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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. HinKevin You're back!!! I was wondering what had happened to you. I'm sorry to hear that you've scrapped your original Skipjack. It must've been a hard decision, but I wish you every success with this new ship. All the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Hartmut Lovely work on those wales! Getting them positioned correctly is a devilishly tricky job at the best of times, especially with such a blunt bow as yours. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Vaddoc I agree with Mark. The error is so small, that it's hardly noticeable at all. Mike's also right and I've often had to look twice to confirm that it's not the real boat. Tad Roberts must be really chuffed! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  4. Hi Nick, Nils, Bob, Dave and Mark Thanks for joining me on Majellan's journey! I've cleaned all the seats to make sure you're all comfortable and feel welcomed; so please enjoy the journey. Spread the word, too, as the more the better! Thanks and all the best Patrick
  5. Thanks Dave! I've yet to work out the exact scale, but it'll probably be something like 1/200 or so, as a wild guess. Glad you can join me! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi folks As I'm fast approaching the completion of my current model, "Symphony", now's a good time to reveal my next project - a miniature model of a 37 metre luxury motor yacht, which I will name "Majellan". The plans will be loosely based on an existing ship, whose plans I found using using Google. The model will have a fully detailed interior (well, as much as I can replicate at this tiny size, anyway)! Majellan's interior layout consists of the following decks: -Lower Deck; -Main Deck; -Upper Deck; and -Sun Deck. The profile of the ship is provided below: I hope to commence construction as soon as I can figure out how to build the darn thing!! Talk about a challenge. If you're able to, I'd love it if you could please join me on Magellan's journey. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Bob and Carl, as well as everyone else who hit the Like button. Many thanks! Bob and Carl - I really appreciate your comments about the sails. Bob - I'm not really sure what the material is that the sails are made from, because it was actually supplied by Igor (IgorSky) for my Rainbow model. Igor - can you please help me with Bob's query? Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi everyone Another quick, but important update - Symphony's now sporting her full set of sails. Although they're still temporarily rigged, they at least give oneself an indication of what the final look will be....which, to my mind, isn't too bad. Not long to go, now folks....before Symphony plays her last concerto and a new ship will arise on the slipway! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Vaddoc Damn! She's looking good. Probably not far off now from finishing. Any idea what your next project will be? Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Mike With the care and attention that you're giving to every bit of your ship, (as witnessed by your chain plates), I reckon she deservedly belongs in a museum when you're finished. However, the fact that she will be a working model, with such a high quality of workmanship, makes it all the more special. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Dave What a wonderful gesture. I know surgeons get paid a lot of dough, but you can't put a price on health and well being. I reckon he'd be pleased as punch to receive it! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Mike, Piet, Vaddoc, Lawrence, Frank, Nick, Ben, Igor, Cog and Marty Many, many thanks for all of your feedback and comments and the Likes. Always greatly appreciated! Marty-not sure about my next project, but, I'm itching to start something. It maybe Bruce King's "Whitefin", or the replica of the Brittania sailing yacht, or maybe even a catamaran with a fully detailed interior. So many ideas on my wish list...! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Hartmut You've come a long way with your hull, which is turning out to be a real beauty! I'm looking forward to the next update. In the meantime, all the best! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hey Jesse Really, really nice! From the billowing sails and rigging, right through to the choppy seas, she's got heaps of atmosphere and character. You've gotta be really proud of this one. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Piet Thanks, but trust me, you're far away more than ready for a miniature, if judging by your dingy for the O19 is anything to judge by! I've got heaps to learn, still! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Lextin Nice progress on the masts and rigging. I must admit that I didn't realise just how raked the masts were until I saw the photos above. I guess it's characteristic of these types of boats. Cheers Patrick
  17. Nice job Dave! I certainly don't envy having the workload ahead of you, but it'll be worth it once done.
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