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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Igor Could Tony use the same type of film that you gave me for my Rainbow's sails? What do you think? Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Igor I see it...but, I still don't believe it!!! How you can do these tiny boats and keep track of the rigging in the bottle is amazing. Lovely stuff. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Tony Very, very nice! I know your ship is tiny, but I have to do a double take to comprehend just how TINY she really is. She certainly looks the part, that's for sure. Will you be painting the hull? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Michael Many thanks! Great to hear from you. My goal is to replicate as much detail as I can; using the logic "if it can be seen on the full sized ship, then it can be put on the model ". Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Dave I'm very sorry to hear that you've taken a turn for the worse. Please be assured that my prayers and well wishes are with you. The most important thing for you now is to focus on getting better and resting. Think positively and look forward to getting this well and truly licked, once and for all. Take care. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Frank Many thanks! Working on the details is fun and, at best, it keeps me 'off the streets"!!! I hope you're getting better and the treatment's working. All the best Patrick
  7. Hi everyone Last night I painted the main ship's wheel a wood colour (to match the full sized ship's wheel). I also did a few more of the fittings on the tip of the bowsprit. Lots of work still to go, of course. Here's the latest photos. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Ken Very nice progress! Card kits have always fascinated me and yours is no exception. I was especially interested to learn how the humidity in your house can affect the card stock, because that's something that'd never have occurred to me. I guess that's one of the best things about these logs. We just keep learning. I'm looking forward to the next update. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Tony Very nice! Look forward to seeing the masts stepped. All the best Patrick
  10. Hi Nenad I'm sorry to hear that once again, you and your family are facing challenging times. Life is not fair at the best of times, and you have certainly been hit hard. Please take care and be comforted in the knowledge that your MSW friends are thinking of you. Patrick
  11. Hi Igor How are you? If you get a chance, could you please indicate how you made your steering wheel? If so, that'd be great, because I really struggle with these items, whereas you've done a brilliant job. Hopefully, this is okay with you. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi everyone A quick update for you. I've made a start on the rear cockpit's steering wheel as well as the smaller ship's wheel in the centre cockpit (see white wheel on the lid of the paint tin). Both wheels need to be painted a wood colour. I've also added the trailboards at the bow. Anyhow, here are the photos. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  13. Hi Tony I'm not sure if you're aware, but Igor has a giant matchstick. You, on the other hand, have a giant matchstick, as well as a giant dowel to rest your ship on!!!! You two must be competing against each other On a more serious note, your cannons look good and Igor's idea about the carriages also looks like it's a real goer. Regardless of whether you put the carriages on or not, I reckon she's gonna turn out brilliantly. Nice! Look forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Dave No stress! At least you have an excuse. I don't (thick as door knob at the best of times!!!). Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Mark What a beautiful hull shape. No wonder, they call ships a 'she' - shapely! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Denis I'm loving everything about this ship, from the blunt bow through to the high poop deck at the stern. I'm am surprised though at the amount of colours, which certainly adds to the overall effect. Look forward to more updates. Cheers Patrick
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