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Everything posted by maggsl_01

  1. Hello again my friends just a Little update. I started with the standing rigg now... the stay from bowsprit to foremast (foremast-stay... not sure if this is the correct term). The instructions could be a Little more detailled, but I think the more you understand what the ropes are made for the easier it will be to follow the plan. Next will be the shrouds on the foremast... I am curious... Pls comment when you see any discrepancy in the rigging. I want to improve my knowledge and techniques always... Thats it for the Moment... next update will come soon (after the shrouds... obviously in two weeks or two years ) Happy modelling to all Max
  2. Thx Nigel.. and yes: the challenge is what I am looking for. So I think Derfflinger COULD be the right choice, as I would like to konw more about Euro Model. But perhaps I should continue with something else like the Astrolabe or CalderCrafts Endeavour - both are on my wishlist (like Fregatte Berlin and Wappen von Hamburg by Corel). OMG - so many decisions... :D Cheerio Max
  3. Thx all @bindy: Yes my dear friend... the progress is so cute... every step you take you reach a new aim... and it works out so really really satisfying - in a deep and content matter. I love this kind of modelling even more. BTW... on Saturday I will visit the worlds biggest toy fair in Nuremberg, where ALL manufactures will show their products an novelties - perhaps there are really novelties and I can take some pics... If - I will show them @nazgul; I like your nickname... remembers me the one and only book and movie in the world. And I love sweden - even if I have not been there yet. I did a lot of plastic modelling before - but this kind of building is much better than all I know Cheerio and Skoll Nothing better than a cold beer after a day of work and fun
  4. Hello my fellow friends... I finished the masts - and now will start the great adventure with ropes, lines and a lot of Fittings... also called rigging But I admit that the building up to now is not as difficult as I expected. I thought there would be much more problems but everything became good. I had so much fun and joy and relaxing moments - and the few problems were great to find solutions. I learned so much about modelling - not only put some parts together but more and more create the model. Ist amazing, great and really fulfilling. I promise - the Half Moon will not stay alone in my living room... At the moment I feel dashing to build the Derfflinger by Euro Models as next model... Has anyone any expierence with this model? Well - the bowsprit is glued, he foremast also. I will do like Popeye recommended: From bow to stern and starting with the standing rig. Cheerio Max
  5. Thank you all... I see more and more that Euro Model-Kits are really something that I should keep in my eyes - for later But: What about the Derfflinger? Has anyone any knowledge about this ship - quasi as a "starter" with Euro Models... I really love this Forum with its Kind fellow friends... Cheerio Max
  6. Hi Bug I agree to all the others.... your Santa Maria takes good progress... turns into beauty... and as Aussie said: Not work but fun Cheerio Max
  7. Thank you Pete! I understand now what the "problem" is... And - of course - I will be pleased to see and get further pics or drawings or information to build the ship more realistic as "just" in the basic way. And that is what I mean with expierence - the more I know about modelling this ships (my Half Moon is at least the first attempt to get along with this wonderful hobby) the more fun, satisfaction and knowlegde I will reach. Therefore it is a challenge to do this great ship - but of course not now, perhaps in some years, after some other models. Thank you again Pete Cheerio Max
  8. Hi all... is this "problem" with the bowsprit typicall for Euro Models? I mean do they always force you to "scratch" although you would expect a detailled plan? Its because I also want to bulid a Euro Models kit some far away day (Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde). It seems it will be good to gain more and more expierence before I dare to go to Euro Models... But on the other hand this hobby is such a good thing to learn about models and ships... Thanx that there is a forum, like MSW Cheerio Max
  9. Hello Drake, indeed I used some nails for the first planking... I also soaked the planks, bent them to the right line and dried them with a hair-dryer. The I glued them with carpenters glue, using pins and nails to fasten them. After filling the gaps and sanding I removed all nails as they were only needed until the planks were fitted. I am not sure if I will do this again with my next model. And yes, I spend quite much time on the Half Moon, but it is so much satisfying to see the ship grow more and more. Now the rigging is to be done... Cheerio
  10. Cheerio my fellow friends.... Ähemmm.... I have a question (perhaps silly, but I am a newbie ) When I see the logs around here I notice, that some builders do the rigging from "mast to mast"... First the bowsprit with all the bowsprit-rigging, then the foremast completely, next the main etc... others fix all the masts at first and then do the rigging... What do you recommend? I did not fix the masts yet (only the bowsprit) Can you help me pls? Thanks! Max
  11. Good luck with the Bounty, Walt ! I look Forward to read your log Cheerio Max
  12. Hi Greg I agree to all the other builders before: Wonderful work. I am impressed - as more as the Endeavour is one of my favorites. I will follow your work and wish you all the best for continuing Cheerio Max
  13. Hi all... I bought the DB 250 Lathe (110 Euros) and I am really grateful to myself (and my wife who said "OK" ) that I did. The work goes so fine with this little machine - although there is NO 5mm-insert available. I use some tape to get the 5mm-masts into the 6mm-hole. The easy way - but it works. I can recommend this machine for our modelling purpose. Cheerio Max
  14. Hi Modeler thx for this impressive video. It shows very well this tricky work I am not so far yet... hope I will do it as good as you Cheerio Max
  15. Thx all for your comments @popeye I am glad I spent the money for this lathe... makes it so easy to get along with the masts... tried before only sanding or a drilling machine, but this way ist - of course - the best. Was about 110 Euros. @jct I think veneer is easier to handle - and you will have more choice of wood @vivian *blush* cu Max
  16. Hi Fank... its amazing to watch the Wasa grow and become really a masterpiece... I like Corel for the materials they use. make a smooth sureface... good luck and Cheerio Max
  17. I fully agree with kurtvd19. I use a tool similar to the one on the photo. When you use photo etched parts - a MUST HAVE! Cheerio Max
  18. WOW... makes me almost a little bit jealous Really very very nice and accurate Max
  19. Hello all... just a little update... started to build the masts. well, thats quite tricky as the instructions could be a little more exact. But it works - and wood is patient. I am happy that I bought that machine to work the wood. Ist great and it works perfect... I am happy too that I started this hobby... its pure fun, even when not everything goes perfect at once.... or better: its fun to manage the problems. see you all soon again Max
  20. Hello Rowand... I am very impressed.... The Endeavour looks great, such a smooth and perfect surface of the planks ... hmmm I will follow your log as Mr Cooks ship is on my wishlist (but I will prefer the CalderCraft kit). All the best for you and your model Cheerio Max
  21. Hi... You are doing a really great job at the Berlin... I hope my model with reach this level too... Still working on my Half Moon as first build - but that Berlin is just another kind of class Cheerio Max
  22. Howdy Seahawk I will follow your log with full interest as the Wappen von Hamburg is on my wishlist for the future (same are Fregatte Berlin and Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde). Good luck with your Wappen ! Cheerio Max
  23. Thank you so much ... I was not sure that at least the model will look as it does now.Building a wooden ship is complete different to all kind of modelling that I have ever done before. but it is much more satisfying than just to snip off some parts from a sprue and glue it together. And... this work gives me a kind of tranquility. I use to drink a glass of italian red wine, listening to audiobooks.Thinking about the time and history the ship comes from... Thats a very calm and deep time I spend in my shipyard Its a perfect compensation to the every day life full of action, business, phone and all the other terror-machines like computers I am not sure about the next model... was thinking about Caldercrafts Endeavour, Corels Eagle, the Astrolabe or the pretty model of Amundsens Gjoja... Cheers Max
  24. Ahoi Well, it seems to go a good way... I have finished the first part of the construction - the hull. As mentioned before I do the Half Moon out of the box to gain expierence. So perhaps some of the Progress or the construction you see may not ne as well as the Standard around is. But ist my first wooden ship model - and I am almost a little bit proud to make it this way so far. I covered the timber with a semi gloss colorless lacquer (Acryl). Next step will be the masts. I bought a wood lathe, but I am not used to this. So at first some hours of tests will take place before I dare to shape the ships masts. But I promise I will Report about my new Job as carpenter Some pics show the condition. Max
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