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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Thanks Grant & John. And thanks CaptainSteve for the tip on the reef points. I modified it a little. I'll try to show the steps I'm taking to tie the reef points. My camera doesn't get as close in as I would like I hope it show it ok. First I pre-tie a knot in a line of sewing thread. I pull this through the reef band with the sewing needle - pulling the knot up to the sail. I cut it off on the un-knotted side with enough extra length to do some tying. Then I do the same thing all over again from the opposite way (through the same hole) each thread knotted on one side passing by each other through the sail with a knot on each side. Now each side has 2 threads hanging out - one knotted & one not knotted.
  2. Began adding reef points. This isn't as easy for me as I thought it would be. Having a lot of trouble getting the knots on both sides. I can get one just fine but tying another knot on the other side right up against the reef band it very difficult for me. Many times I get the knot on the other side too far from the sail & I have to cut it off & start over.
  3. Making progress on getting the hull planked. The wood strips supplied are basswood & have been bending pretty well. I have had 2 break. As I get to the point where the curving of the planks increase I have been soaking the planks. It doesn't tale much- holding it under hot water running from the sink is all it takes & they bend easily into shape. The instructions recommend using CA glue foe everything in this build but I'm too old school & chose to use wood glue instead. I have only used CA to glue where the planks meets the stems to hold the ends down while the wood glue is drying between the plank edges. It looks a little rough right now but it will look fine once it is scraped & sanded.
  4. Just found your build log Kenny. The Rattlesnake is one of the ships I have always wanted to build. Looking forward to following along. Jesse
  5. Piet, I am hoping & praying I will be able to make it. My chronic lyme disease makes it difficult. I never know if I will feel well enough & traveling itself makes me very sick. I am hoping for the best because I REALLY want to attend this even if I can only be there for part of one day.
  6. This kit has a building jig that the boat is planked over for the shape then removed off the jig once the planking is done. Built the jig, glued the bottom plank & end stems then attached this assembly on the jig to begin the planking.
  7. Sewed the reef bands & extra cloths. Next time I do sails I will not use anything thicker than thin handkerchief material. The sails look real good with these details but ended up a little too thick where extra cloth was sewed on. Next will be the reef points & boltrope.
  8. Been working on making & sewing on extra cloths & the reef bands. Used the Fray Check & a hair straightener to form & press them into shape. Making all this on has taken weeks but it turned out to be good timing- my computer crashed & I am now sharing one with my daughter. Things were different & getting all my stuff & info & programs onto hers so I could get back to posting pics on my build log has taken me a while to work out. The reef bands are formed & ready to sew on.
  9. Just came across this log. The Constitution is one of my all time favorite ships. Looking good so far !
  10. The bolt rope has to begin & end somewhere. At what point on the sail edge should you start & end? Where it meets do you just let it touch end to end? Overlap it some? How is it done on real sails?
  11. Very frustrated with computer problems. On someone elses now to post this. Don't know how much I will be able to do my build log- my computer is pretty screwed up
  12. Washed the pencil marks out of the sails. Hung them on the front door on a sunny day. The sun coming through the glass storm door heats the space between the doors & dried them very quickly. The stitched lines turned out looking fine to me. I am now working on the reef bands & other cloths sewed on the corners for extra strength in the high stress areas where the sail was pulled on by ropes/rigging. Pics coming soon.........
  13. Hand stitching the lines for the sail cloths will not be easy. How in the world will I get all those line straight? I pined the sails to the sail plan sheet. Used a ruler to mark the lines in pencil. Used the penciled lines as my guide & very slowly over many days I stitched the line in keeping the stitching as close as I could, keeping the line as straight as I could.
  14. Before sewing the folded edges down on my sails I put a thread along the inside edge all the way around. Where it met I overlapped it a few inches. My reasoning for this is to have a reinforced line for when I sew the bolt rope along the outside edge. The inside thread is small enough to not show when sewed in but a big & strong enough to hold the bolt rope & also I wont have to worry about the sail edge pulling through.
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