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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Sailor, you taught me something new. I guess my extra efforts like the "lining off" comes from my art background. Took it all through my school years & it helped me easily learn jewelry repair skills when I was able to work. Both of these backgrounds make me notice all details, even those that will not be seen.
  2. Yes, a fold out page of pictures & barely more than 2 pages of instructions in a booklet. If I hadn't had previous experience building ships this would be somewhat difficult
  3. I found this steam cleaner of my wifes. It is for getting spots out of carpet or something. I am going to see if it will work for bending my planks.
  4. Double. I know, not necessary as this first layer will be covered. I just wanted to do it this way.
  5. Beginning to lightly sand a tapered edge along the planks so they will lay closer together without showing the gaps. As I go along I am marking which side goes in & which side goes out. Test fitted one side again after tapering the edges & you can see how much better they will fit when the actual planking begins.
  6. Did a test fitting of the wood strips for the first layer of planking on the hull. You can see the small gaps where straight edges cant fit close together as the planks are laid around a curve. Decided to taper the edges a little
  7. The instructions are so vague I cant determine if I have the correct angle for the stern. Think I might have the side leading up to the stern sanded down too much & rounded too much. A little hard to figure out...
  8. Keith, I used Minwax Wood finish. The butt joints are just scoring across the planks with an Exacto knife. The treenails were a gamble. I just poked small holes with a pointed metal tool. After light sanding & the pecan stain it filled the holes just enough to look like I treenailed it. My intention was not to stain but just seal but my clear sealer had dried up & the closest thing I had was the light pecan. It turned out very well.
  9. Looks great. I am building the same kit. Gonna use your build log to help me along with mine!
  10. This is an amazing build! I am jealous of your talent!
  11. Just ran across this log tonight. Enjoyed looking through your build pics. Nice job!
  12. Was a little disappointed at first. Didn't think I had done my best planking job. My camera pic didn't show the detail that I could see but after putting a coat of very light pecan stain/sealer on it, it looked great! This new wood glue that I bought said it would stain like wood. Worried it was an exaggeration. No matter how careful I am to wipe off any extra glue some could always get in the grain. It turned out great & looks much better than I expected
  13. I have saved up a small plastic container of sawdust. Anytime you do any sanding at all by hand whatever amount of dust is left on the table brush it into the container. Do this every time & it will pile up!
  14. I had this same problem with my current build. My build log shows how I added extra wood ribbing to my whole framework. I was really irritated at how the thin wood "flexed" from very little pressure.
  15. Got a camera for Christmas. I finished adding the extra thickness to the bulwarks. Some may think this was overkill but I didn't like how even the slightest pressure made the whole frame bend & flex too much. They supply these kits with cheaper, softer woods now days. I could have built it like it was but I have nothing bit time on my hands so I went all out on it. I also added wood around the top edge. It took a lot of extra time but I now have a VERY study frame that will not bend! I didn't worry about how pretty it looks as this will all be covered.
  16. Trying to get my father-in-laws digital camera back while he is in the hospital. Understandably that's not my wifes main concern right now. Hopefully I can use it again & get back to this log......
  17. I like that you are making this a hybrid a you put it. I prefer wood ship models but have done plastic too. I like to add wood too. I have a HMS Bounty plastic kit that is on hold while I build my larger wood Scottish Maid kit. When I get back to the plastic kit I will be replacing some of the yardarms & mast tops with wood because the plastic ones tend to bend too easily. I like the detail cast into the plastic hull. Don't like the plastic formed sails so I will leave them off or make cloth ones. Wish I had thought of wood planking the deck but this model is so small it might not have been easy. Look forward to following your log. Good luck with this build!
  18. Looking good. I love Brigs so I think I'll follow along
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