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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Dear Walter Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your wife. My sympathies go out to you and your family. Take all the time that you need to grieve and re-group. Your friends st MSW will wait patiently and supportively for when you’re ready to return. Kindest regards Patrick
  2. Hi Marcus Nice progress on the hull. A nice round of applause for the windows, too. They look great! Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Carl Yes, sadly you're right about getting closer to the end. Shadow is and always will be, a thoroughly enjoyable model to build; so, it'd be a bit sad when the finishing line is crossed. On the other hand, my next model eagerly awaits. Please have a look and let me know what you think: http://www.boatinternational.com/yachts/the-superyacht-directory/adastra--58067 Cheers Patrick.
  4. Hi Mehmet Amazing work. Your ability to replicate reality is truly astounding! Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi folks Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! You know, I have always wanted to try to emulate one of those “3D exploded version diagrams’ of Shadow’s decks: you know, the type of diagrams you see so often in technical drawings, etc. Well...here’s my attempt to progressively show how all of Shadow’s decks fit together, (in 3D fashion). I’m not sure how successful I’ve been, but, here goes: Have a great weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  6. Hi Igor Outstanding!!!! I especially love the lights and name plates. Speaking of which, how’d you do the lettering in the name plates? Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Carl Many thanks. Yeah, I reckon some of Igor’s ships could easily fit inside Shadow. Amazing stuff Igor does; that’s for sure! I wish I could spend more time working on Shadow, but getting the time to do it, is getting increasingly difficult. Oh well... such is life I guess. Have a great week! Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi Vaddoc. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! She’s looking brilliant. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Thanks Frank! Yep, you're right. It's good to be back at the ole shipyard, again, that's for sure. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi everyone. Many thanks for for all of your comments and Likes! Well, today, I received the wonderful ‘gift’ of time. Yep-Time to work on Shadow. As you can see from the following photos, I’ve been able to do more work on the Lower Deck’s accommodation, namely, more cabins, cabinets, cupboards, a crew’s staircase leading down into the Bilge Deck and many other details which are too small to photograph effectively. Still heaps to go, folks! Cheers. Patrick
  11. ...just believe in yourself more. You actually did a mighty fine job on the guns!!! I, for one, would be chuffed if I built them as well as you did. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hey Igor I think you know what I'm going to say - "I see it...but...I don't believe it"!!!! What sort of magical trickery are you using here???? Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Marcus Wow, what a little beauty! I love the hull and the blunt bow. It certainly looks different from the normal types of hulls with shapely entries that we see. All the best. Patrick
  14. Hi Jond Seeing your ship, and the progress that you've made in her, just makes me think-huge in size, huge in impressiveness (if such a word exists) and huge in impact! Having said that, I'm kinda chomping at the bit to see her underway. That'll be a sight to see. You're probably not far off, now. I'm impatient, I know. Cheers. Patrick
  15. Hey Steve! It's great to see you back again. I've been wondering how your tug's been going.... Lovely detail work, as always. Cheers. Patrick
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