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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Lawrence and Bernadette Many thanks and greatly appreciated. Thanks Patrick
  2. Thanks Vaddoc Incidentally-We’ve just received Mum’s Death Certificate. As if it couldn’t get anymore real😞. Patrick
  3. Hi Folks! It’s been a sad week. Mum’s funeral was held on Monday this week. At 91 years old...a good innings, as they say. Needless to say, the shipyard was pretty quiet this week; that is, until tonight, in which I was able to do a bit more work, and also take these photos and short videos. Ahem...all I can say after watching them, is that these close up photos and videos show up every bit of dust, inaccuracy and mistake...oh well... Pls enjoy! Thanks Patrick 24769D02-191E-4171-8803-9E9447A38966.MOV 4672163D-5583-4001-AABF-7B63C91761FE.MOV 9628DDD9-31F2-44C4-AF9E-75C3B7674626.MOV 640DE8AE-1623-411B-A1A7-97A6BB52EB78.MOV 71413B7C-049A-4552-B99E-50009B04EE27.MOV
  4. Hi Denis Mmmm...I know that this may sound a bit cliche, but, I really, really do like this ship of yours. Not only because of the level of detail and skill that you’re adding to it, but, hell, she’s one really good looker😀!!! They really knew how to design boats full of character and interest in those days, didn’t they? Oh, and before I forget...damn fast progress, too! Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Mark Amazing! I think you’re a bit too modest, because your skills are way up there with the masters of our craft. Top job. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Denis Well....once again, you’ve blitzed through so much work, (even though you said your mind was preoccupied with work😉!)...Nonetheless, what a little beauty, your Noreen is turning out to be. Speaking of work, I hope that things turn out for the better for you. Job hunting is not a pleasant thing to do...so, I wish you well in that respect. It’s funny, how models such as yours, immediately gets one to imagining the sound of the waves, the wind howling across the deck and the deck furniture, the smell of the sea and the sound of the fresh fish, gasping for life on the deck and nets... Yep, Denis. There’s no shortage of character and charm in your ship. Well done! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Lawrence. Thanks and, like you, I’m also pretty chuffed at how she’s looking now. Now, if only I really could go for a cruise on the harbour, well, that’d be great too. Hi Denis. Great to hear from you! Ahem....the engines are coming...I promise. That is, as soon as I can figure out how to do them😩!!! Have a great week! Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi all Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. After a really sad week last week, I decided to get back to Shadow to take my mind off things. I added a bit more detail and thought I’d take some more artistic photos of Shadow. Here goes. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hi Greg Fantastic to hear from you! I hope you’re staying fit and healthy. Many thanks also, for your compliments about Shadow. She’s been an absolute joy to work on. All the best. Patrick
  10. Hi folks! Thanks for all of your Likes and comments. A quick update: Tonight, I’ve added more scatter cushions, particularly around the spa. In addition, I’ve also added four umbrellas to protect the bathing beauties from the Sun😉. Lastly, I had a bit of fun by trying to take some photos of Shadow in the shadows, (ie turning off all the lights in the room and only using the flash to highlights all the bits and bobs), so to speak. I hope you like the following photos. Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi Vaddoc - thanks heaps for your compliments. Greatly appreciated! I’m really glad that you’ve been enjoying Shadow’s journey, which is slowly coming to an end. I hope you can join my next journey, but from a front row seat, this time😉. Hi Brian - I’m kinda blushing at the moment, but it sure feels nice to get positive feedback from yourself and others. It makes the headaches and pain all worthwhile😁. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I must admit that I keep hanging out for an update of your Prussian build..hopefully, it won’t be too much longer! All the best, everyone. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Piet Thanks for the compliments! Well, I'm not too sure that 'masterpiece' is an apt description, but I'm pretty chuffed with it, nonetheless. Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Rob Great to hear from you. My condolences for the loss of your In Laws. Congratulations on gaining your grandkids!! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank Masterful work, as always. You know, the uninitiated non-modeller type person who is viewing the completed boat, will have absolutely no concept of the complexity and skill required to build the winch. Somehow, you’ve made it look easy; but we know the truth😉. Well done, Frank. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Steve There's nothing like perseverance and patience. Having said that, they all looked good to me. Which set did you eventually settle for? Was it the three on the right hand side? Cheers Patrick
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