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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Mark I have to agree with you on that one. She’s definitely a weird one, that’s for sure...but, for some reason, totally fascinating. I mean, who would’ve even conceived of such a design in the first place? Someone with the right blend of genius and imagination, I reckon. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  2. Thanks Frank Welcome onboard! Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Story First of all - Welcome to MSW! I can see why you're drawn to these sorts of ships - they had loads of character and atmosphere, not to mention they lend themselves beautifully to adding lots of fine details, (especially at the scale that you're building at). I reckon you're doing a great job. Here's looking forward to seeing more of your models in the future. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Vaddoc Very nice progress so far. I reckon the deck's going to look absolutely great once the tape is off and it's all cleaned up. Your solution about the rubbing rail is a good one, as well, which should ensure a nice clean strong bond between the cherry and the fabric. I'm also looking forward to seeing how your brother's CNC work turns out. Nice and professional, I would imagine. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Thanks Ben - your help has been/is invaluable! Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Igor Thanks! I was itching to get “Shadow” finished so that I could start this boat. Now that I’ve started, it’s been full steam ahead this week. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hey Igor What a little ripper! Just another masterpiece to join your fleet😊😊😊 Chhers. Patrick
  8. Hi folks Oh my lord!!!! I’ve done it! Well, at least the general shape of Genesis’ hull has been done (and that was by and large the biggest headache for me, what with her crazy mixture of complex curves and hard chines...). Now, I’m going to concentrate on fine tuning, puttying and sanding the hull, to bring out the true beauty of this unique design. Lots of work still to go, but I hope you’ll still come along for the ride. Thanks to all for your comments and Likes. Much appreciated. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hey Igor I’m really digging your shovel! Sorry, bad joke there...😉 Top job, as always. Cheers. Patrick
  10. HI Denis Absolutely magnificent!!!!!! In fact, I love this ship so much, that every time that I'm down in the dumps, I'm going to think of your masterpiece, especially the creativity and imagination that you've poured into it. That'll help put a smile back on my face. Top job, Denis! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Ben She’s coming along very nicely now. The last few photos really sets the imagination going, because I can easily start to picture all the internal accommodation sitting in place. What’s more, I had almost forgot how shapely the hull is, until seeing these photos. I reckon you’ve done a great job melding an old hull to a your own new design. Job well done, I say! Cheers. Patrick
  12. Shhh Ben! You're not supposed to admit to all of the mistakes that you've made along the way!!!! I always remember the first time I used a jigsaw...I swear it had a mind of its own. Damn thing just wouldn't behave and ever since then, my jigsaw and I have had a sort of love/hate relationship... On a more serious note, yep, you're right. All of your hard work is starting to come to fruition now, that's for sure. Keep the updates coming. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hey Denis Thanks and welcome to the party. I have a feeling that this party may be a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and twists and curves. Who said boat building wasn't meant to be fun? Also, I reckon you've hit the nail on the head with your James Bond comment! Even 007 would be proud to own this baby. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Ben Well, it looks like you’ve mastered the jigsaw because those bulkheads look nice and neatly cut out, particularly the door openings. Now that they’re installed, it’ll be smooth sailing from her in, I’m sure. Another milestone reached. I can see you’ve got another budding naval architect in the family as well. You must be pretty proud! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi John It’s sad to hear that your retirement hopes went under as a result of a storm. I can definitely empathise with you and your wife. It must’ve been tough. Similarly, I hear what you’re saying about the environmental impact of over harvesting and you deserve kudos for taking the stand that you did. Well done. Thanks. Patrick
  16. Hi Ben. Woohoo! Thanks for the vote of confidence and letting me know that I’m on the right track. I’m not sure about the side hulls as yet, because so much of this build will be a ‘suck it and see it’ approach..... I guess I’ll just work it out along the way. Nothing like a totally organic approach to boat building, hey?😏 Thanks Pat - Great to have you onboard! Thanks dvm27. As Mark said below, there’s a surprisingly large amount of photos on the Net. In fact, everything except the actual hull plans...sadly😩 Thanks Mark! Greatly appreciated 😀 Hi Carl. Many thanks. Like you, I’m also keen to see how well I can pull this one off. Challenging and fun; that’s for sure. Also, that’s an interesting comment about Shadow, because Genesis is actually slightly shorter in length than Shadow. Good things come in small packages, hey? Hi Keith - you’re absolutely right! My first love will always be yachts and sailing ships (as witnessed by my previous sailing models such as Ingomar, Dorade, the J Class Rainbow, etc, etc), but, these modern mega yachts are just mesmerising and captivating in my opinion. They are a true testament to what ‘imagination, money, dreaming and pushing the boundaries’ can achieve. I guess, I’m hooked!!! Thanks also to everyone who hit the Like button😀😀😀 Cheers. Patrick
  17. Hi Nils Nice! She just keeps getting better and better! The addition of the Jacobs Ladder is a nice touch. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi Mark Sorry if I missed it, but what material did you use for the brick-work effect? It looks super nice! Cheers. Patrick
  19. Hi John. Well, talk about excellent progress! I’m really loving all the little details that you’re adding to the hull, all of which are bringing her to life. In fact, you can almost hear the war drums beating away in the background. I agree with Imagna about the Nautilus’ shell, (kinda made me wince), but it certainly adds value and authenticity to the overall effect that you’re working towards. Top stuff! Cheers. Patrick
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