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Everything posted by maggsl_01

  1. Hi Mike, I agree with Bindy - your rigging, esp the shrouds looks great. Tight and well-shaped... A lot of knots... Pls continue and keep us on the way... Best wishes Cheerio Max
  2. Hi Pete... they were really clever.... many freight, low costs... sounds like nowerdays And - so we modellers have nice and interesting builds on our desk... Best wishes Max
  3. Hi Denis, I am very excited to see your first pics of the build and to read about your expierences with a Euro Model kit. I will also do a Euro Model soon (when I finished the Royal Caroline, but this will need some more time than I thought) and I am very interested in this company. I saw the pics of the parts in the box - they look very well. And the plans are some kind of lgendary for their qualitiy and details. I will follow your log... Best wishes Max BTW - I dont dare to build two model at the same time...
  4. Hi Denis, it is always a joy to watch someones work as well-done as yours. It gives me so much hints for my own model-building progress. And it shows that there is a solution to almost every challenge. Best wishes - and thank you that you let us share your big perfomance Cheerio Max
  5. WOW... what an amazing build, what a perfect job you do. I am really impressed... Never thought that I would ever want to build a ship of this category like San Felipe, Souvereign or Soleil Royale... but I get more and more thrilled by those ships... I like your log very much and will follow up constantely.. Best wishes Cheerio Max
  6. @ Brian I had some mails with the CEO of Euromodel as I want to visit their company when I go to Milan next time. And I asked him if there will be some new stuff in the close future. He said he is watching the market and has some ideas. Depends on the demand he says. But he did NOT reveal what he is thinking about I wish so much to find some new models in the market... Best wishes Max
  7. Hello Bindy, nice to see you again... oh yeah, we had us some fun and a lot of walking around and sure a lot of hunting, sniffling abd happiness. But the summer was wet and so I found my shipyard again... And now its time to sit back in our foggy grey german fall... perfect time to be together with my Caroline After the planking and the decorations its time to start with all the constructions up on the deck. I look forward to this Best wishes to you Max
  8. Hi Testazyk, I will follow your log with great interest. The San Felipe is a amazing ship. Although I am not planning to build her in teh next years I always want to see the progress of other builders. And its Panart - a company I like. So:I take a seat and watch... Cheerio Max
  9. Hi Janet congratulations - you do a phantastic work on your model. looks very very accurate. It is as Vivian said before: 2 modellers, one kit - two differnet ways to look at a model. It is interesting to see and compare. Best wishes Max
  10. Hi Keith, I am doing the Royal Caroline at the moment. It would be historic accurate to paint the hull white below the waterline. This is right. But I like much more the color and the structure of the timber - so I will leave it in natural condition (only some colorless semi-gloss lacquer). But I understand that historic accuracy is a very strong motivation to build models . But anyway - I would not use copper plates on this ship. Cheerio Max
  11. hey j you are doing a REALLY good job on the good old Half Moon - love the masts Cheerio Max
  12. Hi Keith, I really like your log - as I am so much interesed in the Euro Model-products. Your log gives me a very good impression what will wait for me when I ever decide to build one of these models. And I admit: I am very curious about it. I will do it some day... perhaps start with the Derfflinger, but of course my dream will be the Friedrich Wilhelm. I will watch your log and be patient to look forward your build. Best wishes Cheerio Max
  13. Hello again @schnu: Thank you very much My build goes on step by step - and nothing problematic so far. Really tricky is the bending of the brass strips for the Galion. The material is quite solid and it Needs a lot of Patience to get the brass into the correct shape. But at least it works. So i needed two evenings for just one side - including sanding and polishing the metal. But as I do not like the very bright and glossy natural brass Color I decides to paint all brass parts with a golden enamel. (This you can see on the first pics). After painting the decoration parts it Needs about two days to dry completely. I am a Little bit worried about the plans as they do NOT Show how to bend the strips. It would not be wrongf to find some more Details in the plans or photos. I am glkad that I found a site in the WWW, where just the Panart RC is shown in a very good built condition. But at least this should be found in a good plan. Nevertheless all works good and to search and find is a part of modelling I think I will Need two further evenings on the bow. Next will probably be the Stern with all the brass decorations too. Enjoy the pics and - as always - any comment is welcome. I am learning more and more although I am not so much active in writing or commenting other builders logs. But I am looking Cheerio Max
  14. Hi Vince I am so much impressed by the job you do. I like the accuracy and the patience you spend on the model. Thats what I like so much in this kind of modelling... Go on and let us be witness of your build Cheerio Max
  15. Hello all... just a Little update and a few pics. The work on the Royal Caroline takes ist progress, nothing special to report. The build is satisfying and there is a lot of fun to watch the ship grow. The blue in the pictures looks a little bit too brillant - in reality it is not so much "blue".I have a lot of joy and I am always interested to hear your comments. I want to improve my modelling... Best wishes to all Cheerio - Max
  16. Hi Pete, I am so happy to see anyone build the Derfflinger. It is one model on my wishlist, as I want to build up a Little "fleet" from the Kurbrandenburgische Marine with Roter Löwe, Goldene Yacht, Berlin, and finally some far far away day the Friedrich Wilhelm. At least I want to build a Euro Model, as the FW is from this Company and all say that the plans are great but the work is very demanding or challenging. So when I have done the current build, Royal Caroline, the Derfflinger (or the Roter Löwe not yet sure) will follow. I will follow your build very attentive- I wsh you a pleasent build. Cheerio Max
  17. Hello Alex I cannot say how much I am impressed by your built. This is unbelieveable and really ana rtwork - thats not longer craftsmanship, thats art. I will come by from time to time... best wishes to the Ukraine from me Cheerio Max
  18. Hello to all out there... just another small update. I have done the second planking completely. Although the Teak may be unusual I think it comes along quite good. Still I am thinking about wether to paint the hull below the waterline white or not. Got some time left to decide... Next part will be to plank the false keel and the bow, then I will build the windows. Before I fix the windows and the rear parts I will paint the upper side of the ship in blue. As usual some pics are attached. Have a nice time and a good buliding - wherever you are Cheerio Max
  19. Hi all, still working on the second planking. On side is completed, the other side of the hull almost. I hope I can finish the planking this week. Then I have to sand it and make the surface smooth and tender. The quality of the timber I use is excellent and the planks are really good to fix. Only the time is missing... a lot of work in my real life, then the championship, and - it is summer. And so its time to be outside, taking photos, go walking with the dogs, have a BBQ... not the best season for a modelrs shipyard All the best to you all, and next time I will attach some pics again Cheerio Max
  20. Hi all... the planking of the Royal Caroline takes good progress. As I mentioned I have changed the wood provided with the kit and bought some teak. Well, I like this wood very much but now I am not sure anymore that it is the best choice for a hull's planking. I will do it till the end and not change once more, but the next time I will have some walnut again. I think this is the best solution for a hull. As the RC is very much decorated and as I will probably paint the lower hull white it will not be so conspicuous. The work itself is very satisfying, nearly no problems or much effort to get the strips bent. At least two weeks will have gone when I am ready with the second planking. Next will be to plank the stern completely, to finish the very small parts of the inner planking and to clean all. Some pics will show the progress at the moment. Cherrio cu Max
  21. Hi Vivian, good to see the progress your Red Dragon takes. I Like the way you modify the model... BTW: Sorry for that 7:1... Best wishes Max
  22. Hi Zoran I really like your coversation with Thanasis. I never heard about those Kind of ships before in my life and never thought that one could debate about the history or the Kind of different types of boats. But I learned that this is a very big and extreme intersting Topic. Just only the different purpose of boats just for fishing or just for Transport and all this is very inetresting. I am sure that there is a lot of knowledge with the People living at the sea. I am thrilled by sailing ships and the naval history of europe and of course by all the men like Abel Tasman, Magellan, Bering, Cook and so on. But that the boats and ships of course have a very intense and Close meaning to the normal People on the coasts... never thought about it. Your trajta or leud or whatever Comes along very attractive and beautiful... Best wishes Max
  23. Hello my friends, the RC make quite good progress, but it is a slow step by step... Its summer, its warm outside, its Brazil football time, and by the way I have to go to work... But the time in my shipyard nevertheless is very satisfying and relaxing. I am sure you all know what I am talking about The first planking is done, also sanding and filling the very few gaps. The first planking was not really a problem, everything worked good. But I changed the sequence of the building as I planked the inside before I started the second planking. I finished all decks, all inside planking, painting and I fixed some eye bolts for the cannon rigging on the inside and on the decks. In the plans there is no reference how to rig the cannons and obviousely the rigging is not scheduled by the kit. But I will do it and got a lot of information in the MSW and of course by Mr Mondfeld I do not understand why the manufacturer of the kit, Panart, does not recommend to rig the cannons. It is in a big scale, 1:47, and every detail can be shown very good. Well, I do it by myself. Also I decided to buy some additional wood to replace the original so called walnut stripes for the second planking. They just look terrible and are just poor quality - in contrast to the other inclosed wooden material. I found a model wood dealer in the WWW who not only sells the wood but also has a big variety of differnet wood and who can precisely manufacture the needed stripes. I decided to order some Teak, 1mm thick and 6mm wide. The wood is from very good quality and I am very content. I started with the second planking now and I expect to be busy with it for more than a week. I want to do a very good surface I added some pics - and as always I am very grateful for any hint to do it better. Cheerio Max
  24. Hi Marisstella I am with the other guys around: This boat is incredible - smooth surface, precise, clean and with the different shades of the wood just beautiful. One almost can forget that it is a model. Although I am on the bench with the Royal Caroline I will build a model from your company. They are so interesting, esp the cog or the carrack. I am really overwhelmed by the work you do... you are a master Best wishes from Germany Max
  25. Hello my friends just a new update. The building of the Royal Caroline takes a lot of time... and the summer is around, so it last a Little to do the next step But I can do some work like the inside planking and coloring. I use the Admirality Paint from Jotika. I think the red ochre fits the model quite good. Next step will be sanding the hull and then start the second planking. CU soon Cheerio Max
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