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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Vaddoc. Thanks and much appreciated! Like you, I'm enjoying Shadow's journey, as well. It's been slow, but oh, so much fun! All the best. Patrick
  2. Hi Jeff Many thanks for your compliments. Mmmm...never thought about the elementary school kids. Interesting idea, though. Enjoy the rest of the week. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Ken Very nice! Would you be able to post a full length photo of the hull with the bow attached; just to give an indication of the overall ship? Other than that, pls keep the updates coming thick and fast. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Nils I swear that I mustn't blink...because each time I blink, you seem to have moved ahead as quick as lightning! Mighty fine and quick progress! Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Kees Ohhhhhhhhh....I get it now! The hull's a plug! Now, that explains a lot. Innovative, that's for sure. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nils. Wow! All of a sudden, the unmistakable beauty of these types of hulls is starting to shine through. Nice, very nice! Cheers. Patrick
  7. Hi Charlie I keep forgetting how small this hull is; until, that is, I saw the photo of your hand behind it. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hey Vaddoc Welcome back from your holidays. Your hull's looking really good...and..dare I say, absolutely huge!!!! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Ken. That's a great idea about the 45 degree bevels at the tips of the planks. I'm going to lock that idea away for future use. Have a great weekend! Cheers. Patrick
  10. Hi Nils. Amazingly fast prigress on the frames and keel. She's looking good. Quick question - When do you find time to sleep? Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi Kees That sure is an innovative construction method! I'm looking forward to seeing how your hull develops from here on. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Kees Mmmm....my Mum washed my toungue out with soap when I lied once. I'm sure my 'bubbly' toungue looked just like your hull😏😏😏. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Nils ...and now the excitement begins! Any construction journey is a good one and yours is no exception. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Elijah and Denis Many thanks for your comments and Likes. Elijah - the chairs will definitely be glued at some stage in the future. But, for now, they're just temporarily placed for the sake of taking these photos. Denis - thanks. Shadow's journey has been slow, but oh, so enjoyable. Lots more to come, though! Enjoy and thanks. Patrick
  15. Hi everyone It's been quite a while since my last update. I've just been sidetracked with other things, which meant that regular visits to MSW has been difficult. Anyhow, I've made some more progress with Shadow's Lower and Bilge Deck accommodations. Principally, Shadow's Lower Deck now has her Laundry and Crew's Mess installed. The crew's mess consists of some bench seats as well as seven individual chairs situated around two tables. Directly opposite the crew's mess is the Laundry. Just forward of these areas are two crew cabins (one port and one starboard). Still a lot of work to go... The Bilge Deck has the makings of the gymnasium, another crew cabin, as well as other sundry cabins, storerooms, cabinets, etc. I hope you can enjoy these photos. All the best everyone! Cheers Patrick
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