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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi John I can only try, but knowing my skill level, my bathing beauties will definitely need ‘plastic surgery’....But, you know, beauty is only skin deep, they say, right?😄 Thanks and have a great week! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi all Thanks for all of your Likes and comments! Guees what? Shadow’s well-heeled passengers and owners can now relax on deck, especially now that I’ve added an assortment of cushions and deck chairs. Alleluia they must be saying😂!!! I hope you enjoy these latest photos. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Frank I reckon you can guess what I’m going to say next? Yep, you’re right: precise, magnificent and superb workmanship. ....is there anything you can’t do? Cheers. Patrick
  4. Hi Denis I think I have to stop blinking, because each time I blink, you move light years ahead! Wow, wow, wow...she’s looking absolutely brilliant. If I were you, I’d stick a motor and RC gear in it and let it loose in my koi pond to catch some fish! Top Job, as always, Denis. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Nenad You’ve definitely nailed the shape of the hulls. They’re looking sleek and lovely! Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Hartmut I’ve just found your build log. I hope that I can still get a front row seat, for what looks like another one of your masterpieces. I’ll definitely be following along. Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Richard Many thanks and I’m very happy that you like Shadow. She’s been challenging, but at the same time, a lot of fun to build. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Frank-thanks for your compliments. While she’s far from perfect, I’ve got to admit, that, looking back now, even I’m amazed at how much I’ve been able to pack into this hull. Lots of head scratching and headaches for sure, but worth it, nonetheless. Thanks Marcus. I’m not sure that I deserve that title, but, hell, it’s a nice one to have! Thanks for that😊! Hi Mark-many thanks. It won’t be long now before Shadow can join her companions in the harbour, eg Majellan, Symphony, Rainbow, etc, etc. Have a great week, everybody and thanks for all of your Likes. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Well, it seems that Shadow’s almost nearing the end of her construction journey. The foreman tells me that he still has a myriad of small touch ups to do, but by and large, she’s well on her way to making her entrance out of the shipyard. So much so, that, she’s started to get all of her furniture put back onboard, including her tables, chairs, sun lounges and other assorted deck furniture. It won’t be long, now folks... I hope you like her. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Mark The quality of your workmanship...just amazing! This is, without without a doubt, one of my most favourite Build Logs on MSW. On another note, I can only say that you’re probably doing an even better job than the full-sized boat builder’s would have...and that’s saying a lot! Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi Nils I’m worried about you....It looks like you’re DEFINITELY having way TOO much fun, with this ship😉😉😉😊😊. Joking, of course! Top job, as always, Nils. Cheers
  12. Hi Mark I can only echo everyone else’s sentiments about Janet and your Licorne. All the best for Janet’s speedy recovery! Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi DLS What a little beauty, you’ve built there. Full of character, personality and above all, very special memories. Nice job! Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi Dave I’m thoroughly enjoying following your Build Log. One thing that’s really apparent from your Log, is that, even though the boat is a ‘small boat in real life’, there’s still a fair degree of complexity to it. This is witnessed by the myriad of small parts that you’re building, from the steering wheel, to the benches and the dials. All in all, lovely work! Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hi Carl-thanks! Yep, there’s a lot of goodies packed into this ship - perfect for any billionaire to enjoy! Hi Denis. Thanks. The bottom hull needs a a couple more coats of silver to cover up a few boo boos when the gold paint accidentally got into it. But, apart from that, it’s looking pretty spiffy. Ahh! Brian. So that’s what it’s for. I also assumed that it was a diving board, as well. I guess it’s easy to think that, because all the publicity shots of these mega yachts have super models in their bikinis resting on them...for what other purpose other than diving????😏 Thanks for the explanation! Cheers. Patrick
  16. Thanks Mark, Nils and Denis for your comments and everyone else for their Likes. Last night I glued Shadow’s port and starboard garage doors in place, ie in the open position, so that Shadow’s two tenders can be viewed from outside the ship. I also made two new staircases (currently these are only dry-fiited as they need adjustments) that are situated at the rear of the ship, which give passengers and crew access to the diving platform at the stern. Lots more work to go, but I’m having fun all the way. Have a great week, everybody! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi folks. Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. I’ve been doing more painting, but, took a break last night to take these two photos. The first one’s my favourite. I hope you like them! Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Looking mighty fine, Denis. I really like the colour scheme! Now all she needs is a bit of rust and grime to roughen her up a bit. cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Marcus Top job and I love those colours that you're using on the hull. Very, very nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Frank I still can't quite get over the difference in the quality of your machined parts when compared to the cast winder from the Willie Bennett kit. Mmmm...now, that's quality for you. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi folks Just a quick update for you. I’ve been doing more work on Shadow’s paint scheme. She now has a black waterline and black radar domes and other little highlights. Whilst there’s still more work to go, I reckon Shadow’s starting to look all ‘grown-up’. Have a great week, folks! Cheers. Patrick
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