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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Charlie ...and so you should be proud of what you’ve achieved so far! Mighty fine job! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Vaddoc Trenails, or no trenails...your hard work will definitely pay off in due course. Cheers. Patrick
  3. Hi Adrian Congraulations on an absolutely stunning model! Hopefully, you’ll be able to promise me one thing, though...please post a video of your ship underway. Cheers Patrick ’
  4. Hi Nils Very, very nice-it looks like you’re having way too much fun, with this ship of yours!!!!! Keep up the great work. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Thanks Denis! Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
  6. Thanks Piet!!!! I hope that both you and Gwen have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks Frank and Vaddoc Much appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  8. Thanks Carl! She’s getting there...albeit, slowly. Cheers. Patrick
  9. Hi Folks! Thanks for all of your Likes and comments; all of which are greatly appreciated. Well, something of a milestone occurred last night...I decided to take a break from working on the internal accommodation details and devoted some time to painting the external hull and superstructure. Nice, I thought, as I looked at Shadow with her new paint job; only to realise that she’ll need several more coats of paint (and sanding), before she looks really spiffy. Ah well, it’s a start, at least. Enjoy the rest of your weekends! Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Nils Beautiful work, as always. I'm kinda struck, however, as to how 'slim' the rudder looks for the size of the ship. Which begs the question as to how easily these hulls responded to rudder movement. Just curious. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Marcus One word (if it's really a word) - Aaaaagh!!!!! I'm sure everything's going to work out well in the long run, though. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi frank It's always a joy to look at your tutorials. Your rudder tutorial, once again, is a study in good forethought, planning and precision. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Jond Take it easy today...make sure there are NO more breakages...please! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Jond You;re a braver man than me!!! I’ve got my fingers crossed that it all goes back in perfectly. Best of luck! Chhers. Patrick
  15. Hi Marcus. The colours that you’re using... very, very nice! Cheers. Patrick
  16. Hi Steve. Looking really good. Alas, it shouldn’t be too long before you’re all finished. Any idea of what your next project will be? Cheers. Patrick
  17. Hi Jond I’m thoroughly enjoying your pictures. Your attention to detail and authenticity is fantastic; a real credit to you. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hey Nenad. It’s great to see you back at the workbench. That’s certainly an ingenious method for doing the clinker hulls; which I’m certain is going to result in some very convincing ship’s boats. I can’t quite believe how quickly Rhea has grown. She must be eating you out of house and home! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Piet It’s great that you’ve got the Ms Java kit now. After having read of the significance that this ship has for both you and Gwen, I have no doubt that you will do it justice. I look forward to following along. Cheers. Patrick
  20. Hi WB Congratulations! What an absolute beauty. Irrespective of whatever shortcomings you may point out, I reckon she looks clean and sharp. Nicely done! Cheers. Patrick
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