks, but after three failed attempts have decided to give these a miss for now at least (the latest, most successful failed attempt has been kept for another time). They have been a lot of fun to build, with plenty of scope for personal interpretation. As someone once suggested, each was almost a kit in itself. These boats have taken me a little over one year to build - including time to re-build one boat which was stolen when approx 3/4 complete. On the one hand, that is perhaps a bit too long; on the other, it's approx 2.5 months per boat, which means that I should be able to knock out the main, single ship in about the same time, meaning the whole build will be finished some time around June. Hmmm ... to paraphrase the log-on name of one of my friends here on MSW: Probably Not !!!! (Sorry, Brian.) When I started on these, my intention was to produce two distinctly different classes of boat. I think that, largely, I have succeeded. But enough waffling on for now. As promised almost a year ago, here are my recreations of the picture which has been my guiding influence throughout this stage of my USS Constitution build .... (And, once again, thank you Geoff M !!)
  3. 24 cans of beer in a carton ... 24 flags on your ship. Coincidence ?? I think not !! Seriously, Denis, they look real good. Definitely the way to go.
  4. For heaven's sake !! Sjors, get these guys a drink and some damn popcorn !!! (Although, I guess you lot DO have a point. I mean, no-one else has ever gone two pages into a build log without even making a start !!) Arr ... this weekend. I promise !!
  5. Quick update: Steering oars went onto the whale-boats today. I'm quite impressed with them (even if I do say so myself). Just a pair of boat-hooks to do tomorrow after work, then I'll finish these boats up. As for the loose ends leading from the rope wrapped around the winches, I'm thinkin' I'll simply make them into coils sitting on or towards the bows. No photos just yet ... the next pics will be for Geoff !!
  6. Michael (and everybody else), Cannibalization is the heart 'n' soul of Kitbasher's Guide !!!
  7. I'm confused, Harv'. I expected to see pics from your build, but it appears as tho' you've posted photos of the actual Constitution instead. Arr ... Long live the FCC
  8. Alde, I noticed that point in your build log. I'll be paying special attention to it when I get up to that stage. Joe, food for thought. I'll keep it in mind for when the time comes. I guess the "working in layers" thing kinda makes sense when I think about it.
  9. Gettin' there, Alde ... At the moment, I am working on a pair of steering oars for my whale-boats. I'd never noticed before, but they are on the plans. Also, boat-hooks are in the pipe-line. Yet more fish-hooks shall be laying down their lives to provide these. Still not sure where the ropes wrapped around the whale-winches will be going.
  10. Thanks Joe, That would make a great start to producing my Bligh -- tho' I'd have to sew him his own clothes, hat etc etc. I'll worry about this part of my build once the Launch is a lot closer to being finished than it is now. Incidentally, we have a holiday weekend coming up. I'm aiming to get my Constitution's boats finished this week so that I can spend the 3 days making a start on my Bounty Launch.
  11. Hiya UV, I just noticed a question you asked of Sjors in another forum (Latest Profile Photograph) ... Ulises Victoria asked ... One question if I may: Don't you feel that putting the shrouds as first step in the rigging, will interfere when you try to tie the rest of the lines in the center of the decks? This intrigued me greatly, as both of my previous kit builds were done by attaching the shrouds and rat-lines first. And you are 100% correct. It most certainly DOES make it quite hard to later attach all of the other rigging - particularly when tying-off to belaying pins and fife rails. (I had to use two sets of tweezers/forceps to attach and tie each and every joining knot!!) BUT, I did it this way because that is the way the instructions suggested to do it. In truth, not only would your way make life a lot easier, but it's actually more logical !! The only difficulty I can foresee would be that, using your method, wouldn't it be more difficult to get the rat-lines properly attached at the platforms/crow's nest ?? For one thing, you'd have to get these lines INSIDE of all your rigging. Just a thought .... but I do think your way is most certainly worthy of consideration !! In truth, I think your way would make life much simpler. S
  12. I'll make you a deal, Jay .... no-one will need ever know about your quilt-making expertise just so long as you never mention that my mother also taught me how to knit !!! Arrr ...
  13. Stunning work, Slog, truly stunning !! Speaking strictly from the view-point of an amateur, I think you will find it easier to paint BEFORE doing the assemblies. (Just my 1c worth)
  14. Tom, As you may know, I am also looking to do an 1812-ish design on my own build. Thus, I am very keen to see what you are doing with your Connie's stern. (You'll save me a lot of work)
  15. Thank you, Geoff. So very close now ... Okay. My sails were rolled and lashed to the masts/spars just a few moments ago. In all honesty, I really do not think the 2-3 hours spent sewing bolt-ropes was all that worthwhile - they can hardly be seen at all !! Oh well ... here's a couple of pics .... Just the two whale-boats to finish off now, although I am still thinking about how these will look.
  16. Today saw a few hours spent making a pair of sails for the two swan-boats. As these are to be rolled-up and tied to the masts, the sail-area used is probably less than a quarter of an actual sail, since I don't want the whole thing to appear too bulky. Incidentally, the tea-staining came out well ... but leaving them out in the sun didn't streak them as much as I may have liked. Using a coffee rinse may have worked better. No big deal, seeing as they'll be rolled. Here they are with bolt-ropes nearly finished ... Fortunately, many, many years ago, my mother insisted that her sons should learn to sew - tho' how she ever knew that I'd one day need to sew miniature sails, I have no idea !!! Also, the masts/spars visible in an earlier pic have been re-done ... they were too dark in colour (wrong stain !!) for these two boats. Finally, I've been reading up on making rope coils. Whilst the main ship will most likely have the flat Flemish coils which many others have gone with, I will instead place a few "Working" coils around my ship's boats. BTW ... here's a great link showing how to make those Flemish coils easily. (Yes, Jay, it most probably does look very familiar to you !!)
  17. If you find that pic, DG, be sure to post it. I've seen one with the Launch beached at the water's edge of a tropical island which looked really good. Am pretty certain it was here on MSW, too. Doubtful that I'll be doing anything THAT fanciful. However, I do want to add in new barrels, the cutlasses, even UTS' half-cut coconut ... and I may even have a crack at doing Rat Fink's open tool chest. Apart from the Mutiny Log Book mentioned above, which will sit just next to the completed model on its' pedestal stand, I'll be considering "crewing" this build with a model of Bill Bligh himself. Maybe he could be seated at the stern of the Launch with one hand on the tiller. This was actually a request from the person for whom this build is intended (my good friend, CaptainAndrew). As I've never tried recreating anything like a human before - particularly one which will have to be recognizable at 1/16 scale - then I plan to call upon the talents of another friend. This person (known to followers of my Connie build as MrCritic) is a scale modeller of historical army figurines. We'll see how that turns out ...
  18. One issue I have considered whilst finishing up these boats with furniture, is trying to keep them mostly uncluttered. (Thanks, Geoff !!) Thus, I've chosen to cut back on the number of oars in each of the bundles. Also, buckets are gone. (Convenient ... since I haven't gotten around to doing them) Anyway, some pics this evening before any work is commenced for the weekend ... A touch of paint at the tip of the oar-handles, then bundle them up and these are now fixed in place. In the foreground is the tea-stained piece of cloth to become sails. The oars for the whale-boats have not been fixed into position, yet. I'm still toying with ideas for the winch and harpoons. Wiser folk have pointed out to me that harpoons were not likely on a naval vessel. However, my problem is that I may have "painted myself into a corner" with regards these as furniture, as the decision to install winches was taken long ago. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. I mean, whale-boats ... they're used to chase whales, right ?? They need whale-winches ... and harpoons, right ?? For now, rope has been wrapped around the winch drums. Not sure where it is going to go to at this point. If I keep the harpoons, the ropes can be attached to these ... If the harpoons are to go - perhaps in favour of a boat-hook - then where do I connect my rope ?? Thoughts ?? Suggestions ??
  19. Without question, Buck. Just so long as I can do her justice ... Bindy, Bug speaks the truth.
  20. I would second what Sjors has said. Moving them closer to the edges will give more of an angle.
  21. Jeez ... the wood may be patient, but certain audience members sure as heck ain't !! Commencement is still about a week away. I have to finish off my Connie's boats first.
  22. I'll be following you on your journey, Alde .... I've just bought this kit myself. Have you had a read of the other logs for this boat ?? You are already further along than I am !!
  23. Kevin, I agree with DG. She looks just fine. Besides, these boats were all hand-made by imperfect creatures called "humans". So, a few tiny imperfections will give it "character".
  24. FISH HOOKS - To make whale-boat harpoons. I cut the tips from some small fish-hooks and attached the barb piece to a round tooth-pick to make harpoons. There are thousands of different sizes of hooks, so select ones to your own scale. As well as looking good, they will also help to reinforce any "Do Not Touch the Model" signs you may have.
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