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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Niks Your work is amazing, as always! I especially love the 4th photo of the focsle, with the riveted walls and doors. Very realistic and a true credit to you. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Freek Very impressive!!! The slow motion of the torpedo launch is amazing, as are all the other launches, as well. I know that you said the range is short, but, out of interest, how long is it on average? Two metres, three?, etc? I also love the yellow sub that pops up in the beginning. Is that one of your fleet, as well? Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Frank Many thanks!! Great to hear from you and I'm glad that your surgery went well. Definitely looking forward to your next Paragon update, that's for sure. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  4. Aah, ok, thanks Igor! I've heard you mention the syringes before, but I never thought about using them in this way. I'll have to remember that one for the future. Thanks and all the best! Patrick
  5. Hi Mark You definitely have my respect! Speaking of bikes, last week I placed an order for a new road bike. Should be a dream to ride, but, I wouldn't have a hope in hell of keeping up with you. I hope your health stays good and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  6. Yes please! I always stuff these things up, especially at these tiny scales. How do you make your metal work look so good? Also, do you use super glue to fix it onto the wooden boom? Silly questions, I know, but I'm really keen to learn better ways of doing things.
  7. Good to see you back, Mark! Nice work as always! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Nenad No need to rush. Please look after your mother in law, as she needs your more at this time. Your CS can wait patiently. But, please, don't forget to take care of yourself, as well. All the best Patrick
  9. Hi Igor Nice, as always. Can I pls ask a favour? Can you please show how you did the metal gooseneck on the boom? I never seem to get those sort of fixtures looking as good as yours and Captain Bob's. If you could, I'd really appreciate it. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi David Definitely!! You're more than welcome. Grab a seat! Cheers and many thanks Patrick
  11. Hi Bob, Nick, Nigel, John, Piet and Dimitri and everyone who hit the Like button. Thanks for your comments and compliments, all of which are greatly appreciated! Well, there's really not much left to do, except adding the rudder, propellor and the lifeboats on the cabin roof. Last of all, will be the stand (as Nick has correctly pointed out). The sooner I finish the above items, the quicker I can start on my new boat, "Majellan". Thanks and all the best! Patrick
  12. Hi Ben Thanks! it'd be great to see your plans. It may even give me some ideas! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi everyone! Tonight I added the gold cove-stripe along the sheer line of the hull and a black line above the waterline. At the stern, I also added the gold pin-striping and also a small, but, simple motif to add that 'final' decorative touch to the transom. I hope you enjoy the photos! Cheers Patrick
  14. Nice work, Igor. I can't up with your progress! You're moving ahead so quickly!
  15. Hi Igor Nice! I can just imagine how nifty this little beauty's going to turn out. I'm looking forward to following along. Cheers Patrick
  16. ...so, your Mum upgraded the Uplander to a Kia? Does the boat fit now?
  17. Hi Kevin Any sailing activity over a weekend sounds like a great way to spend your time! Sounds like you and your wife had a ball of a time. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi BDGiantman, Mark, Kevin, Michael and David Many thanks for your comments and compliments! Greatly appreciated. Thanks, also to BDGiantman for the idea about the tender. My original intention was to show the tender being towed behind Symphony, which is pretty much on par with your suggestion. Great minds think alike! Thanks everyone and all the best Patrick
  19. Thanks Carl! She was a challenge, that's for sure, but a lot of fun, as well.
  20. Yep.. Looks good, Nenad!!
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