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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hey Mark That makes two of us! Nicely done, Tony! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Bob, Carl and Frank. Thanks also to all those who hit the Like button! Much appreciated, as always. Bob-thanks for your compliments! Frank-nice to hear from you and hope you're on the mend! Carl-Thanks! The real ship has white masts, but wooden booms, which to my mind, look a bit odd, but they're a nice contrast, nonetheless. As for the rigging thread, I bought it from our local Spotlight shop (you may have a similar type of shop that sells, material, threads, buttons, etc). Hope this helps! All the best. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Jesse Really fine details on the sails, which are nicely shaped. It won't be long now before you can place her permanently into the bottle. I'm looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Vaddoc Really, really nice! Good to see you back, again, too, by the way, because I've been wondering how your ship was going. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Tony Wow, wow and wow! What an impact the paint job has brought to the overall effect. You must be a pretty dab hand with the paintbrush, because the individual colours stand out cleanly and crisply from one another. No blurring of the colours, there. Overall, I'd have to say that my favourite shot would have to be the stern photo with the emblem. Nice stuff. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi everyone Thanks for your comments and likes! Greatly appreciated. Well, tonight I managed to do a bit more on the masts; e.g. some of the rigging attachment points and the two mizzen masted radar domes. I also attempted to fashion the roller furling gear on the bowsprit, although at this tiny scale, it just looks like nothing more than a cylindrical drum on the bowsprit. Oh well, it's the essence that I'm trying to capture, more than anything...well, that's my excuse anyway. I've also jury rigged the rigging (pardon the pun), so that the masts will stay relatively upright. Please excuse having taken the photos in our ensuite bathroom...it's the only room with a light bright enough that would enable the rigging to be seen!!!! Anyhow, pls enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Carl The cake stand idea-Now that's "thinking outside the box"....and a pretty nifty one, too. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Piet Those eyebolts certainly wouldn't have been fun to do, but gees, you've done them proud! Nice job. Cheers Patrick
  9. Nice work, Nenad! The new phone camera is also nice, as evidenced by the increased clarity of the photos. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Igor Lovely work! It's the tiny details like the hinges and portholes on the doors that bring Lena to life for me. I'm looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Denis and Lawrence Many thanks and greatly appreciated!!! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Edward She's a lovely boat you're building and I can see that you're already off to a great start! I'm going to happily follow along. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  13. Hi Nils Looking good. Can I ask where you got the really nifty stern decorations from? Or, did you make them? Deck's looking really nice, too, by the way! Cheers Patrick
  14. Very nice work on the cannons, Piet. Your VOC's looking pretty speccie, without a doubt!
  15. Hi Mike, Bob and everyone for their Likes Bob - thanks for your comment about the masts. I reckon she'd be great ship to sail upon, as well. Michael - I also agree that from some angles, the masts do seem really tall. But, I've triple checked their measurements... Gulp...if they're not right! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  16. Hi Mick Please don't tell me that there's no front row seats left...Make room for me! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Nils Thanks! Here are some better photos of the roof...can you please promise not to look too closely!!! Chers Patrick
  18. Thanks Carl. Yep - you're right about the fruit. My secret's out!!!
  19. Hi everyone Another milestone was reached last night, with Symphony's two masts being stepped (roughly and temporarily, of course, at this early stage). The main boom has also been fashioned along with the spreaders on each mast. Heaps more work to do, though. ' Hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Jesse She's coming along beautifully and those cannons look great. PS. Is that your Syren making a cameo appearance in the background? If so, nice! Cheers Patrick
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