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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nils Nice! However....Somehow, I think you must be really itching to get the planking done, so that you can lay the first metal plate! I know, because I would be, if I were you. Nonetheless, I'm sure you're still loving seeing the hull take shape after each additional plank is laid, just as much as we all are. I'm happily looking forward to your next update, as always. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Igor Another great start to a really clever and nicely executed model. This one's gonna be a beauty, with loads of character and charm, for sure. Nice! Cheers Patr
  3. Hi Ben That ram certainly looks like the bees knees! Really nice. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Vaddoc Not only would Tad Roberts be impressed, but so would the American Team be as well. I reckon you've captured the spirit of the full size boat really nicely and it shines through especially in the comparison photos (last two shots above). Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Altalena Love that deck and the cockpit planking. Really nice. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Cathead I understand the predicament you're in about the planking/no planking. I have my personal preference, of course, but the decision is up to you. I'm sure whichever way you go, your ship's gonna be a beauty! Can't wait for the next update, so, keep 'em coming. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Frank Marvellous stuff! I especially like the fact that you added the decorative strips because they add so much value to the stern's appearance. Nice! Still can't believe you made those G Clamps, as well. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi all Just a bit of an update. I'm still working on the Portside stateroom double suite and also the owner's stateroom bathroom. Still more work to go, but, it's fun and satisfying. Keeps me off the streets! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Frank Definitely, very, very nice! Well done Cheers Patrick
  10. Hey Ben and Mrs Ben Congratulations!!! That's wonderful news and I hope that both mum and Bub are doing really well. I think you have a good excuse for the long delays between posts, because hobbies definitely take a back seat when the bubs come along. All the very best to you all. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Pete and Bob. Many thanks! Bob- I can relate to what you're saying about the finishing....I often wonder why I'm spending so much time doing the trim when it'll hardly be seen once the deck is on, but, like your carpenter-scout master must've thought, it just has to be done, otherwise, it just won't be finished! Pete- thanks for following along. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Carhead Fantastic job so far. I especially like the framework. It'd almost be a shame to cover it, but cover it, you must, I'm sure, I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Nigel Wow! That quarter gallery window looks damn good! Seriously nice. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank She's really shaping up to be a beauty! You can't beat these old hulls because the designers had a real knack for designing hulls with lovely complex curves and lines. Wonderful stuff and a great job on the planking, too. Thanks Patrick
  15. Hi Marty Thanks and greatly appreciated! All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Vaddoc Nicely done! She's looking really spiffy, I must say. My only thoughts, are, as you've mentioned. The underwater hull could've been matt, whereas the White may be painted gloss white. But, no dramas, a bit of varnish may rectify that, if you wish...but only if you see it as a problem which needs rectification. If not, you could leave it because it looks good just the way it is now. Other than that, you gotta be really happy because she's coming along brilliantly! Well done Patrick
  17. Hi everyone Many thanks for all of your comments, likes and encouragement! It's all greatly appreciated. I've been chipping slowly away at Symphony's interior, lately. Most of it may NOT look like much, (e.g. trimming and adding details such as doors, and a double bed in the port side double stateroom, and associated other things, etc), but when all put together, it all adds up. Everything's still loosely placed in the hull, though, so it still looks a bit wonky. More work yet to go. Here are the latest photos. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Dennis It's great to hear about happy people and happy relationships...not being melodramatic of course, but there's just so much crappy stuff happening in the world at the moment, that it's nice to hear something positive. On that note - Congratulations! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Jo Many thanks for clarifying the Copyright issue. Interestingly, we have an Aussie billionaire who is planning to build a Titanic replica at $500 million AUD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_II). Based upon your info above, I'd imagine that there'd be no copyright issues to overcome as it's more than 100 years ago? Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Alex Oh, ok...a really, really, long journey then. I hope she arrives safe and sound. No doubt it'd be a stressful time for you whilst she's in transit, so, I wish you well. Cheers Patrick
  21. I'm speechless, Alex!!! You must be intending to take it on a long drive, maybe???
  22. Hi Ben ...how does the saying go? "Necessity is the mother of invention?" Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  23. Hi Frank It's a joy to watch you pulling this ship together. I especially like the nice effect you've achieved with the windows. Nice! Cheers Patrick
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