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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Richard! Thanks for your compliments and I’m glad that you like Shadow. Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Denis Many thanks for your comments and also for following along from start to finish. I’m glad that you like her. All the best. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Nils Unfortunately, I couldn’t any hull plans, so, I’m Just going to try the best I can do., without the plans. Fingers crossed😉 Thanks. Patrick
  4. Thanks Nils, for your very kind words. Greatly appreciated! Shadow has definitely been a real joy to build. My next model will be based on something truly extreme: https://yachtharbour.com/yacht/khalilah-2968 I hope you can join me when I start the Build Log. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi folks She’s finished!!! Woohoo🎉🎉🎉🎉 There’s still more that can be done, but, by and large, I’m happy with where things are at. Thanks to everyone for joining me on Shadow’s journey. It’s been a joy. I hope you enjoy the following photos. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Tecko I love your landscaping. It looks so real that one would think that it’s the real thing. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Thanks Vaddoc! Yep, you’re right; not long to go now. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi folks Many thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Well.....tonight, I had one of those ‘Oh wow” moments. You see, after much hesitation and deliberation, I finally bit the bullet and attempted Shadow’s boarding ladder. It didn’t turn out too bad, I reckon. Whilst I was at it, I also added the aerials that sit atop the sky deck’s roof. Added to that, I also fashioned three flags, two that adorn the aft decks and the third that sits proudly at Shadow’s bow. A slight breeze has set them gently fluttering whilst Shadow’s floats serenely on the water.. I hope you like the photos. Have a great weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  9. Thanks Keith!! Have a great weekend. Chrrrs. Patrick
  10. Hi Frank Brilliant as usual. Also....Being able to see the full hull shots has made me think...”Low, squat and powerful”. There’s no doubt that these ships were powerful and hardy; befitting their role as working ships. Without a doubt, you’ve captured the essence of these ships beautifully. Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi Denis Ahhhh! How could I have misinterpreted Mark’s comment. Doh. Actually, I came up with the idea of using shoe polish years ago out of sheer laziness. It didn’t take me long, however, before I realised that shoe polish is waxy and therefore, doesn’t need any varnish or glazing to protect it! Bingo😀 Thanks also, for your comments about Shadow. I dunno about “a world record’, but, I’m just happy that you and everyone else on MSW like it. Enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Tecko I love that last photo of the Whopper. After all, it seems that just about every Aussie male has an obsession with lawns😉😉😉.... Cheers. Patrick
  13. Thanks Mark Shadow’s going to join the rest of the fleet in a large glass display cabinet, where she should remain relatively dust free. Let’s hope so, anyway. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  14. Good morning everyone! Thanks for all of your comments and Likes. Greatly appreciated. A quick update - I’ve finally decided upon how I want to display Shadow. In this case, (as in keeping with my preference for a minimalist approach, so as not to detract from the model itself), I’ve decided to use a plank of pine wood, polished with Tan shoe polish and three brass rods to secure the hull. What do you think? Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hi Ben You're definitely off to a great start. Nice and methodical...as befitting someone in your line of work. Having said that, it won't be long before you can lay your first bulkhead! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Javier Welcome to MSW. These boats look fascinating. Mind if I tag along? Cheers. Patrick
  17. Very nice! I especially love the effect of the man standing on the surface. He brings a certain piece of realism to the overall effect. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi Ben Woohoo! Your scroll saw’s arrived. That’s good news because you can finally start making some sawdust. However, kudos to you for waiting and making sure that you’ve figured out the correct build sequence. You know the saying...”Measure twice, cut once...” I’m looking forward to your next update. Cheers. Patrick
  19. ...and you can add my smile to the growing list of admirers, too, Mark!!! Cheers Patrick
  20. Thanks John! Much appreciated and I'm glad you've also enjoyed the journey. Not long to go, now. Mmmm, now where do I hire these young beauties from again??? Thanks again and have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  21. Thanks Elia! Greatly appreciated and I'm glad you've enjoyed Shadow's journey! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Vaddoc Another milstone reached! Well done. Cheers Patrick
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