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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hey Patrick , how about a sloop rigged pleasure boat ? Thank you Marc, I would like to see a rc build of a Volvo Boat Best Regards, Pete
  2. Hey Patrick, how about a traditional sailing craft Best Regards, Pete
  3. Today, before I finish the final 2 coats of Varnish on the hull, ( I decided to go with a varnished Hull no bottom paint or water line. Kate said you don't want to cover up the wood do you ? she wins ) I started by trimming the deck edge where the Cockpit coaming meets the deck, I then sanded the deck to 400 grit sandpaper ( starting with 220 ) I then applied 2 coats of semi gloss white to the deck . Here are the resultes
  4. Happy Birthday Bob, the Friendship sloop is looking good Best Regards, Pete
  5. Absolutely Fantastic Piet, Just incredible the detail and craftsmanship are just breath taking Best Regards, Pete
  6. She is looking Sweet Patrick, Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  7. Wow Nils, The only thing that I would add to everyone else is Stunningly Beautiful Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thank you Patrick, I am happy with the way she is turning out, as I was going to free sail this one , I have plans to build a larger boat ( approx 28" in length ) ) here is the hint that I am giving at this point ( not an America's cup boat ) Best Regards, Pete
  9. After enough procrastination, and a lot of projects that I would like to start on I decided to finish her as a static ( less Sails ) So I started by rigging up the mast. I first made the Main Sheet traveler, then put the mast in the Mast step. Next I installed the main Sheet, and installed the Standing Rigging. I installed the Main winches for the main sheet and the jib. I then installed the steering stations, and then ran the Back Stay. Then I installed the Navigation Station. Next will be to make the 2 Rudder Blades, Cradle and install the Keel. Here are the results
  10. Thanks Patrick, 1 more coat should do the trick Best Regards, Pete
  11. Incredible work Patrick, she's looking great Best Regards, Pete
  12. Hi Michael, Happy Birthday, your boat is coming together rather nicely, Looking good as always Best Regards, Perte
  13. After some long contemplation, I decided that I would Varnish the Hull, With Epifanes . and rather than showing it being sanded and another coat being applied. I would show it after 4 coats have been applied sanding with 400 grit in between coats, and waiting 24 hours between coats . I will do one more coat and she should be ready to go . I will more than likely do a flat white bottom paint with a blue waterline. the slot for the tiller has been cut into the transom. Here are the results
  14. Thank you Cap'n'Bob, I appreciate it,Your Friendship sloop is looking really good as well . Best Regards, Pete
  15. Well, It seems that I had missed a step, ( before sealing up the outside of the Hull ) so Today, I layed out the deck cut it out and installed it . After I faired it to match the Hull. Here are the results
  16. Hi Michael, I am with all of the above just beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  17. After a day and a half of Fairing, I got the Hull sanded to 600 grit , and sealed the inside of the Hull with Titebond III ( waterproof glue ) next will be to coat the exterior of the Hull with West System epoxy. Here are the results
  18. Beautiful work Cap'n'Bob, She's looking really good, I would like to get in on a sail Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thank you Michael, I am happy with the way she is turning out Thank you David Best Regards, Pete
  20. Today, I finished planking the Hull, did some light fairing and built the Cradle. Next will be to complete fairing the Hull. Here are the results
  21. Thank you Patrick, pound for pound you can't beat the Herreshoff designs, they are so easy on the eyes Thank you Gerty, there is always room for more. Welcome aboard
  22. Today, I did get more of the Planking completed. next will be to finish planking and fair the hull. Here are the results
  23. Very Nice work Patrick, shes looking fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  24. Today, I faired all the frames , lined her off, and got the first 3 rows of planking installed . Next will be to finish the planking. Here are the results
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