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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks, Nenad and I totally understand about Hothead's behaviour. Seems to be the same the world over. The good thing is that he'll come around sooner rather than later and before you know it, he'll be all different! All the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Ben I've had a go at what you've suggested. Can you please let me know if you think I'm closer to the mark? Many thanks Patrick
  3. Hi Ben She's lovely! Beautiful classic lines and the wood finish adds so much charm. Top job. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Frank That's a really interesting and instructive tutorial for tying the ratlines. Hard work, though. I kinda feel for you, though, especially after your surgery and reckon the 4 line break would be the minimum to rest and recover! I don't envy ya! Cheers and all the best for the weekend. Patrick
  5. Wonderful Pete! How long do you think it'd be before you both get the itch to set off again?
  6. Good work on the panelling, Nenad. ...also, I hope the fight with Hothead ended well for both of you!
  7. Hi Ben Love it! That's a great help and I'll be shooting to do something similar now. Pressure's on, big time... Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Edward Totally understand your predicament! Work pays the bills, unfortunately. We'll be waiting to hear back from you when you're ready. All the best Patrick
  9. Hey Igor. Nice! Kinda reminds me of the Italian cruise liner (can't remember her name) that recently sailed too close to the lee shore and the ship sank. Happened a couple of years ago. Anyhow, no such bad luck for your J Boat as she's safely sailing by. Another job well done! Cheers Patrick
  10. Ahh, okay, Mike. These things can't/shouldn't be rushed. No doubt, when things are ready, I'm sure she's going to float and sail beautifully.
  11. Hi Mike She's coming along beautifully! Those frames are seriously nice and it'd be a shame to plank over them...but, it must be done of course. I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Ben Woohoo!!! Thanks for your feedback and advice. I was going to ask for your professional advice, but didn't want to bug you unnecessarily, but now that you've pitched in, I'm really grateful. I'll trim the bow further to make the entry finer and thereby creating a smother transition to the bulb as you've suggested. Once done, Hopefully you can comment again to see if it's ok. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Mark Looking good and it's nice to be free. It's good when a vision starts to come together. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Nils The taping to simulate the plating looks like hard work, but the value that such preparation will bring to the final product is more than worthwhile. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi everyone As I don't have any actual hull plans for Majellan's hull I'm building, I'm relying mainly on photos of other similar sized modern luxury yachts on the Internet. Many of these modern motor yachts have very unusual underbodies. In fact, they're far from the graceful and streamlined beauties that you'd expect. Instead, they're quite angular and, dare I say it, ugly underneath (well, to my mind, anyway)! As a means of overcoming the lack of detailed plans, I decided to do a clay mock-up of what I think the hull could look like, using the examples of Internet photos I've seen. Once I'm happy with what I've come up with, I'll then use the mock-up as a guide to carve the wooden hull. The clay mock-up can be seen in the photos below. There's still a long way to go before I'm happy with its shape, but it's a start. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Lextin It looks like you've been busy, what with all the blocks, cannon carriages (disassembled but ready to go), blocks, etc. The clove hitches on the rigging are really nice. How's your eyesight and fingers after doing all of those? Cheer Patrick
  17. Hi Mike Mmmmm, I think I can hear the waves lapping at the hull as she slices to windward....yep. Not long now, once the deck's done. Have you done a floatation test yet? Cheers Patrick
  18. HI Greg and Igor Thanks for the support! Igor - those little people look amazing. Is there an English translation to the page, though? Cheers Patrick
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