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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi folks I’ve been flat out and too busy to look at MSW over the past couple of weeks, but I’ll do a catch up with everyone’s logs soon. Anyhow, oh, Lordy, lord lord!! By George, I think I’ve done it!!!!! By that I mean that I’ve managed to build those pesky curves on Genesis’s superstructure; you know the ones’ which give her design such a distinctive look. Now. I just to shape them, to give them that extra bit of finesse. I have to say, “I’m pretty darn chuffed”! Thanks for following and for all of your Likes and comments so far. Have a great weekend, folks! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Vaddoc Very nice! Bit by bit, she’s really taking shape, now. I can just visualise your boat sailing across the local lake (subject to you having RC in it, of course). Keep the updates coming. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi folks Another quick update for you. I swear, that with each successive session of ‘puttying and sanding’, the true beauty of Genesis’ hull shape has started to emerge. Of particular importance to me is ensuring that the hard chines in the bow and all of her flowing curves, etc are especially crisp and prominent, therefore, those areas have received the most attention. Lots of fun still to go, though. Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. ‘’Cheers. Patrick
  4. Me too! That seems to be the story of my life.... Nonetheless, Mark, I’ve got no doubt that you’re gonna ace those ship’s boats of yours. I’m looking forward to seeing them come to life. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Thanks Frank I reckon she's not looking too bad, either. Although I still can't quite decide whether she's a spacecraft or a mega yacht! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Denis I’m rushing to catch up on yet another build of yours! This is, to my recollection, the first sailing model that you’ve done (since I joined MSW, anyway). Looking good and I’ll be tagging along for the journey. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Ben Wow, wow, wow! Talk about 'looking good'! This is where the real fun begins as all of your hard work and planning is starting to take shape. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  8. Thanks Denis! I must admit that even I'm amazed at how much I've done so far. I guess that's what happens when things go smoothly, (for a change). Have a good 'ne. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi John Thanks. That’s a great compliment....not sure I deserve it, but it’s greatly appreciated, nonetheless. I do have to agree with you, though. She’s gonna be a little ripper when finished😊. Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Pat Mmmm...I’ll have to check that, but I think it’s more than likely the camera angle, though. Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi folks Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. A quick update for you: the shaping and fine tuning of the hull continues. Looking at the close-up photos, I reckon I should re-name her to ‘Rough as Guts’, but never fear, that’s to be expected at this early stage. Heaps of fun fun still to go. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Ben - Yep, you're right and thanks for that Link. I've just about memorised every word and image in that link, because I've poured over it so much! It's proven to be really useful in deciphering all the curves and lines. Thank heavens for the Internet, hey? Hi Mark - Now, you know why I was so apprehensive about the hull....it's a tricky little devil and damn hard to get your head around! I think I'll need therapy once this build's over... Thanks Dave - Hey, now that's a great thought. I'm sure I could weasel my way onto the boat on the pretence that I'm a real big shot international model boat builder (not!). Oh well, we can only dream, can't we? Hi Vaddoc. Thanks for your comments. I really like the gold as well; however, since my last boat, Shadow, was also gold, I may have to come up with another colour scheme. Mmmmm, silver perhaps? Thanks everyone and have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  13. Thanks Piet The use of this mock-up has proven invaluable because I was finding it hard to visualise how it was going to fit together just by looking at the pictures and plans. At least now I can actually see in 3D exactly how I can build the superstructure and, more importantly how the decks can be made removable. I also like how the ship looks really low, squat and powerful when viewed from certain angles. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi folks A quick update. I’ve done a quick mock-up of the superstructure just so that I could get a feel for how it all fits together. I know it’s just a bunch of rough balsa blocks at the moment, but, ‘out of rough things, good things grow’, I guess! Thanks to all of you for your Likes and comments. Much appreciated. Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hi Ben She’s sure looking very nice so far. I can almost imagine the anchor chain being stored in the compartment right up forward in the foc’sle. Keep the the updates coming. Cheers. Patrick
  16. Thanks Pat-you’re absolutely right about those CAD skills and imagination. True James Bond stuff, if you ask me. Hi Brian - Welcome on board! There’s always plenty of viewing room, so it’s great to have you join the ship. Hi Piet - No need to apologise. I recall reading from your Java Log where you mentioned that you were flat out! Great to have you onboard. Thanks everyone one for your comments and Likes! Cheers. Patrick
  17. Thanks Mark I have to agree with you on that one. She’s definitely a weird one, that’s for sure...but, for some reason, totally fascinating. I mean, who would’ve even conceived of such a design in the first place? Someone with the right blend of genius and imagination, I reckon. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi Story First of all - Welcome to MSW! I can see why you're drawn to these sorts of ships - they had loads of character and atmosphere, not to mention they lend themselves beautifully to adding lots of fine details, (especially at the scale that you're building at). I reckon you're doing a great job. Here's looking forward to seeing more of your models in the future. Cheers Patrick
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