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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Mark Welcome onboard and thanks for the well-wishes! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Thanks John I got dizzy myself! Shadow was a certainly complex beast, but Genesis is a real doozie! I’m using Balsa wood for the hull, but don’t worry, I’m going to cover the balsa with something like plasticard, to stiffen it up. The other thing is that 99% of the balsa wood will be carved away leaving an empty shell, (thereby allowing the interior to be built). Well, that’s the plan, anyway! Thanks for coming onboard. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi everyone! Okay...Seriously!!!! Is this a Star Wars’ spaceship, or is it a mega yacht’s hull??? She sure looks weird at this stage, but trust me, Genisis will look really spiffy once it’s done.... Here’s the progress so far. Cheers. Patrick
  4. Thanks Richard! Great to have you onboard! Cheers. Patrick
  5. Thanks Nils! Yes, you’re right about Genisis’ complex curves. She is definitely not a hull for the faint hearted, that’s for sure! Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi folks Hot on the heels of finishing my last model, Shadow, I’ve excitedly started on what I think is my biggest challenge yet - Genesis, a 49m Luxury Mega Yacht, based on an actual ship named Khalilah, built by an American builder, Palmer and Johnson. The details of the ship, Khalilah, can be found here: https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-46797/khalilah-photos.htm#yacht-tabs As I don’t have any detailed plans, a lot of what I’m attempting is by sheer guess work, with a lot of help from a fellow MSW member (whose help and guidance I shall always appreciate). Like all of my other models, Genesis will have a fully detailed interior, from her engine room through to her sky deck. I hope you can follow me on my journey from here on. The following photos show where I’m up to so far with the hull. Lots and lots of work to go, folks!!! Thanks. Patrick
  7. HI Denis That's a lovely job you've done with the first layer of planking. In fact, looking back at how you started from the bare frames and ended up with the first layer of planking done and sanded, has put a smile on my face. I've always viewed the planking process of hulls as somewhat akin to a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. From just a series of frames, thus emerges a beautiful hull...and yours is no exception. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Denis It's been a while since I've been able to look in, but as usual, I'm totally blown away by how much you've done and how good your TD looks. I especially like the spiral stairs. Top job, Denis! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Auggie It looks like you're off to a great start. As for any advice and direction, I always use the old adage "Just do it" and you'll figure things out along the way. Good luck and I'm going to be in for the ride. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Denis I joined MSW long after your M&M Funship was built. I've only seen a few photos of it in the past, so it's great to savour the journey of how she was built. Bring it on! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Tecko The shark in the boat is very timely, especially as there were two non-fatal shark attacks (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=shark+attack+margaret+river&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari) in Western Australia this week! Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hey Nenad Thanks!!! Great to hear from you! I hope you’re well and looking after yourself🙂 Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi Steve - thanks for your compliment! Much appreciated. Hi Dave. Many thanks and I’m glad that you like Shadow!
  14. Hi Ben It’s great that you had more time to get work done on your boat (thank heavens for your Mother in Law!). Nice progress with the templates and bulkheads. Lots of issues / problems to ponder over, it seems, but I’ve got no doubt that you’ll work out what’s best. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  15. Thanks Ben!!! You know, you're absolutely right about the melding of art and science. That would certainly explain why the design of Khalilah is so fascinating and mesmerising to my eyes. She is definitely more of a work of art than a piece of science; however without the science, she would probably never have been built... I wouldn't be too concerned about your boat. All of your design work is coming together really, really nicely now that you've done the mock-up of the interior. Furthermore, once you get the hang of the jigsaw, it won't be long before you're finished. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Dave It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on your Build. Two words come to mind...”Mama Mia”. That’s bloody fantastic!!!! cheers. Patrick
  17. Very nice, Frank. That bumper-A nice feature, indeed, but then again, your whole boat is full of some very nice (dare I say, ‘masterful’) features. Top job. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi Nils Unfortunately, Palmer and Johnson has gone out of business, so that’s not going to be possible. However, I’m lucky to have some insight from a fellow MSW member, which I’m finding invaluable. ‘Having said that, I’ll still need to do a fair bit of guess work. Cheers. Patrick
  19. Hi Carl You’re curious? So am I!!! I’m totally confused how I’m going to pull this one together. I have found some basic line drawings of the profile of the hull and some deck drawings, but nothing of the actual hull sections, or anything like that, unfortunately. But, what the heck, what’s wrong with a little bit of guess work, here and there😊? Cheers. Patrick
  20. Thanks Mark I have the same problem with my fingers and brain! Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Piet You’re certainly making great progress with your Java and, yes, no doubt, your Dad would be very pleased. I like the diagonal placement of the hull in the diorama. It adds an extra element of interest to the overall effect, not to mention giving you sufficient room to simulate the bombs exploding in the sea around the hull. Very poignant and effective. Oh...and happy birthday young man!!! Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi Nils ‘Marvellous’ is the word that comes to mind when I look at your pinnacle and it’s crew. I know that I’ve said it before, but I reckon you’re having way too much fun with this build🙂🙂🙂! Cheers. Patrick
  23. Hi Vaddoc The cabin is starting to come together really nicely, especially now that you’ve figured out the height, etc. I also agree with Mark about the Cherry wood. It should add a lovely rich colour to the boat. Nice work. Cheers. Patrick
  24. Thanks Nick Hahaha😀...practice makes perfect, they say! Thanks for your compliments. Cheers. Patrick
  25. Thanks heaps, Piet! Much appreciated. Cheers. Patrick
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