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Posts posted by Omega1234

  1. 5 hours ago, cog said:

    When I look at it now ... I'd say it's the Bat-boat ... looking good Patrick

    Hi Carl...’Holy Smokes, Batman...to the Batboat...and hurry’. You’re right though, Carl.  I was thinking the exact thing about the similarity to the caped crusader as well.  

    3 hours ago, fnick said:

    That is already looking lurvely! 😀Still can't get over how much detail you manage to pack in such a small model. 



    Thanks Nick!  I’m having a ball of a time doing this boat.  Who would have thought that building super-modern designs such as this one, could be such fun, but it is.  Thanks for the good word.  

    1 hour ago, mtaylor said:

    You're right Carl.  That is the Batboat.   Now to get the Batman theme music out of my brain.

    Hi Mark...darn it!!!!!  Now, I can’t get the theme out of my mind either....



    Have a great weekend, everyone!





  2. Hi folks 


    Thanks for all of your comments and Likes.  Genesis’ journey has continued, albeit slowly.  I”ve done some more puttying and fairing of the hull and superstructure, so much so, that she still looks a real mess, but, trust me, like a butterfly emerging from her cocoon, so, too will Genesis’ beauty.


    Also, up on top of the Sun Deck, I’ve added the mast; which will eventually be adorned with the radars and other apparatus, but in the meantime, it’s a start.  


    Similarly, as in keeping with Genesis’ design, nothing is easy and straightforward. For instance, if you look at her transom, you’ll see that it’s not your run of the mill transom.  Oh no, the designers had to make it super complicated.  Hell, I’m just happy if I can make it look even half right!  Oh what the heck, it’s fun trying.


    Have a great weekend, folks!
















  3. 2 hours ago, popeye the sailor said:

    really coming into shape quite nicely ;)    the black top is really nice.......I see a real snazzy paint job on this one :)    I wonder what she would look like if you were to use PE on her.......I'm sure there's something out there.

    Thanks Denis!


    I can also see all sorts of combinations of colours for the colour scheme.  After all, with all of these curved and hard chines, there’s heaps of opportunities to pick each out in different colours. A little bit of black, a bit of gold, silver, etc.   Mmmm, lots of possibilities, that’s for sure.


    Have a great week!





  4. 1 hour ago, vaddoc said:

    This is one crazy design Patrick but you nailed the shape I think. If there is a boat that looks awesome in gold it's this one! 

    Looking good!

    Thanks Vaddoc!


    I have to admit that you're right about the gold paint scheme.  She certainly looks like she'll stand out in any crowd, that's for sure.


    Have a great week.





  5. 6 hours ago, John Allen said:



    Outstanding but you have to fess up I have scrutinized  your build very closely now its truth or tell. I have closely taken measurements and I come up with a vessel approximately 32 inches long that has been reduced to make it appear to be a wee little boat.


    No one can make one that small and detailed.


    Before I get bashed by those that don't have a sense of humor I am kidding. Kudos again on what is going to be your best.


    Hi John - Many thanks.  I gotta admit that this hull and superstructure has so many twists and turns, that shrinking the real boat would be easier!  Oh well, makes life interesting, I guess.

    6 hours ago, BenF89 said:

    Patrick- absolutely fantastic! Don’t know what else to say- looks just like her!

    Thanks Ben. Lots of fun still to go, but i’m Really pleased with how it’s looking so far.  Thanks for all of your help, so far.







  6. Hi folks


    Thanks for all of your comments and feedback.  Much appreciated.


    Just a quick update for you.  I’ve done some more work on sanding and puttying the curves on the superstructure.  I reckon they’re coming along really nicely.


    I’ve also managed to do the highly complicated coach roof, which sits atop the Sun Deck.  As you can see, it looks like a multi-faceted component to something out of NASA’s books, but, hey, I didn’t design it...I only built it.


    I hope you like the progress so far.















  7. On 24/05/2018 at 6:40 AM, BANYAN said:

    Looks good Patrick and will look great over a properly prepared  hul - you're doing well to resist the temptation mate.  Mr. Bond? ...  it is more like one of the very modern, luxuriously outfitted  yachts one of his arch-nemesis with too much money would have -  007's would be smaller and fitted with more gizmos. ;) :)






    Hi Pat


    I think you could be right - this boat could belong to one of  Bond’s archnemisis’; I mean just looking at it, she just reeks of money and opulence.  But, personally, I still haven’t quite worked out whether it’s a spaceship, or a boat....oh well!


    Have a great week.





    On 24/05/2018 at 7:08 PM, cog said:

    Pat, you just have to wait a bit longer ... you'll be surprised what Patrick pulls out of the "Hat" ... I can't stand the waiting


    Hi Carl


    Mmm, now that’s a thought....If I was really cunning, I could surely fit a few cannons and other exotic weaponry onboard.  Now, that’s sure to give Bond a run for his money😉!





  8. 2 hours ago, flying_dutchman2 said:


    Sleek boat, excellent work. 


    Thanks Marcus!  


    Sleek she is!  She’s definitely getting there, but trying to capture all the intricate facets of the design (especially without plans) has been hard going, but, hey, what’s life without a few challenges along the way, hey?





  9. 4 minutes ago, popeye the sailor said:

    Mr. Bond would be pleased!   once you get some paint on her.......you'll really be chuffed!   she's look'in great Patrick! :) 

    Thanks Denis 


    Yep. You’re right about the paint. I’m itching to do the first coat, but I’m resisting until everything is nice and smooth. 


    Mr Bond, also, should be well pleased as well 😀!!!





  10. 34 minutes ago, mtaylor said:

    Nice work Patrick.  You have one great power of deduction.    I do have a question... first picture, by your thump is an rectangular opening.   What is that for? I don't recall seeing it in the pictures of the "large" version. 

    Hi Mark


    Thanks for your comments. The large rectangular opening near my thumb is one of two openings for Genesis’ tender garages (the starboard one is for a large tender, whilst the smaller port opening will hold two jet-skis).  What more could a billionaire want on his super yacht...!


    I hope this helps.





  11. 2 minutes ago, Mahuna said:

    Great job, Patrick.  With all of those radical curves, I'm sure getting the sides symmetrical was a challenge.  Especially at your scale, any little deviation would likely be very noticeable.  Kudos!

    Hi Frank


    Thanks!  You’re right. It’s been a tricky job so far, but all should be good now. 





  12. 3 minutes ago, BANYAN said:

    Looking very good patrick; she will be a beauty completed. 





    Thanks Pat


    Now that I’ve finally managed to build all of those curves and lines on the superstructure, I feel like a major milestone and headache has been achieved. Whilst there’s still lots and lots of sanding and puttying to go, at least I can start to see how everything fits together. 


    It it should be relatively plain sailing from here as far as the construction goes. 


    Thanks for looking in!





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