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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis! Thanks for the birthday wishes. We celebrated in style by spending the weekend away; a wonderful way to relax and recharge. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Ben It’s great to see you back posting again. I was wondering what happened. Most importantly-Congratulations on Baby No. 3. That’s great news!!! Now, back to the boat...the mock up that you’ve done looks great and it won’t be long now before you can start bringing it all together (ie once your scroll saw arrives). Cheers. Patrick
  3. Damn Nenad!!!! That’s a mighty fine piece of art you’ve made there. I like it! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Tecko I like the way you solved the overhanging roof’s problem. Nothing like a bit of ingenuity to the rescue! Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Piet Thanks for the Birthday wishes! 55 years young....who would’ve thought! Hi Steve. Thanks for for your kind thoughts and compliments! Hi Dave Thanks for your compliments and wishes. As for the passenger liner comment...trust me...the thought has crossed my mind, but I’d have to be a masochist if I went ahead with it😉. But, you never say never, I guess. Maybe one day. Have a great week, everyone. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Rob Wow! Talk about surprising and informative. I would never have imagined the difference in sizes without seeing what you’ve done. BTW, Rob...I think you have to slow down. I can’t even build one hull, let alone eight in the same time. You’re a machine! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Hartmut You’ve made a great start in the hull so far. I’m looking forward to following along. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Nils Oustanding!!!! I must say, that I wouldn’t want to have been a sailor on that boat....talk about ‘cramped’...! Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hi everyone Thanks for your Likes and comments. Much appreciated. The foreman has taken Shadow back into the Paint Shop to have her underside repainted; especially now that her propellers, shafts, rudders and stabilisers have been fitted. Next on the schedule will be to have her waterline repainted, as well as a few other touch ups around the hull. I hope that you like these photos. Cheers. Patrick
  10. Beautiful stuff, Mark. Quick question about the second photo, principally where you’ve drilled and the resultant cracked frames. Are they going to be a drama, or would they be covered up with the planking? Cheers. Patrick
  11. Congratulations Marcus! She’s an absolute ripper. I can’t believe this is your first scratch-built model, because you’ve added so much fine detail and captured so much atmosphere, that one would think that you’ve been building from scratch for years. Well done. You definitely deserve a big pat on the back😁 Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Nils What can I say, apart from ....’absolutely brilliant’!!!! Cheers. Patrick
  13. Thanks Denis! Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your Likes and comments! Woohoo!!!!! Shadow’s actually almost ready for her sea-trials. She’ll be guaranteed to be a smooth sailer, that’s for sure; after all, she has her twin five bladed props, twin rudders and her four stabilisers (“two on the port and two on her starboard underwater hull). Deep inside the engine room, I’ve tried to mock-up her two engines, but in reality, they’re so small, that they’re not even worth photographing them. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers. Patrick
  15. Thanks Lawrence I keep thinking about making the passengers and crew...but, somehow, I can’t seem to believe that I could do them properly. Maybe,one day I’ll just bite the bullet and give it a go... One can only try, I guess. Cheers. Patrick
  16. Thanks Igor! Great to hear from you and I hope all’s well with you. Hi Piet - thanks and greatly appreciated!!! Hi Denis. Interesting you say that, as I was actually thinking about how much fun building a passenger liner would be😁. Now, that would be one hell of a job... Cheers. Patrick
  17. Hi Mark At long last, I’ve finally caught up with your Build Log. Boy, oh boy, I’m definitely not disappointed. From the cannons (in spite of your issues with them), the carriages and the wonderful hull and deck...yep, she’s looking really spiffy! Nicely done, Mark. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi Charlie I’m just catching up on everyone’s Build Logs; yours included. Wow, oh wow, your cutters are looking fantastic. I especially love the metal work and your commitment to accuracy is commendable. Top job! Cheers. Patrick
  19. Hi Vaddoc. Mama Mia! Your hull and deck beams are looking absolutely brillliant! You must be really pleased😀. I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems in your personal and professional life. I hope all’s well and stays well. Cheers. Patrick
  20. Hi Hartmut Whar a wonderful start you’ve made. The initial method may look unusual, but, what the heck, it’s the end result that matters! Pls keep the updates coming Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Mark Thanks- trust me, I’m definitely tempted to give the crew and passengers a go....but, knowing me, they’ll probably look like Martian blobs😳!!!! Not a good look! Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi everyone Many thanks for all of your best wishes and condolences over the loss of my Mum. Thanks, also, to all of you who hit the Like button. Much appreciated on all counts. I thought you may be interested in these photos that I took last night of all of Shadow’s decks, tenders, jet-skis, etc laid out in the open. I’ve also added the derricks in the focsle for the jet skis and tender. Also, if you look closely on the focsle, I’ve added six sun lounges, complete with blue cushions, for the super models in their bikinis to lay upon. Thanks and and I hope you like the photos. All the best, folks. Cheers. Patrick
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