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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Yikes! I always hate when things like that happen, but they do happen. Don't let it get you down. I have found out the hard way that every mishap can be fixed. I snagged & broke my bowsprit on my Scottish Maid build. It made me so mad but I calmed down & figured out a way to repair it. It's aggravating when it happens but when the build is completed you will have an even greater sense of accomplishment having overcome problems like that.
  2. I have enjoyed following this build. You do great work & your wit & humor are very entertaining. Job well done. I'll have to find your U.S.S. Constitution build & follow along there too!
  3. I'm not that knowledgeable about shroud cleats. What lines actually went to them? Was this common? I've never seen a kit or instructions have them. Would like to learn more about this if anyone has any info. info on this.
  4. Kind of nice to know. We try to keep everything so straight, tight & perfect with our modeling we forget that it's not really like that in real life!
  5. Do as much or as little as your gut is leading you to do. This is for your enjoyment & satisfaction.
  6. Some fine work Dave, & double the work! You don't see many people building 2 ships at the same time. Great work my friend!
  7. I wasn't sure about how that bark would look when you started it but I have to say it looks really great! Very creative.
  8. Thank you everyone! I forgot to say that guillemot & his Scottish Maid build was a great help to me along the way. He has the most beautiful Scottish Maid model ever built! Go back & check his out sometime. What's next? Not sure- got multiple projects waiting. I have a previously owned Mayflower we got at an antique store years ago that needs some serious help. Someone didn't know what they were doing, what has been done is very bad & needs tearing off & re-doing. They didn't even complete it. Thinking of bashing it & naming it after my wife. I have several ship in bottle ideas that I am just dying to get going. I know a little girl (one of the daughters of some friends of ours) who is begging me to make her a boat with pink sails. Might tackle that next. It wouldn't be quite the normal build log since it would be for a child. It would be much more simple- not as much detail & some of it out of scale- (might even make it so she could float it in the bathtub ?)
  9. Well, she is finished. I really enjoyed this build in spite of the problems I encountered along the way. I used to admire this kit from afar & wish to get it one day. A good friend made that dream come true & I thank him very much for this. I thank you all for the help & guidance during this build. Here are a few of the completed ship photos......
  10. Couldn't get the bends in the can to go as close together as I needed for my flag size so I coated it with watered down PVA glue & shaped it by hand. Rigged the flag hailyard. Attached flag to hailyard with toggle & eye splices. Raised flag & tied it off to the rail.
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